C7 The Academy of Farsight Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C7 The Academy of Farsight

The Academy of Farsight, nestled in the heart of the cobblestone civic center of Verbobonc, is a testament to the city’s dedication to education and enlightenment. Founded in 422 CY by gnomish investors, this public academy has grown from its humble beginnings into an institution resembling a university. Known for its specialized curriculum focused on business and administration, the Academy of Farsight offers a unique educational experience amidst the scholarly pursuits typical of Verbobonc.


  • Campus Layout: The academy features a series of interconnected buildings, each dedicated to different facets of business education like accounting, bookkeeping, and languages.
  • Library and Resources: Boasts a well-stocked library with texts on commerce, finance, and several languages, catering to a diverse student body.
  • Classrooms and Lecture Halls: Equipped with the latest instructional technology, ensuring that students have access to the best learning tools.


  • Founding: Established in 422 CY by visionary Gnomes, the Academy was intended to formalize and enhance the business acumen among locals.
  • Expansion: Over the years, as Verbobonc expanded, so did the Academy, growing in size and scope to meet the increasing demand for business education.

Relationships and Politics

  • Local Impact: The Academy maintains strong ties with local businesses and guilds, providing a steady stream of educated individuals ready to enter the workforce.
  • Aristocratic Preferences: Despite its reputation, many local aristocrats send their children to more prestigious institutions in larger cities, impacting the Academy’s demographic and funding.

Motivation and Goals

  • Educational Excellence: Strives to provide the best business education in the region, focusing on practical skills that students can immediately apply.
  • Community Integration: Aims to integrate more fully with local businesses and guilds to ensure students have practical experience and job placement after graduation.

Notable People

  • Gnomish Influence: Predominantly attended by gnomes due to the founders' heritage and the practical nature of its curriculum.
  • Faculty and Alumni: Includes a number of respected scholars in the fields of finance, law, and the liberal arts, many of whom are published authors or have developed innovative business practices.

Goods and Services

  • Educational Programs: Offers courses in accounting, bookkeeping, various languages, and math-related subjects.
  • Certifications: Provides certification in various business disciplines, enhancing graduates' employability in Verbobonc and beyond.

Future Prospects

  • Expansion Plans: There are ongoing discussions about expanding the curriculum to include more diverse subjects to attract a wider student body.
  • Scholarship Programs: Plans to introduce scholarships to attract students from lower economic backgrounds and diversify the student population.
The Academy of Farsight continues to be a cornerstone of Verbobonc’s educational landscape, contributing significantly to the intellectual and economic development of the city
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
The Academy of Farsight by 3orcs
Sapply Welber, Male Gnome
7th level wizard
Str 7, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 17, Wis 16, Cha 10   Description: His skin is bronze and flawless. He prefers to wear blue pants and tee shirts. He is an epitome of beauty. His auburn hair is still thick. His fair skin shows little sign of his aristocratic breeding.   Personality: He has two modes he varies between. On the job he is cold, steely and emotionless. Off the job he enjoys tea and events around the city. He is submissive, is generally bored by everything, but will take part in whatever people ask of him. He is by nature obliging.   Motivation: A strong sense of loyalty to Gnomish people; and a strong supporter to Prince Jimm Pithriggen
Founding Date
College / Academy
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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