F12 The Longshot Company: Barracks Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F12 The Longshot Company: Barracks

The Longshot Company, stationed in the Foreign Quarter of Verbobonc, houses the city's elite archers who are crucial to the defense and security of both the quarter and the wider city. 100 crossbowmen train daily, honing their skills on the archery targets and practice dummies in the barracks' training grounds. This location also serves as a base for the Barzac Hounds, used for patrols and tracking throughout the city.


Strategic Defense in the Shadow of the Battle of Emridy Meadows
Following the Battle of Emridy Meadows, Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart expanded Verbobonc's defenses with mandatory training for the Verbobonc Military forces. Captain Arvel Swiftarrow reorganized and expanded the city's archers into the Longshot Company, strategically positioning them in the Foreign Quarter for rapid response.
Post-Treaty Military Expansion
  • Viscount Wilfrick’s Vision: Recognized the need to bolster Verbobonc's defenses following the Battle of Emridy Meadows.
  • Training Regime Instituted: Mandatory training every six months improved the quality of the city's militia forces.
Founding of the Longshot Company
Archers Reorganized and Expanded: The city's archers were reorganized under the command of Captain Arvel Swiftarrow, forming the Longshot Company. Stationed in the Foreign Quarter: The Foreign Quarter was chosen for its strategic importance in overseeing disturbances and maintaining city safety.

A Barracks of Order and Precision

A sturdy stone building with fortified walls and iron gates, the barracks feature archery targets, practice dummies, and the Barzac Hound kennels. Inside, neat bunkrooms, a well-stocked armory, and Captain Swiftarrow's office ensure precision and discipline.
  • Sturdy Stone Facade: A solid stone building with fortified walls and iron gates.
  • Archery Range and Training Grounds: A spacious training area with archery targets and dummies.
  • Barzac Hound Kennels: Hound kennels situated at the rear of the barracks.
  • Bunkrooms and Quarters: Neat and organized bunkrooms for the 100 crossbowmen stationed.
  • Armory: Holds a range of crossbows, longbows, and other weapons.
  • Captain’s Office: Where Captain Arvel Swiftarrow oversees the barracks operations.
  • Training Grounds: Open to archers for target practice and mock combat exercises.
  • Armory Management: Proper maintenance and issuance of crossbows and arrows.
  • Kennel Management: Supervises the Barzac Hounds used for patrols and tracking.

Politics and Relationships

Archers Bridging the City’s Defense
Maintaining a respectful relationship with the D6 Elven Enclave Barracks, the Longshot Company also provides long-range support to the Mounted Borderers and reports directly to Viscount Wilfrick's military command. Occasionally, they face tension with the City Guard due to differing defense strategies.
Cooperation with the Elven Enclave Barracks
  • Mutual Respect: Maintains a respectful working relationship with the Elven Enclave, defending their respective areas.
  • Collaborative Defense: Provides long-range support to the Mounted Borderers patrolling the region.
Viscount’s Military Command
  • Direct Reporting: Reports directly to Viscount Wilfrick's military command, supporting the wider military strategy.
Tension with the City Guard
  • Guard Disdain: Faces occasional disdain from the City Guard due to differing approaches to city defense.

Training and Operations

Precision and Discipline in Every Arrow
The Longshot Company undergoes biannual training with mock combat exercises and archery patrols. They regularly oversee the South-Way Gate's security while coordinating city wall defense drills and Barzac Hound patrols for precise city-wide defense.
Training Regime
  • Biannual Training: Three weeks of mandatory training every six months.
  • Mock Combat Exercises: Weekly mock combat sessions for team coordination.
  • Archery Patrols: Regular patrols across the city walls south of the Velverdyva River.
  • South-Way Gate Security: Oversees the South-Way (Low) H1 - H4 City Gates - Verbobonc leading southwest towards Veluna.
  • City Wall Defense Drills: Conducts defense drills on the city walls.
Barzac Hound Patrols
  • Kennel Training: Ensures the hounds are well-trained and obedient.
  • City Patrols: Accompanies archers on city patrols for tracking and detection.


The Longshot Company stationed at the Verbobonc Barracks in the Foreign Quarter stands as a beacon of precision and discipline. Under the command of Captain Arvel Swiftarrow, the 100 crossbowmen train rigorously to defend the Foreign Quarter and wider city. With strategic alliances and an unwavering commitment to excellence, the Longshot Company remains a crucial element in Verbobonc's military defense.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
The Longshot Company Barracks by 3orcs
Organization barracks of the Verbobonc Military
Notable People
Key Figures of the Longshot Company
Captain Arvel Swiftarrow (Oeridian Oerid Male, Longshot Company Leader)
  • Role: Commands the Longshot Company of the Verbobonc Barracks.
  • Background: Veteran archer who fought in the Battle of Emridy Meadows, known for his precision and tactical prowess.
  • Personality: Stern but fair, values discipline and teamwork among his troops.
  • Motivation: Seeks to maintain the Longshot Company's status as the best-trained archers in the Viscounty.
  • Political Relationships: Loyal to Viscount Wilfrick Verdanhart and maintains a strong alliance with the Mounted Borderers.
Lieutenant Talia Stonebow (Flannae Flan Female, Second-in-Command)
  • Role: Second-in-command at the Verbobonc Barracks.
  • Background: Rose through the ranks due to her skill with the crossbow and leadership abilities.
  • Personality: Disciplined and strategic, values efficiency in all aspects of training and operations.
  • Motivation: Aspires to see the Longshot Company become an elite unit respected across the Flanaess.
Sergeant Borin Ironclad (Oeridian Oerid Male, Training Officer)
  • Role: Oversees the training and development of new recruits.
  • Background: Former mercenary with extensive experience in skirmishes across the Wild Coast.
  • Personality: Gruff but encouraging, instills confidence in new recruits through rigorous training.
  • Motivation: Dedicated to ensuring that every archer is battle-ready.
Kennelmaster Myra Greyhound (Baklunish Bakluni / Flannae Flan mix Female, Barzac Hound Keeper)
  • Role: Manages the Barzac Hound kennels and training.
  • Background: Grew up as a tracker in the Kron Hills, known for her expertise with hounds.
  • Personality: Stern and meticulous, ensures the Barzac Hounds are well-trained for patrols.
  • Motivation: Aims to maintain the Barzac Hounds as the best tracking dogs in Verbobonc.
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Captain Arvel Swiftarrow by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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