F2 The Players Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F2 The Players Inn

From the outside it looks cheerful, homey and cozy. Small stones and intricate stone carvings make up most of the building's outer structure. It's near impossible to see through the stained glass windows, but the music and songs from within can be felt outside. Immediately as you enter the inn you realize how much effort has been made to accommodate the clientele. You're welcomed by excitement and amazing, but unknown scents. The bartender is working hard, but still manages to welcome you with a wink.   It's as charming inside as it is on the outside. Squared, stone beams support the upper floor and the light sconces attached to them. The walls are loaded with hundreds of memorabilia, all signed and most likely donated by customers.   The tavern itself is packed. Travelers seem to be the primary clientele here, which is probably the best clientele for the owner. Several long tables are occupied by several smaller groups of people. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are singing and dancing, occasionally pulling an unsuspecting waitress amidst their dancing group. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.   Music, song and the sounds of people dancing are always heard coming from this inn. Most entertainers frequent this establishment (bards, actors, musicians, poets, etc). As such, there is a large stage attached to the central taproom. One can watch the other guests entertain as they guzzle back strong spirits and wine. Although most of the entertainment is not professional, any jesting is usually in good fun, and the audience frequently participates in all the entertainment. Frequently, hecklers interrupt plays, or the crowd joins in during the middle of a sonnet.
Nestled in the heart of the cobblestone streets of the Foreign Quarter in Verbobonc, the Players Inn stands as a cheerful, homey, and cozy haven for entertainers and travelers. From the outside, small stones and intricate carvings shape its inviting facade, while music and songs reverberate through the stained glass windows. Inside, the charming atmosphere welcomes all who seek merriment, camaraderie, and the joy of performance.

A Stage for Every Soul

Legacy of Performance
  • Inn of the Arts: The inn has long been a sanctuary for bards, actors, musicians, and poets.
  • Memorabilia Collection: Hundreds of signed items donated by past patrons adorn the walls, showcasing the inn's rich history.
Entertainment for All
  • Open Stage Policy: Performers of all skill levels are welcome, leading to impromptu plays, concerts, and sonnet recitals.
  • Audience Participation: The crowd frequently joins in the middle of a sonnet or heckles actors during plays, adding to the lively atmosphere.

A Charming Inn Full of Life

  • Cheerful Facade: Small stones and intricate carvings create a welcoming and homey outer structure.
  • Stained Glass Windows: Impossible to see through, but the music within can be felt outside.
Taproom and Stage
  • Packed Taproom: Filled with travelers and artists singing, dancing, and drinking.
  • Stage for Performers: A large stage dominates the central taproom, hosting plays, concerts, and recitals.
  • Memorabilia-Laden Walls: Signed items donated by patrons cover the walls.
  • Private Rooms: Small, non-descript rooms with a simple cot.
  • Common Rooms: Lined with bunk beds and thin blankets, often too noisy for restful sleep.


  • Live Performances: Bards, actors, and musicians entertain guests nightly.
  • Amateur Performers Welcome: Encourages impromptu acts from guests and audience participation.
  • Dancing and Singing: Common scenes of people dancing with waitresses and singing in groups.

Food and Drink

  • Large Selection: Surprisingly extensive menu thanks to a nearby restaurant catering to the inn.
  • Free Drinks for Entertainers: All guest performers receive a free round.

A Storied Past of Song and Merriment

Founding Era
  • Early Roots: Established over a century ago as a meeting place for traveling bards and poets.
  • Cultural Hub: Became a cultural hub in the Foreign Quarter for artists and travelers.
Golden Age of Entertainment
  • Height of Popularity: The inn saw its golden age during the reign of Viscount Wilfrick.
  • Memorabilia Collection Growth: Collected hundreds of signed items during this period.
Modern Times
  • Lively Refuge: Remains a popular destination for travelers and artists alike.
  • Artsy and Aloof Crowd: The inn’s regular patrons maintain an artsy and aloof atmosphere.


Connecting Artists and Travelers Across Verbobonc
Foreign Quarter Community
  • Travelers and Merchants: Maintains a strong rapport with local merchants and travelers.
  • Cultural Venues: Collaborates with neighboring cultural venues to draw in diverse crowds.
City Watch
  • Occasional Raids: Sometimes raided by the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc due to noise complaints.
  • Bribery Tactics: Occasional bribes to the watch (unless there is a Billet of St Cuthbert) ensure the inn’s activities continue.


  • Promoting the Arts: Supports bards, actors, and musicians by providing a welcoming stage.
  • Traveler Refuge: Offers a cozy refuge for travelers seeking camaraderie and entertainment.

Cost and Quality

Affordable Merriment for All
  • Private Rooms: Average cost.
  • Common Rooms: Low-cost bunk beds in shared rooms.
  • Rooms: Basic and non-descript.
  • Food: Simple but plentiful, thanks to nearby catering.
  • Entertainment: High-quality, varied, and vibrant.


The Players Inn stands as a sanctuary for entertainers and travelers alike. With its lively taproom, diverse performances, and welcoming atmosphere, it continues to be a beacon of joy and camaraderie in the Foreign Quarter of Verbobonc. Whether you seek merriment, camaraderie, or the joy of performance, the Players Inn offers a stage and a warm welcome for all.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type 
Bramwell "Brass" Merritt by 3orcs
"If it's music and merriment ye seek, you've come to the right tavern!"
- Brass’s hearty invitation to new patrons entering the Players Inn.

Notable People

Faces Behind the Bar and on the Stage
Bramwell "Brass" Merritt (Innkeeper and Owner)
  • Role: Gruff yet charismatic owner of the Players Inn, serves as barkeeper.
  • Background: An Oeridian Oerid ex-merchant with a love for the arts, he purchased the inn after retiring from trading.
  • Personality: Gruff, odd, and occasionally aloof, yet deeply cares about his guests.
Calvin Windwhistle (Human Bard Minstrel)
  • Role: Entertains guests with his panpipe music nightly.
  • Background: A Oeridian Oerid / Flannae Flan  mix minstrel who roams from inn to inn, Calvin finds solace in the Players Inn’s stage.
  • Personality: Energetic and warm, his panpipe melodies bring cheer to the taproom.
Isolde the Enchantress (Resident Singer and Performer)
  • Role: Performs enchanting ballads that captivate the audience.
  • Background: A Half-Elves  bard who found her calling at the Players Inn.
  • Personality: Mysterious and charming, known for her mesmerizing performances.
Rowan "Ro" Silverfoot (Head Waitress and Dancer)
  • Role: Keeps the bar organized and dances with guests nightly.
  • Background: A Harfoot halfling ex-traveler who settled down at the Players Inn
  • Personality: Cheerful and witty, ensures all guests feel welcome.
"Artists and minstrels, leave yer troubles at the door and share yer magic with us!"
- A call for performers to take the stage and entertain the crowd.
Isolde the Enchantress by 3orcs
Parent Location
Rowan "Ro" Silverfoot by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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