C10 Guild of Architects, Masons, and Carpenters Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C10 Guild of Architects, Masons, and Carpenters

The Guild of Architects, Masons, and Carpenters in Verbobonc stands as a pivotal institution within the civic structure of the city, representing the skilled individuals who craft its buildings and public works. The guildhall itself, a testament to their craftsmanship, is the nerve center for all construction-related activities in the city.

Guildhall Description

  • Structure: The guildhall is constructed from finely worked stone, showcasing the skill and precision of its members.
  • Function: It serves as the planning and operational hub for all major construction projects within Verbobonc.
  • Current Issues: The guild is currently engaged in a high-profile protest against the city hall, advocating for the banning of the "Stone Shape" spell which they argue undermines traditional masonry work.


  • Founding: The guild was established several centuries ago, following Verbobonc’s expansion as a trade center.
  • Development: It has played a crucial role in shaping the architectural landscape of the city, contributing to both its aesthetic and functional growth.
  • Recent Conflicts: The introduction of magical construction methods has led to tensions with city officials and a decrease in demand for traditional craftsmanship.

Relationships and Politics

  • City Hall: Currently strained by the C2 City Hall due to lobbying efforts against magic use in construction.
  • Other Guilds: Generally maintains cooperative relations, especially with the miners and woodworkers for material supplies.
  • Magical Community: There is notable tension with practitioners of magic who offer alternative construction methods.


  • Preservation of Craft: The guild is motivated by a desire to preserve traditional building methods and the livelihood of its members.
  • Advocacy for Regulations: Pushing for regulations that favor manual craftsmanship over magical shortcuts.

Notable People

  • Senior Architects: Includes two humans and one gnome, each an Expert Level 7, who lead the guild’s most significant projects and uphold its standards of quality.
  • Dwarven Staff: Six Dwarves  work here, one of whom is a Fighter Level 5/Expert Level 2 and serves as the keeper of the archives, maintaining detailed records of guild activities and building plans.

Goods and Services

  • Consultation and Design Services: Offers expert architectural and structural planning services for both public and private construction projects.
  • Craftsmanship and Repair: Specializes in high-quality masonry, carpentry, and stonework, including restoration of historic buildings.
  • Workshops and Apprenticeships: Provides training and apprenticeship programs to foster new talent in the fields of architecture, masonry, and carpentry.


  • Design Studios: Equipped with drafting tables and material samples for architectural design.
  • Workshops: Various workshops for woodwork and stone masonry, fully equipped with tools and materials.
  • Archives: A comprehensive collection of architectural plans and guild records, managed by the dwarven keeper of the archives.
  This guild not only contributes to the physical structure of Verbobonc but also stands as a bulwark against the erosion of traditional skills by modern magical methods, ensuring that the art of building remains grounded in human craftsmanship and architectural integrity.  
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Guild of Architects, Masons, and Carpenters by 3orcs
Senior architects
  • Human Architect: Eliza Tarnworth 
  • Human Architect: Marcus Fenlow
  • Gnome Architect: Tinken Dabbledot
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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