C13 Zeebel’s Maroon Mon Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C13 Zeebel’s Maroon Mon

This is a very unique inn in the city. As soon as one walks by the building, they can notice the distinct western architecture. From the bright colours to the crested peaks on the eves and gables, this inn is blatantly Baklunish in style and design. As soon as you enter the long marble hallway, you are greeted by large Baklunish males dressed in bright robes.

A Baklunish Enclave in Verbobonc

Zeebel's Maroon Mon stands out in the cityscape of Verbobonc for its distinct Baklunish Bakluni architectural flair and vibrant cultural offerings. This inn is not just a place to stay; it is an immersion into the opulent and sensory-rich traditions of the Baklunish west, attracting both the curious and the cosmopolitan with its exotic appeal.
  • Unique Architecture: The building features bright colors, crested peaks on eaves, and a distinctly western Baklunish style that captures the eye and intrigues the mind.
  • Cultural Gateway: Walking into Zeebel’s is like stepping into another world, offering a cultural experience that transcends the typical inn offerings in Verbobonc.

Description of Facilities

The Maroon Mon is designed to offer a luxurious escape, with interiors that celebrate Baklunish art and culture. From the opulent entryway lined with tropical palms to the grand ballroom adorned with mosaics depicting scenes from Zeif and Ull, every detail is meticulously curated to provide an authentic Baklunish atmosphere.
  • Rich Decor: The interior is laden with richly colored rugs, large copper tea kettles, and opulent pillows for guest relaxation.
  • Entertainment: Veil-wearing belly dancers perform for guests, enhancing the exotic feel of the inn.


Established by Zeebel, a native of Zeif, the Maroon Mon was conceived as a bridge between his homeland and the bustling life of Verbobonc. Zebel aimed to introduce the rich heritage of the Baklunish people to the city, creating a unique cultural hub that also serves as a luxurious inn.
  • Cultural Integration: Over the years, Zeebel's Maroon Mon has become a celebrated part of Verbobonc’s diverse cultural landscape, attracting travelers and locals alike.
  • Architectural Influence: The distinct architecture of the inn has influenced other buildings in the area, bringing a touch of the exotic to the civic center.

Relationships and Politics

The presence of Zeebel's Maroon Mon in the heart of Verbobonc is not without its political implications. Zebel's strong ties to his Baklunish roots and his flair for lavish entertainment have positioned him as both a cultural ambassador and a savvy businessman.
  • Cultural Diplomacy: Zeebel uses his inn as a platform for cultural exchange, fostering a better understanding between Baklunish expatriates and the local populace.
  • Local Politics: His establishment interacts closely with local businesses and authorities, navigating the complexities of city politics to maintain its high-profile status.
Notable People Zeebel: the charismatic owner of the Maroon Mon, is a large, robust man proud of his Baklunish heritage. His personality is as colorful as his inn, with a flamboyant style that endears him to many but also sets him apart.
  • Background and Motivation: Originally from Zeif, Zebel moved to Verbobonc to bring a piece of his culture to the city. His motivation extends beyond business; he aims to educate and integrate.
  • Personal Relationships: Zeebel maintains strong connections within the Baklunish community and has fostered relationships with various local leaders to promote his cultural agenda.

Cost and Services

Staying at Zeebel’s Maroon Mon is an investment in experience. The inn offers a range of high-end services that justify its premium pricing, making it a favorite among those who can afford its luxuries.
  • Room Rates: Each opulently furnished room costs 20gp per night.
  • Dining Experience: The inn serves exotic western dishes, such as spicy trijen rice and sweetened dates, at a premium cost.
  • Additional Services: Guests enjoy added luxuries like free massages and magical entertainments that reflect the inn’s lavish approach to hospitality.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
Zeebel’s Maroon Mon Inn by 3orcs
Zebel: the charismatic owner of the Maroon Mon
Parent Location
Zeebel by 3orcs
Zeebels Lounge by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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