The Royalist Faction of Cobal

The Royalist Faction, or King's Party, are a group of ruling nobles of the Kingdom of Cobal who are actively trying to re-establish the monarchy in the Kingdom.   Since the death of Willard the White, the Kingdom of Cobal has been ruled by the Lord High Regent of Cobal who was chosen from among the ruling nobles to serve for twelve years.  This was implemented because King Willard had no heirs and he had outlived three generations of his brother's descendants that could have succeeded him.  Rather than risk open civil war with a contested succession, the Regency allowed for peaceful rule without a clear heir.  This process was so smooth, it was followed for the next 97 years.   Over the course of that century, however, many nobles and common subjects have quietly longed for (and sometimes openly called for) the return of the Royal House of Bolder as the ruling monarchs of the realm.   Currently, the nobles and ruling elite that are counted amongst the Royalists are:  the Warden of Rorisar, the Warden of Colai, the Warden of Ronmar, the Warden of Elimar, the Warden of Selimar, the Warden of Manisar and the Warden of Manito.  Dozens more at a county or shire level are also actively advocating for the return of the King, and it is a popular theme amongst many of the common folk, as well.  This is especially true in the far west and in the northern river wards.   The current heir to the Bolder Dynasty is Will Bolder, the Lord Commander of Dragoons for the Ward of Jemptal.  He has nevere actively sought to retake his legitimate claim to the Bolder throne, but has never said he'd refuse it, either.

Public Agenda

To re-instate the Monarchy as the ruling entity within the Kingdom of Cobal and to peacefully end the Regency.
Political, Faction / Party
Alternative Names
King's Party
Parent Organization