C12 Advocates Guild Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C12 Advocates Guild

The Bastion of Legal Expertise

Located in the Civic Centre district, amidst the cobblestone streets of Verbobonc, the Advocates Guild stands as a cornerstone of legal services within the city. This guild not only facilitates the provision of legal representation but also plays a crucial role in maintaining the rule of law and justice across the city's bustling community and its interactions with the Lords of Verbobonc and various religious institutions.
  • Guild Description: The building serves strictly as an office but is adorned with symbols and ties to the Temple of the Blinding Light of the One True Way Church of Pholtus, reflecting a deep intertwining of legal and spiritual guidance.
  • Vital Role: It controls and organizes the services of lawyers and arbiters who play pivotal roles in the city's legal proceedings and disputes.

Historical Background

The Advocates Guild has evolved over the years, reflecting the changes in Verbobonc’s legal landscape and the growing complexities of its societal interactions.
  • Origins: Rooted in the medieval tradition of the Justices of the Peace, originally known as the Keepers of the Peace, tasked with suppressing disorder and enforcing laws.
  • Development: Over time, these roles have expanded to include a broad range of legal services, particularly focusing on trade disputes and criminal defense.

Political and Legal Influence

The Guild’s influence extends deep into the political fabric of Verbobonc, engaging directly with the city's governance and other powerful entities.
  • Court Interactions: The Guild provides advocates who represent clients in the Chamber of 13 at Verbobonc C2 City Hall, where major legal battles and decisions unfold.
  • Connection to City Hall: Members often interact with city officials and the Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart himself, advising on legal matters and helping to shape policy.

Goods and Services

The Advocates Guild offers a range of services aimed at addressing the legal needs of Verbobonc’s citizens, from the wealthiest merchants to the common folk.
  • Criminal Defense: Representation in major criminal cases with a structured fee system that includes a significant retainer to secure the services of skilled advocates.
  • Trade Disputes: Specialized legal support for merchant houses involved in territorial and commercial disputes.

Pricing Structure

The cost of legal services provided by the Guild is structured to cater to the severity and complexity of the cases.
  • Minor Legal Matters: Priced at 12gp per day with a 10% retainer fee.
  • Major Crimes: Heavier legal accusations demand a fee of 60gp per day, with a 50% retainer to secure the services of the guild's most competent advocates.


The Advocates Guild of Verbobonc is more than just a center for legal services; it is a vital institution that ensures the maintenance of justice and order within the city. Through its close ties with the city's political and religious sectors, the guild not only influences legal outcomes but also contributes to the stability and integrity of Verbobonc’s civic structure. Its role in the community is indispensable, making it a respected entity among all who value justice and lawful conduct in the city.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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