C16 The Gathering Hall of Verbobonc Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C16 The Gathering Hall of Verbobonc

The Forum of Verbobonc
In the bustling heart of Verbobonc lies the Forum of Verbobonc, a pivotal establishment in the civic center of the city. Modeled after the medieval communal houses of old, such as the Thingwall and wapentakes of England, the Forum serves as a gathering place for the city's populace to engage in public discourse, political rallies, and communal decision-making.

Historical Significance

The Forum of Verbobonc, established in the early days of the city’s founding, has been a cornerstone of local governance and community interaction. It has witnessed countless debates, decisions, and declarations that have shaped the course of Verbobonc's history.

Architectural Evolution

Started as a modest wooden structure and has evolved into a large, stone edifice with expansive open spaces to accommodate large gatherings. Features symbols and crests of Verbobonc, representing the city's heritage and the unity of its people.
Role in Community Engagement
The Forum is not just a physical space but a symbol of the city’s democratic spirit. It hosts everything from town meetings to significant ceremonial events, reflecting the active participation of its citizens in civic life.

Civic Activities

  • Weekly town hall meetings where citizens discuss city matters and voice their opinions.
  • Annual celebrations and commemorations of historic events and figures.
Political Impact
The strategic use of the Forum by various political entities underscores its significance in Verbobonc’s political landscape. It is a neutral ground where officials and citizens alike can speak and be heard, influencing policy and public opinion.

Platform for Advocacy

  • Used by local leaders and activists to rally support for causes and campaigns.
  • A place where policy changes are proposed and debated openly before implementation.

Architecture and Layout

The design of the Forum facilitates its multifunctional use, with areas designated for different types of gatherings, from small group discussions to large public addresses.
Key Features
  • A central dais for speakers, prominently positioned for visibility.
  • Benches and standing areas designed to accommodate a large number of people.

Notable Figures

The Forum has been the proving ground for many of Verbobonc’s most influential leaders and speakers, who have used this platform to inspire, persuade, and mobilize the populace.
Custodians of the Forum
  • A dedicated group of city officials from C2 City Hall and volunteers who maintain the order and schedule of events.
  • Historians who document the proceedings and ensure that the heritage of the Forum is preserved for future generations.


The Forum of Verbobonc stands as a testament to the city's commitment to open dialogue and community involvement. It remains a vital part of the civic infrastructure, encouraging active participation in governance and community life, thus fostering a sense of belonging and responsibility among the citizens of Verbobonc.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
The Gathering Hall of Verbobonc by 3orcs
"Within These Walls, We Forge the Bonds of Community."
Manor house / Meeting hall
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by 3orcs


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