C8 The Spruce Goose Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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C8 The Spruce Goose Inn

True nobility or the very wealthy generally prefer to stay at the luxurious Spruce Goose Inn. Located prominently in the heart of the civic centre, this large group of buildings is one of the largest inn’s in the city. This expensive place caters to the nobility and to those who want to parade grandly and pretend they’re noble.   From the outside it looks peaceful, clean and beautiful. Large and small stones and marble pillars make up most of the building's outer structure. It's tough to see through the small, stained glass windows, but the energy and excitement from within can be felt outside.   As you enter the tavern through the thick, metal door, you're welcomed by excitement and amazing, but unknown scents. The Maître D' is working hard, but still manages to welcome you with a smile.   It's as alluring inside as it is on the outside. Squared, wooden beams support the upper floor and the lanterns attached to them. The walls are full of paintings, all in a different style, but all of the surrounding area. A huge marbled entrance hall is 40’ high, with arched ceilings, mirrors, and fine oak furniture adorned with magnificent white statues.   One need not examine the intricate filigree of the silver candlesticks lighting the entrance to this inn, nor touch the cushioning of the plush velvet upholstery adorning the many overstuffed seats within. No, you are quite aware of the extravagance, and the probable cost of staying in such an establishment. The eyes of the uniformed staff and well-dressed guests critically judge you by the dust of the road on your boots and clothing.   The inn itself is packed. Nobles and rich merchants seem to be the primary clientele here, which is probably the best clientele for the owner. Several long tables are occupied by, what looks like nobles, lone travellers and anybody else who enjoys great company. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by rich merchants entertaining and in discussion.

A Luxurious Haven in Verbobonc

The Spruce Goose Inn stands as a pinnacle of luxury in the civic center of Verbobonc, catering to nobility and those aspiring to such grandeur. This expansive inn combines sophisticated architecture with top-tier services, making it a preferred destination for the elite.

Historical Significance

  • Established Prestige: The inn has long been a symbol of opulence within the city, known for its exclusive clientele and high standards of service.
  • Founding and Evolution: The inn's storied past reflects its growth from a high-end lodging to a landmark of luxury within Verbobonc, frequented by the most influential figures in the region.
  • Architectural Marvel: Constructed with a blend of stone and marble, the inn features stained glass windows and elaborate decor that speak to its rich history and cultural significance.

Description of Facilities

  • Elegant Interiors: The inn boasts a grand marble entrance hall, luxurious sitting rooms, and private suites with modern conveniences like magical lighting and indoor plumbing.
  • Exclusive Amenities: Features include a heated magical swimming pool, climate-controlled courtyards, and extensive security measures to ensure guest privacy and comfort.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Management Hierarchy: Managed by a dedicated Maître D' along with a team of skilled staff who cater to every need of the guests, from room service to personal errands.
  • Staff Expertise: Employees are highly trained in hospitality, security, and discretion, capable of handling the unique demands of the inn's distinguished guests.

Notable People

  • Distinguished Guests: Regularly hosts royalty, dignitaries, and high-profile figures, each bringing along their retinue while relying on the inn's superior service.
  • Elite Clientele: The inn's reputation draws a sophisticated crowd, from visiting ambassadors to high-ranking clergy and influential merchants.

Goods and Services

  • Luxurious Offerings: The inn provides an array of exceptional services including gourmet banquets in the grand ballroom, personalized room service, and special arrangements for private functions.
  • Exceptional Dining and Comforts: Offers gourmet meals, luxury spa services, and opulent banquet facilities, providing everything guests might need under one roof.
  • Additional Luxuries: Guests can enjoy free massages, exotic entertainment upon request, and the convenience of having all their needs met without ever needing to step outside.

Relationships and Politics

  • Strategic Location: Situated near the city’s civic heart, the inn is intertwined with the local political and social scenes, hosting many of the city’s most significant events and meetings.
  • Influence and Alliances: Maintains strong relationships with local businesses and cultural institutions to ensure guests have access to the best experiences Verbobonc has to offer.

Motivation and Goals

  • Preservation of Reputation: Continuously strives to uphold and enhance its status as a premier destination for luxury and exclusivity in Verbobonc.
  • Expansion of Services: Aims to innovate and expand its range of offerings to keep pace with the evolving tastes and needs of its high-end clientele.
The Spruce Goose Inn not only offers a place of rest but a bastion of cultural and political influence, making it a central figure in the narratives that shape Verbobonc.

Room in an Inn

Heavy oaken doors line the hallway, each emblazoned with a tarnished copper letter. Portraits hang between the doors, faded with age, depicting past owners of the inn or famous patrons. The door quietly opens with a twist of the key, and inside you find lavish but comfortable accommodations: a feather bed with a Ipp polished wooden frame, quilt blanket a small bedside table with a pair of beeswax candles, a small footlocker with a heavy iron padlock, and a copper washing basin, above which hangs an silver oblong mirror. The room smells pleasantly of old wood and dried lavender.
Mirela Velysin by 3orcs
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Cost of Rooms and Services
Single room: 30gp/night.
  • All meals are included as well as stabling.
  • Servants can stay in the ‘staff’ wing for 10gp/night.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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