F6 The Blind Beholder Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F6 The Blind Beholder

This is a filthy, dimly lit place with broken furniture and poor patrons. They can be seen to reel out onto the street with their tankards or smashing through the doors after being thrown out. Beggars, crooks, those down on their luck, etc can all be found in this tavern. Frequently, this can be a haven for escaped slaves, and the occasional humanoid (half-orcs) trying to avoid the city watch.   This tavern was lashed together in what was probably the time of the proprietor’s great-grandsire, built inexpertly with gathered stones fitted with thick layers of mortar and expanded upon in the decades since. A crude but sturdy wooden shelter built along the side of the tavern stables several animals, not mounts but fowl and animals kept for their dairy contributions.   Past the often-replaced creaky wooden front door, you are greeted with the sight of a homey country tavern, the bar sanded and re-sanded, sodden with countless spilled ales. Tables of various sizes and, indeed, of different eras litter the common room, though most of the clientele prefers to sit as close as possible to the stone fireplace at its rear. Various knick-knacks, objects of local art, and other gewgaws have been mounted here and there on the walls as conversation pieces over the years.

"A Dimly Lit Refuge in the Heart of the Cobblestone Streets"

The Blind Beholder Tavern is a filthy, dimly lit watering hole in the Foreign Quarter of Verbobonc, known for its broken furniture, rowdy patrons, and dim atmosphere. Despite its poor reputation, it serves as a haven for beggars, crooks, escaped slaves, and the occasional half-orc avoiding the city watch. With its cheap, watered-down drinks and no food, the tavern remains a staple for those seeking refuge in the Foreign Quarter.

The Blind Eye Sees All

The Legend of the Beholder
  • Curse of the Eye: Local folklore speaks of a beholder cursed to roam the tavern, now hidden in the walls, watching over the tavern's patrons.
  • Guardian of Secrets: The tavern is believed to keep the secrets of all who enter, offering sanctuary to outcasts and fugitives.
Symbol of Refuge
  • Hidden Haven: Known for harboring escaped slaves and outlaws, offering them a temporary hideaway.

Description of Facilities

"A Crude Refuge from the Cold"
Tavern Exterior
  • Weathered Stone Walls: The building is lashed together from stones, thick layers of mortar filling the gaps.
  • Wooden Shelter and Stables: A crude wooden shelter houses dairy animals and fowl.
Tavern Interior
  • Common Room: A dimly lit space with various-sized tables and a stone fireplace at the rear.
  • Sanded Bar: The bar, soaked with countless spilled ales, is sanded repeatedly to maintain a semblance of cleanliness.
  • Conversation Pieces: Knick-knacks, objects of local art, and gewgaws adorn the walls.

Pricing and Offerings

  • Cheap Drinks: Drinks are always watered down but sold at 50% of normal prices.
  • No Food Service: No food is served, but the low drink prices keep the clientele coming.


"From Shanty to Sanctuary"
Founding Era
  • Time of the Grandsire: Built inexpertly during the proprietor's great-grandsire’s era.
  • Gathered Stones and Mortar: Constructed from gathered stones with thick layers of mortar.
Expansion Period
  • Incremental Expansion: Expanded over decades, with crude wooden structures added for shelter and storage.
Recent History
  • Rowdy Reputation: Earned a reputation for broken furniture, bar brawls, and beggars.
  • Secret Sanctuary: Became a haven for escaped slaves, crooks, and half-orcs avoiding the city watch.


"Interconnected Threads of the Foreign Quarter"
City Watch
  • Tenuous Peace: Maintains a delicate relationship with the Vigil Wardens of Verbobonc, who turn a blind eye to the tavern’s activities for a fee.
Outlaw Networks


  • Refuge for the Outcasts: Offers a safe haven for Verbobonc’s marginalized groups.
  • Profitable Secrecy: Maintains a shroud of secrecy that ensures its continued profitability.
  • Avoiding Attention: Keeps a low profile to avoid conflicts with the Viscount’s agents.


The Blind Beholder stands as a testament to the resilience of Verbobonc's marginalized communities. Despite its dimly lit and filthy atmosphere, it continues to provide refuge for the downtrodden while maintaining a delicate balance with the city’s watch. Its role in the Foreign Quarter, alongside its notable characters and rich lore, makes it a pivotal point in the ever-evolving story of Verbobonc.

Room in a Seedy Inn

The floorboards creak underfoot though you’ve barely shifted your weight. A long, narrow hall extends before you, flanked by doors to rooms on either side. The only light comes up from the stairs and a guttering candle that stands in a tin holder nailed to the wall at the end of the hall.   A surprisingly large bed takes up most of the floorspace in this small room. The rustic frame uses a wicker net to hold a thin straw-filled mattress off the floor. It doesn’t look comfortable, but it seems clean enough. A shallow clay bowl under the bed serves as your pot to piss in.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
The Blind Beholder by 3orcs
"A watered-down ale keeps the trouble watered down too!" - Old Wylard’s philosophy for keeping the drinks cheap and the clientele rowdy.

Notable People

"Faces Behind the Beholder’s Bar"
Old Wylard (Proprietor)
  • Role: The aged proprietor who runs the tavern with an iron fist.
  • Background: An ex-convict who transformed the tavern into a profitable business after inheriting it from his grandsire.
Lisbeth "Liss" (Barmaid)
  • Role: The only barmaid who can handle the rowdy clientele.
  • Background: Known for her quick wit and sharper tongue, she's rumored to be the proprietor’s illegitimate daughter.
Grakk the Scarred (Bouncer)
  • Role: Keeps the peace in the tavern, throwing out troublemakers with ease.
  • Background: A half-orc who found refuge in the Blind Beholder and now helps maintain order. He hides his orc features well. But is ugly as them come and scared from years of fighting on the borders of civilization. 
"Dodger" Flynn (Information Broker)
  • Role: Sells secrets and information to those who can pay the price.
  • Background: An escaped slave from the Wild Coast who uses the tavern as a base for his underground information network.
Parent Location
Old Wylard by 3orcs

Cover image: by 3orcs


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