F10 The Pampered Polecat Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F10 The Pampered Polecat

The establishment goes out of its way to avoid attention from passerby—tucked between a shops. But those who know its location find that it welcomes them with suffused amber light, air tinged with perfume, and beautiful hosts of every shape, size, and gender expression imaginable. A sign at the door reads: “No touching. Look to your heart’s content.”   This newly established business has generated lots of controversy among the local churches, guilds, and city officials. Some churches outright dismiss this type of business as abhorrent. Other religions embrace the lifestyle. Located in the Foreign District, this establishment occasionally attracts an unsavory type of clientele (rogues, adventurers, etc). But the huge influx of adventures to the city (and to this establishment) was enough for city officials to relish in the taxes it generates (and the city guards like to keep all the unsavory folk in one place). This multi-story building always has music emanating from it, and is decorated in many red ‘continual light’ globes hanging from its numerous balconies.   Gorgeous hosts of every shape, size, and gender expression imaginable greet you at the door with demure smiles. Soft, amber light and a curtain of perfumed smoke lends an almost magical, otherworldly glow to the spacious room, littered with comfortable seating areas and shadowed alcoves. “No touching,” your host reminds you cheerfully. “But please, feast your eyes.” A massive bar dominates one wall, its shelves stocked with every liquor imaginable, both mundane and magical. Hosts move gracefully from one table to the next, serving drinks and sharing pleasant conversation. Laughter fills the air, while in the far corner, a solitary bard strums pleasantly on a lute.
Nestled discreetly between two shops in the heart of Verbobonc's Foreign Quarter, The Pampered Polecat is a brothel and bathhouse known for welcoming patrons into a world of amber light, perfumed air, and beautiful hosts of every shape, size, and gender expression imaginable. Controversial yet highly popular, this multi-story establishment is decorated with red 'continual light' globes hanging from its balconies, offering an otherworldly glow to its spacious rooms.
From Greyhawk Twins to Verbobonc Magnates

Founding of the Polecat

Freda and Yevon Dawnhammer, twin sisters from Greyhawk, established The Pampered Polecat to create an inclusive oasis of pleasure. Initially controversial among churches and officials, it quickly gained popularity due to the influx of adventurers and the taxes it generates for the city.
  • Dawnhammer Twins' Vision: Freda and Yevon Dawnhammer, twin sisters from the Free City of Greyhawk, established The Pampered Polecat to create an inclusive oasis of pleasure.
  • Controversial Beginnings: Initially generated controversy among local churches, guilds, and city officials due to its nature.
Gaining Popularity
  • Adventurer Magnet: The influx of adventurers to Verbobonc fueled the Polecat's popularity.
  • Tax Revenue for City Officials: Despite controversy, the taxes generated were enough for city officials to welcome the business.

A Discreet Facade and a World of Luxury Inside

Tucked between shops with a discreet facade, the Polecat's interior is a spacious lounge with amber light, perfumed smoke, and comfortable seating. Gorgeous hosts welcome guests into a magical environment filled with laughter, music, and drinks, while shadowed alcoves provide privacy. Exterior
  • Discreet Entrance: Tucked between two shops with a sign reading “No touching. Look to your heart’s content.”
  • Red Continual Light Globes: Multi-story building adorned with glowing red globes hanging from balconies.
  • Spacious Lounge Area: Suffused amber light, perfumed smoke, and comfortable seating areas create a magical glow.
  • Hosts of Every Kind: Gorgeous hosts of every shape, size, and gender expression greet guests at the door with smiles.
  • Massive Bar: Stocked with every liquor imaginable, both mundane and magical.
  • Shadowed Alcoves and Seating: Offers shadowed alcoves and cozy seating for private conversations.

Services and Costs

An Array of Luxuries and Pleasures
The reception lounge offers bardic music, fruits, and snacks, while massages, hot baths, and exotic company are available at varying rates. Male and female hosts of every race cater to patrons' desires, with fees ranging from 1 gp to 50 gp depending on the host.
Reception Lounge
  • Lounge Chairs and Music: Cozy lounge chairs, bardic music, and complimentary fruits and snacks provided.
  • Waiting Time: 30-60 minutes without a reservation.
Bathhouse Services
  • Massages: 1 sp for a 30-minute massage.
  • Bath Time: 5 sp for 30 minutes of bath time.
  • Hot Baths and Masseuses: Offers hot leisurely baths and skilled masseuses.
Exotic Company
  • Male and Female Hosts: Every local race represented, available for exotic parties and companionship.
  • 1 gp to 50 gp, depending on the host's skill and charisma.
  • 1 gp for a basic companion.
  • 50 gp for the most gifted and charismatic employee.


Navigating Controversy and Favor Among Patrons
The Pampered Polecat generates controversy among conservative churches like St. Cuthbert's, while faiths like Trithereon and Fharlanghn are more tolerant. City officials welcome the tax revenue, and many adventurers would defend the Dawnhammer twins due to their loyalty.
Religious Controversy
City Officials and Guards
  • Tax Revenue: Relished by Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc city officials for the taxes it generates.
  • Navigating Controversy and Favor Among Patrons Keeps unsavory clientele in one place, supported by the guards.


The Pampered Polecat is an oasis of pleasure in Verbobonc’s Foreign Quarter, run by the Dawnhammer twins and offering a world of luxury. Despite controversy, it remains a beacon of pleasure, drawing patrons into its magical environment filled with amber light, perfumed air, and exotic hosts.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
The Pampered Polecat by 3orcs
"Whether you're noble or rogue, everyone is royalty at The Pampered Polecat."
"At The Pampered Polecat, every night is a symphony of pleasure." - The Dawnhammer twins' promise of luxurious entertainment.

Notable People

The Dawnhammer Twins and Their Loyal Hosts
Freda Dawnhammer (Co-Owner and Hostess)
Freda is charming and charismatic Suloise Suel  mix with Flannae Flan, ensuring guests and employees feel welcomed while managing the Polecat with her sister.
Freda and Yevon Dawnhammer by 3orcs
Yevon Dawnhammer (Co-Owner and Hostess)
Playful and welcoming, Yevon maintains a luxurious environment while keeping unruly patrons in line.   Nimara Silkveil (Head Hostess and Bard)
Nimara, a Half-Elves bard, enchants guests with her performances and storytelling, ensuring guest satisfaction.   Brak Ironfist (Head Bouncer)
Brak, a former mercenary, maintains order and security at the Polecat while protecting hosts and guests.
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location
Nimara Silkveil by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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