F11 “Big Weapons" Forge Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F11 “Big Weapons" Forge

Nestled in the heart of the cobblestone streets of the Foreign Quarter in Verbobonc lies a unique establishment nicknamed “Big” Weapons. The shop is famed for its imposing two-handed and large weapons. With its reputation for crass haggling and a taste for orcish flair, this shop is a go-to for adventurers seeking unparalleled weaponry. Despite its intimidating aura, "Big" Weapons stands as a vital fixture in the Foreign Quarter, serving both locals and travelers alike.

The Shop's Facade

A wooden sign depicting muscular (orcish) hands gripping a two-handed sword swings gently outside the door, providing the only clue to the shop's purpose. The lack of a formal name is intentional, as the illiterate owner relies on the nickname given by locals: "Big" Weapons.

Lore and History

Origin and Founding
"Big" Weapons was founded decades ago by Gribb, a half-orc, half-Oeridian smith with a knack for crafting monstrous weapons. Initially an outcast, Gribb fought his way into the hearts of Verbobonc's adventurers by supplying high-quality, exotic weaponry. Growth and Reputation
Over time, Gribb's crass yet dependable demeanor and his shop's unmatched inventory of large weapons made "Big" Weapons a cornerstone of Verbobonc's Foreign Quarter. Despite his loud and intimidating tactics, he is known for his fairness when dealing with those who can argue in Orcish. Personality and Relationships

Relationships in the Foreign Quarter

  • Merchant Allies: Gribb maintains a healthy relationship with other smiths and weapon traders, although they view him as eccentric.
  • Adventurer Patrons: Despite his rough demeanor, adventurers frequent the shop due to its unique offerings.
  • Guild Connections: Gribb has a loose association with the local Merchant's Guild but keeps his independence fiercely guarded.

The Shop and Its Services

Exterior and Interior
  • Exterior: The shop's wooden sign and plain exterior give little away to the casual observer. The constant hammering from inside, however, hints at the forge's busy nature.
  • Interior: Inside, walls and racks are adorned with every kind of large weapon imaginable, many of which feature wicked curves, barbs, and thick-ugly shapes.

Goods and Services

Weapon Inventory
  • Large and Two-Handed Weapons: The shop boasts Verbobonc's largest selection of two-handed swords, great axes, and other massive weapons.
  • Orcish-Inspired Weapons: Unique orcish weapons like the orc double axe, spiked clubs, and barbed blades are a specialty.
  • Masterwork Weapons: Most weapons have a masterwork finish with intricate, albeit fearsome, detailing.
Enchantments and Custom Orders
  • Gribb accepts custom orders for enchantable weapons up to +2.
  • Requires a 50% deposit for custom orders.
  • Orcish-style enchantments available on request.
Prices and Discounts
  • Expensive Prices: Gribb's weapons are priced high unless one can haggle in Orcish for a discount.
  • Orcish Speakers: Customers fluent in Orcish often receive a substantial discount.
Quality and Craftsmanship
  • Normal Weapons: Standard quality weapons are readily available and reasonably priced for their category.
  • Masterwork Weapons: All masterwork weapons exhibit Gribb's signature style with curves, barbs, and intimidating designs.

Haggling Tips

  • Orcish Fluency: Learn basic Orcish phrases to negotiate better prices.
  • Compliment Gribb's Craftsmanship: Flattery can earn small discounts.


"Big" Weapons is not just a shop; it's an experience. With Gribb's intimidating demeanor and unmatched craftsmanship, it remains a must-visit for any adventurer seeking weapons that are as powerful as they are fearsome. Despite the chaos of haggling, those who speak Orcish and appreciate Gribb's unique style will find themselves walking away with both a great deal and a mighty weapon.
Gribb the Half-Orc Smith
  • Personality: Gribb is loud, crass, and not afraid to threaten customers with beheadings if his haggling isn't going well. Despite this, he's generally fair, especially to those who can argue in Orcish.
  • Intimidation Tactics: Threats of violence and intimidation are common tactics used by Gribb to haggle prices in his favor.
  • Loyalty to Regulars: Regular customers and those who speak Orcish will find Gribb generous with discounts and favorable treatment.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location
Prices and Discounts
  • Expensive Prices: Gribb's weapons are priced high unless one can haggle in Orcish for a discount.
  • Orcish Speakers: Customers fluent in Orcish often receive a substantial discount.
Quality and Craftsmanship
  • Normal Weapons: Standard quality weapons are readily available and reasonably priced for their category.
  • Masterwork Weapons: All masterwork weapons exhibit Gribb's signature style with curves, barbs, and intimidating designs.

Cost Breakdown

Normal Weapons
  • Two-Handed Sword: 50 gp
  • Great Axe: 60 gp
Masterwork Weapons
  • Two-Handed Sword (Masterwork): 350 gp
  • Orc Double Axe (Masterwork): 400 gp
Custom Enchanted Weapons
  • Base Weapon Cost + 1,500 gp per +1 Enchantment

Cover image: by 3orcs


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