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9/10/213 - Report of Herris Jensen

General Summary

[Written report of Herris Jensen as dictated to Gatefall Company employee Bernard Krieser for 1 Stuiver.]   Report from Escorting Loggers to set up Logging Camp   Ivelios used his magic to translate the inscriptions on the Obelisk. Ask them for a direct translation. To me, it had regular looking Humans, or at least human looking people, serving these larger different looking humans. The peasantry even were sacrificed to this higher tier of being. The middle tier of the hierarchy were these almost hybrids of humans and.. something else. And at the top of the obelisk were the recipients of the sacrifices. These angelic beings with wings. Ivelios said the inscriptions read to trust the "Most High". Could this be the same as the one named Zarus on the tombstone... or someone else? It also said to embrace The Sons or else you will face misfortune. Could it be that these people creatures beings called the "Sons" are the middle tier of rulership drawn on the obelisk... The ones who are larger and more alien-shaped but still look somewhat human? Could they be the enforcers of the angelic beings depicted on the obelisk? Are they the Most High or is there only one Most High? Considering the remnants of the once-grand roads were in such disrepair and the tombstones we saw were close to 100 years old, these overlords must have left or been overthrown recently... Or we are simply not yet near them and have yet to encounter them. I need a drink.   We met this new Adventurer named Wolfram. Apparently he is related to another of the adventurers in camp named Gunther. He will be joining us. We met the Burgermeister Burgomeister and discussed the state of the camp. We are vulnerable without fortifications and have a lack of wood to build new structures. It is our job to escort a band of woodcutters to the nearby Forest to set up a logging camp, guard them while they work, and bring back the first shipment of wood. Wolfram will accompany us. We set out at dawn.   Bernard here. Herris started talking about the religious differences among the parties in Gatefall and how he is nervous because he is a Pagan and everyone else is not. He quickly stopped and told me to not write it down, but I feel compelled to report this. There is a wide diversity of religious traditions followed by our adventurers in The New World. It seems that Herris is concerned about the possibility of a conflict brewing down the line, especially among the more devout worshippers. He seemed particularly afraid of Helena from what he had heard about her. He also was confused as to why the Orc Ma'ago claims to be a High Elf trapped in a box. He was a bit drunk when narrating this to me so I expect it's just drunken silliness from the stress. As of now, the adventurers seem to be functioning well and completing the work successfully, but I advise we watch for any issues that arise regarding their differing faiths.   We left in the morning. We made our way to the forest and camped for the night. Felt a sense of dread and unease. Those damned lights appeared again. I argued they were optical illusions. I even cast my own dancing lights to prove it. I thought that would show them and that maybe there were other civilized magic users nearby... I was wrong. The will'o'wisps Will o' Wisps are real. One danced right up to me and shocked me in the chest. I'm still shaking from it. Three of them attacked and killed two woodcutters. They are resistant to our weapons, only magic seems to hurt them without difficulty. We killed them. Lyudmilla harvested three of their essences for crafting. One of the three was more yellow than the others...   We set up camp on a hill. Even my flute failed to lift my companions' mood. Ma'ago found footprints. They weren't ours. They were faint human footprints. Some were barefoot. Some had light shoes. None were straight, they wandered aimlessly. Ma'ago thought they are undead.   Ma'ago was right. They attacked the logging camp in the night. Zombies, mindless shambling husks, were accompanied by Ghouls. The zombies could continue fighting even as they were being hacked to pieces. The ghouls can easily climb 10 foot palisades. There was a seemingly alpha ghoul that came after two waves of zombies and ghouls. I heard the others refer to it as a ghast. We lost two woodcutters, but held the camp and killed all the undead. Eight woodcutters remain. We harvested 4 portions of ghoul blood, the flesh of 11 zombies, and the ghast's blood for Crafting. We returned to Gatefall with a new shipment of wood. End of report.

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400 XP, 150 Guilders

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