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19. Shepherd’s Cottage

Perched at the top of the hill across from the Chapel of St. Cuthbert, the Shepherd’s Cottage is home to Black Jay, a reclusive and grizzled shepherd known for his solitary nature and deep connection to the land. Once a ranger and soldier, Black Jay now dedicates his life to tending his flock, living in quiet contemplation with his trusted wolf companion, 'Dog'.

Location and Description

The Shepherd’s Cottage is situated atop a hill, offering a commanding view of Hommlet and the surrounding countryside. Its remote location ensures both solitude and a strategic vantage point.
  • Cottage: The Shepherd’s Cottage is a humble stone and timber structure, weathered by time and elements, but still sturdy. It blends seamlessly into the natural landscape, reflecting Black Jay's desire for simplicity and privacy.
  • Fencing and Pasture: The property is surrounded by a low stone wall, enclosing a pasture where Black Jay’s flock grazes under the watchful eyes of his loyal dogs.
  • Living Quarters: Inside, the cottage is sparsely furnished, with basic necessities arranged neatly. A hearth provides warmth, and the walls are adorned with simple tapestries and mementos of Black Jay’s past life.
  • Storage and Supplies: Shelves and cupboards contain essential supplies and the few valuables he possesses, including his old ranger gear and personal items.

Lore and History

Once a Gnarley Ranger, Black Jay fought in the wars against the Temple of Elemental Evil. His family was tragically killed during his absence, leading him to retreat into a life of solitude and reflection.
Historical Significance
  • Connection to the Elves: Black Jay maintains a friendship with the elves of the Gnarley Forest, who respect his skills and dedication to the land.
  • Village Protector: Though he prefers isolation, Black Jay is a valuable ally in times of need, offering his skills and insight to protect Hommlet from external threats.

Motivation and Relationships

Black Jay’s Motivations
  • Solitude and Reflection: Black Jay seeks peace and solitude, finding solace in tending his flock and living a simple life removed from the chaos of the world.
  • Protection of the Village: Despite his desire for isolation, Black Jay remains committed to protecting Hommlet, acting as a silent guardian when necessary.
  • Limited Human Contact: Black Jay keeps to himself, interacting minimally with villagers and preferring the company of his dogs and wolf companion.
  • Friendship with the Elves: His connection to the Elves of the Gnarley Forest provides him with occasional companionship and support.

Current Events

Daily Life
Black Jay spends his days tending to his flock and maintaining his property, enjoying the quiet routine of shepherding. His evenings are often spent in contemplation by the hearth, reflecting on past battles and lost loved ones.
Bandit Concerns
While Black Jay avoids village politics, the rising bandit threat has not escaped his notice. He is prepared to act in defense of Hommlet, should the need arise. Black Jay is critical of what he perceives as the leaders' reliance on rhetoric rather than action, believing that more decisive measures are needed to tackle the bandit menace.
Opinions on Bandit Problems
"Bandits are like wolves without honor; they prey on the weak and threaten our way of life."
"The village leaders talk a good game, but words alone won't drive off the bandits lurking in the woods."
"Burne and Rufus might have their magic, but bandits need a strong arm and sharp blade to be truly dealt with."
"Elder Kenter Sr. has wisdom, but wisdom alone doesn't keep the roads safe for traders and villagers."
"Captain Fletcher's militia means well, but they're spread too thin, and the bandits know it."


The Shepherd’s Cottage stands as a symbol of solitude and resilience, reflecting Black Jay’s journey from ranger to recluse. While he may prefer isolation, his unwavering dedication to protecting Hommlet and his connection to the land make him a quiet but formidable ally. As bandit threats loom, Black Jay remains ever vigilant, ready to defend his home and the village he once fought to protect.
Personal Items
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He has a suit of studded leather armour +1, a shortbow and 6 +1 arrows, a cloak of elvenkind and an elven sabre.   Other than his gear noted, Black Jay has only a few coins in his purse(9sp and 19 cp) and an old jar in his cupboard with 14 gp, 12 sp and 88cp.
Black Jay and his companion "Dog" by 3orcs
"My blade may be sheathed, but my spirit remains vigilant."
Black Jay
  • Age: Mid-50s Race: Oeridian Oerid 
  • Role: Shepherd and retired ranger
  • Appearance: Black Jay is a grizzled, weathered man with a rugged demeanor, his face lined with the marks of time and hardship. He wears practical clothing suited for shepherding, often covered by his cloak of elvenkind.
  • Personality: Solitary and stoic, Black Jay prefers the company of his flock and animals to that of people. Despite his reclusive nature, he is fiercely protective of Hommlet and will stand up against any threats to the village.
  • Skills: As a former ranger, Black Jay possesses expert survival and tracking skills, and his connection to nature remains strong.
  • Religion: He respects The Old Faith but keeps his spiritual beliefs private.
  • Role: Black Jay’s animal companion and protector
  • Appearance: "Dog" is a large, sleek wolf with a keen intelligence in his eyes, moving with silent grace and power.
  • Personality: Loyal and protective, "Dog" is Black Jay’s constant companion and guardian, serving as his eyes and ears in the wilderness.
Dogs (3): AC 7; HD 1 + 1; hp 7, 5, 4, #AT 1; D 1-4; XP 34, 30, 28   Herdsman: AC 4 (chain & shield Level 2
Fighter; hp 11; #AT 1 or 2; D 2-9 (longsword or 1-6/1-6 (longbow, ranges 7"/14V21'XP58
S 17 113 W 12 D 15 Co 11 Ch 10
Parent Location

Cover image: Village of Hommlet by 3orcs


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