F9 The Trader's Stableyard Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F9 The Trader's Stableyard

Barns and Stalls for Rent in the Foreign Quarter
A Safe Stable for All Creatures Great and Small
The Trader's Stableyard, located in the heart of the cobblestone streets of the Foreign Quarter in Verbobonc, provides large barns and stalls available for short or long-term stabling of animals. Whether it's a merchant's prized caravan horse, a hunting dog, or even an elephant, the variously sized stalls can accommodate all creatures, ensuring they have a safe place to stay while their owners conduct business in the city.


From Modest Beginnings to a Bustling Stable
Humble Origins
  • Old Stables Renovated: Started as a single stableyard, expanded to meet the growing needs of the Foreign Quarter.
  • Merchant Demand: Rapid growth due to the increasing number of merchant caravans passing through the city.
Expansion and Reputation
  • Additional Barns Built: Added two new barns to accommodate the growing demand for stabling.
  • Reputation for Flexibility: Gained a reputation for accommodating all types of animals.


Spacious Stableyard with Flexibility
  • Large Barn Structures: Two large barns with wooden facades, one dedicated to horses and larger animals.
  • Open Courtyard: Features an open courtyard where animals can exercise.
  • Guard Stations: Guards stationed at the entrance ensure security.
  • Various Sized Stalls: Accommodates animals ranging from large dogs to elephants.
  • Secure Storage Lockers: Provides secure lockers for merchant equipment and animal supplies.
  • Feeding and Grooming Areas: Separate areas for feeding and grooming the animals.


A Network of Merchants, Caravans, and Guards
Merchant Caravans
  • Preferred Stabling Location: Popular among merchant caravans for its flexible and secure stabling.
  • Equipment Storage: Offers merchants a secure place to store their equipment and supplies.
City Guards and Watch
  • Collaborative Security Efforts: Works closely with the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc  to ensure security.
  • Patrols and Guard Stations: Guards regularly patrol the stableyard and man the guard stations.
Local Businesses
  • Feed Suppliers: Collaborates with local feed suppliers for quality animal feed.
  • Grooming Services: Partners with grooming businesses to provide professional grooming.
  • Merchant Convenience: Strives to provide convenient and secure stabling for merchants.
  • Animal Welfare: Ensures all animals receive proper care during their stay.


The Trader's Stableyard stands as a beacon of reliability and convenience for merchants and their animals in the bustling Foreign Quarter of Verbobonc. Managed by Bram Trundlefoot and his dedicated team, the stableyard offers secure stabling and a range of additional services, ensuring that all creatures great and small receive the care they deserve. Whether it's a caravan horse or an exotic elephant, the Merchant's Haven provides a safe and secure home away from home in the heart of Verbobonc.

Notable People

Faces Behind the Trader's Stableyard
Bram Trundlefoot (Stablehand Owner and Manager)
  • Role: Owner and manager of The Trader's Stableyard.
  • Background: Former merchant who opened the stableyard after retiring from the caravan trade.
  • Personality: Friendly and accommodating, values trust and reliability.
  • Motivation: Strives to provide secure and convenient stabling for fellow merchants.
Lena Ironclad (Assistant Manager and Stablehand)
  • Role: Assistant manager and stablehand at The Trader's Stableyard.
  • Background: Former caravan guard with a passion for animal care.
  • Personality: Stern but fair, maintains discipline among the stablehands.
  • Motivation: Seeks to ensure all animals receive proper care and attention.
Gorik Stonewall (Guard Captain)
  • Role: Oversees security at the Merchant's Haven.
  • Background: Veteran guard with years of experience in caravan protection.
  • Personality: Diligent and strategic, values loyalty and teamwork.
  • Motivation: Aims to maintain a safe environment for merchants and their animals.
Parent Location

Services and Costs

Stabling Fees
  • 4 sp per animal per day (basic stall rental, no care included).
Additional Services
  • Feeding: 2 sp per animal per day.
  • Grooming: 1 sp per animal per day.
  • Secure Storage Lockers: 1 sp per day.
  • Long-term stays receive a 10% discount on all fees.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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