F3 The Bronze Unicorn Inn Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F3 The Bronze Unicorn Inn

From the outside it looks cheerful, homey and cozy. Small stones and intricate stone carvings make up most of the building's outer structure. It's near impossible to see through the stained glass windows, but the music and songs from within can be felt outside. This medium sized inn caters to adventures, mercenaries or other well-to-do foreigners. Immediately as you enter the Bronze Unicorn, you realize how much effort has been made to accommodate the clientele. You're welcomed by excitement and amazing, but unknown scents. The bartender is working hard, but still manages to welcome you with a wink.   It's as charming inside as it is on the outside. Squared, stone beams support the upper floor and the light sconces attached to them. The walls are loaded with hundreds of memorabilia, all signed and most likely donated by customers.   The tavern itself is packed. Travelers seem to be the primary clientele here, which is probably the best clientele for the owner. Several long tables are occupied by several smaller groups of people. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are singing and dancing, occasionally pulling an unsuspecting waitress amidst their dancing group. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.   You did hear rumors about this tavern, supposedly it's famous for something, but you can't remember what for. Though judging by the laughter, cheering and overall enjoyment of everybody, it's probably the people themselves who make this tavern famous. You manage to find a seat and prepare for what will undoubtedly be a great evening

A Sanctuary for Adventurers in Verbobonc

In the heart of the cobblestone streets of the Foreign Quarter in Verbobonc, the Bronze Unicorn Inn is a cheerful and cozy haven for adventurers, mercenaries, and well-to-do foreigners. From the outside, intricate stone carvings and stained glass windows welcome guests to the inn’s homey facade, while the music and songs from within hint at the lively atmosphere inside. The inn, run by Fallnore and Elinore Constance, provides travelers with comfortable rooms, fine dining, and a secure vault for their valuables.

A Stage for Every Adventurer

The Bronze Unicorn Inn caters to adventurers and mercenaries seeking relaxation and camaraderie, offering a sanctuary where they can share their tales and adventures. The inn is known for its rich history, with hundreds of signed memorabilia items decorating the walls, left behind by previous patrons. The lively taproom features foreign bards and travelers who entertain guests with stories and music, while a large, interactive map of Verbobonc on the wall guides newcomers to the city’s key attractions.
Legacy of the Bronze Unicorn
  • Inn for Heroes: The Bronze Unicorn caters to adventurers and mercenaries seeking relaxation and camaraderie.
  • Traveler’s Memorabilia Collection: Hundreds of signed items donated by patrons adorn the walls, showcasing the inn's rich history.
Entertainment for All
  • Foreign Bards and Tales: Foreign bards tell tales of their adventures and far-off lands on the taproom stage.
  • Interactive Map: A large, but crude, map of the city is marked with scribbles and additions by guests.

Description: A Cozy Refuge Full of Life

  • Cheerful Facade: Small stones and intricate carvings make up the outer structure, creating a welcoming and homey look.
  • Stained Glass Windows: Impossible to see through, but music from within can be felt outside.
Taproom and Stage
  • Packed Taproom: Filled with adventurers and mercenaries sharing stories and drinks.
  • Stage for Performers: A stage hosts foreign bards and guests who share tales and ballads.
  • Memorabilia-Laden Walls: Signed items donated by patrons cover the walls.
  • Private Rooms: Comfortable rooms with large beds, magic lighting, and secure locks.
  • Inn Vault: Secure vault for guests to store valuables.
  • Meeting Rooms: Separate meeting rooms attached to larger quad rooms.

Goods and Services

  • Weapon Sharpening: Polishing and sharpening blades for 1 cp each.
  • Patch Gear: Sew and patch clothing and leather for 1 cp per garment.
  • Knot Work: Complex knots that become a free action to untie for 1 cp per item.
  • Identify and Appraisal: An appraiser (Sorc-1/Exp-3) identifies and appraises items for a fee.
  • Foreign Currency Exchange: Runner service to the C9 Bankers and Lapidarys Guild for currency exchange.

