C9 Bankers and Lapidarys Guild Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C9 Bankers and Lapidarys Guild

The Bankers and Lapidarys Guild serves as the financial nexus of Verbobonc, located within the bustling Civic Center. This building is not only a hub for monetary transactions but also houses the city’s most influential moneylenders and gem specialists. Its operations are essential for maintaining the economic stability and growth of the city.

Lore and Historical Significance

  • Origins and Evolution: The guild was established as a response to the growing need for organized financial services in a rapidly expanding trade environment. Originally just a loose association of moneylenders, it has grown to incorporate various financial services.
  • Historical Impact: Over the years, the guild has played a crucial role in several city-wide economic recoveries and has been pivotal in funding major construction projects and city defenses.

Facilities and Security Measures

  • Layout Description: The ground floor of the guild is a lively open space filled with moneylenders’ tables. The upper floors house administrative offices and secure vaults, accessible only to guild members.
  • Security Protocols: The guild employs heavy security measures, including armored guards, magical protections, and strict access controls to secure areas like the vaults.

Guild Services

  • Money Lending: Various lenders offer loans with a standard interest rate of 10% per month, secured by a 20% deposit of trade goods.
  • Currency Exchange: Money changing services are available for a nominal fee of 1%, allowing patrons to exchange different currencies and coinage.
  • Secure Storage: For those looking to safeguard valuables, the guild offers vault storage services at 1% of the stored value per month.
Notary and Legal Services
For a fee, the guild also offers notary services and legal advice, particularly in matters related to business and commerce.
  • Basic Notary Services: For services such as document verification, witnessing, and signing, the fee is typically around 15 silver pieces (1.5 gold pieces) per document.
  • Contract Drafting and Review: More complex services like drafting and reviewing contracts or legal documents usually start at 50 silver pieces (5 gold pieces), depending on the complexity and length of the document.
  • Legal Consultation: An initial legal consultation, which might include preliminary legal advice and strategy discussion, could cost around 30 silver pieces (3 gold pieces) per hour.
  • Extended Legal Services: For ongoing legal representation or extensive legal battles, the guild may charge a retainer starting at 100 gold pieces, with additional costs accruing based on the nature of the legal work.

Relationships and Politics

  • City Integration: The guild works closely with city officials to ensure financial policies benefit the broader economy of Verbobonc.
  • Economic and Religious Integration: The guild’s operations are closely tied to the  B3 Chapel of Zilchus , emphasizing the blend of economic and religious influences in the city’s financial sector.
  • Guild Dynamics: Internal politics among members often influence lending rates and service terms, reflecting the competitive nature of the financial sector.

Notable Individuals

  • Guildmaster: The current guildmaster is known for their shrewd financial acumen and has been instrumental in negotiating trade agreements with other cities.
  • Senior Lenders: Several prominent lenders are recognized for their influence over the city’s economic policies and have strong ties to various commercial enterprises.

Guild Motivation and Goals

  • Economic Stability: The primary goal of the guild is to ensure the economic stability and growth of Verbobonc through strategic financial management.
  • Expansion of Services: Plans are underway to expand their offerings to include insurance services for traders and adventurers, further embedding the guild’s importance in the city’s economic fabric.


The Bankers and Lapidarys Guild stands as a pillar of financial stability and innovation in Verbobonc. With its deep-rooted history and integral role in the city’s economy, it continues to shape the financial landscape of the region. Whether you're a local needing a loan, a merchant seeking to safeguard assets, or a traveler requiring currency exchange, the guild provides essential services to meet a wide array of financial needs.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Bankers and Lapidarys Guild by 3orcs
Parent Location
Sir Alderich Feldspar by 3orcs
Guildmaster Sir Alderich Feldspar
Sir Alderich Feldspar, a prominent figure within Verbobonc’s financial circles, serves as the Guildmaster of the Bankers and Lapidarys Guild. His influential position has made him a key player in the city's economic strategies and a respected authority among both the elite and common folk.
Sir Alderich is known for his astute and cautious demeanor. A man of numbers and precision, he rarely lets emotions sway his decisions, focusing instead on the facts and figures before him. His approach to banking and finance is methodical, often leading to conservative but stable outcomes.
Driven by a desire to maintain and enhance the financial stability of Verbobonc, Sir Alderich’s primary motivation is to ensure the city's prosperity. He aims to expand the guild's influence and services, making financial resources more accessible to all segments of society while safeguarding the city’s wealth against potential economic downturns.
In the political arena, Sir Alderich advocates for policies that support economic growth and stability. He is often involved in discussions and negotiations that align the guild’s interests with those of the city’s governance. His diplomatic skills are particularly evident in his ability to mediate between competing commercial interests, ensuring that all parties find mutually beneficial ground.
Sir Alderich maintains a network of influential connections throughout the city, including close ties with other guild masters and key members of the civic administration. His relationship with the clergy of Zilchus is notably strong, emphasizing the guild’s role in bolstering the city's economic and religious prosperity. He is respected by his peers for his reliability and expertise, though some may find his conservative approach to finance too rigid for more speculative ventures.   Through his leadership, Sir Alderich Feldspar not only manages the day-to-day operations of the Bankers and Lapidarys Guild but also shapes its long-term strategic direction, ensuring its pivotal role in the economic landscape of Verbobonc.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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