Room Descriptions

  • Single and Double Rooms: Comfortable beds, fresh linens, magic lighting, and locked doors.
  • Quad Rooms: Larger rooms with an adjoining meeting room.
  • Small Guest Rooms: Rooms with furniture and beds made for smaller guests (gnomes, halflings, etc.).
Heavy oaken doors line the hallway, each emblazoned with a tarnished copper letter. Portraits hang between the doors, faded with age, depicting past owners of the inn or famous patrons. The door creaks open with a twist of the key, and inside you find spartan but comfortable accommodations: a feather bed with a creaky wooden frame, a small bedside table with a pair of beeswax candles, a small footlocker with a heavy iron padlock, and a wooden washing basin, above which hangs an oblong mirror. The room smells pleasantly of old wood and dried lavender.

History: A Storied Inn with a Heroic Past

Founded over 20 years ago by Fallnore and Elinore Constance, the Bronze Unicorn Inn quickly established itself as a refuge for adventurers and mercenaries. The inn became renowned due to the influx of adventurers in recent years, filling to overflowing most of the year. Partnering with the Adventurers Guild, the inn provides bookings via the guild's messenger service and has collected hundreds of signed memorabilia items during its golden age.
Founding Era
  • Original Establishment: Founded by Fallnore and Elinore Constance over 20 years ago.
  • Adventurer Refuge: Quickly became known as a refuge for adventurers and mercenaries.
Golden Age of Adventurers
  • Height of Popularity: Gained renown due to the influx of adventurers over the past 20 years.
  • Memorabilia Collection Growth: Collected hundreds of signed items during this period.
Modern Times
  • Adventurers Guild Affiliation: Partnered with the B26 Adventures Guild, allowing bookings via the guild's messenger service.
  • Overflowing Demand: Fills to overflowing most of the year, requiring guests to book ahead.

Relationships: Connecting Adventurers Across Verbobonc

Foreign Quarter Community
  • Travelers and Merchants: Maintains a strong rapport with local merchants and travelers.
  • Cultural Venues: Collaborates with neighboring cultural venues to draw in diverse crowds.
Adventurers Guild
  • Guild Messenger Service: Allows guests to book rooms via the guild's messenger service.
  • Message Network: Extends the guild's message network to private rooms at the inn.
Local Merchants
Nearby Caterers: Maintains strong ties with local restaurants catering to the inn’s patrons.


The Bronze Unicorn Inn is a sanctuary for adventurers and mercenaries seeking a lively and comfortable refuge. With its packed taproom, diverse entertainment, and welcoming atmosphere, it remains a beacon of joy and camaraderie in the Foreign Quarter of Verbobonc. Whether guests seek thrilling tales, camaraderie, or secure lodging, the Bronze Unicorn offers a warm welcome for all.

Notable People

Faces Behind the Bar and on the Stage
Fallnore Constance (Human Male, Exp-4, Innkeeper and Owner)
  • Role: Gruff yet charismatic owner of the Bronze Unicorn Inn.
  • Background: An ex-merchant who used his trading fortune to establish the inn.
  • Personality: Stern and organized but deeply cares about his guests.
Elinore Constance (Half-Elf Female, Bard-2, Co-Owner and Manager)
  • Role: Runs the inn alongside Fallnore and manages entertainment.
  • Background: A half-elf bard who found her calling at the inn.
  • Personality: Warm and welcoming, known for her lively storytelling.
Horatio Goodwin (Appraiser and Wizard)
  • Role: Identifies and appraises items for the inn’s guests.
  • Background: A former adventurer who settled down at the Bronze Unicorn.
  • Personality: Sharp-witted and knowledgeable about rare artifacts.
Tessa Freely(Head Waitress and Entertainer)
  • Role: Keeps the taproom organized and entertains guests with songs and stories.
  • Background: An ex-traveler who settled down at the inn.
  • Personality: Cheerful and witty, ensures all guests feel welcome.

Cost and Quality

Affordable Luxury for Adventurers
Rooms and Services: All rooms and services are expensive (125% of the listed price).
  • Rooms: Comfortable beds, fresh linens, magic lighting, and secure locks.
  • Food: High-quality dining provided by nearby restaurants.
  • Entertainment: High-quality, varied, and vibrant.
Founding Date
556 cy
Parent Location
Fallnore Constance by 3orcs
Fallnore Constance (Human Male, Exp-4, Innkeeper and Owner)  
Elinore Constance by 3orcs
Elinore Constance (Half-Elf Female, Bard-2, Co-Owner and Manager)

Cover image: by 3orcs


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