F8 Maynard's Metal Emporium Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F8 Maynard's Metal Emporium

Nestled in the heart of the cobblestone streets of the Foreign Quarter in Verbobonc, Maynard's Metal Emporium is renowned for acquiring rare and imported metals. Absent is the usual smell of furnaces and smoke, replaced instead by meticulous craftsmanship and a mysterious family secret. This small shop has gained a reputation for offering high-quality mithral and adamantine products, meticulously crafted using Maynard's age-old "family secret."

A Mysterious Family Secret

Family Secret Revealed
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  • Fire Mephit's Aid: The "family secret" behind the shop's success is Maynard's long-time family pet—a fire mephit.
  • Mephit's Special Breath: The mephit's fiery breath helps shape the precious metals, allowing Maynard to create unique and intricate designs.

Rare and Imported Metals

  • Mithral and Adamantine: Can acquire enough of either to craft full plate armor with just a week's notice.
  • Cold Iron: Offers cold-forged iron for fey and undead creatures.

Description of the Shop

A Cozy Forge with Intricate Metalwork
  • Cozy Low-Ceiling Room: The shop features a cozy, low-ceiling room decorated with intricate metalwork.
  • Shelves of Metals: Shelves filled with various metals in different stages of crafting.
  • Intricate Metal Artifacts: Display cases with intricately designed weapons and armor.
  • Modest Facade: Modest stone facade with a wooden sign bearing Maynard's Metal Emporium.
  • Forged Goods Display: A small display outside showcasing basic forged goods.


A Legacy Forged from Ancestral Roots
Ancestral Background
  • Aeridian-Baklunish Heritage: Maynard's family boasts a mix of Aeridian (Greek) and Baklunish (Arabian) roots.
  • Migration to Verbobonc: Moved to Verbobonc after the Hateful Wars and opened the Metal Emporium.
Establishing the Emporium
  • Family Tradition of Metalworking: Built upon the family's long tradition of metalworking.
  • Collaboration with Dwarves: Collaborated with the dwarves of the Lortmil Mountains for metal imports.
Gaining Reputation
  • Rare Metals Supplier: Gained a reputation as a supplier of rare and imported metals.
  • Mithral and Adamantine Specialist: Known for high-quality mithral and adamantine products.

Goods and Services

Acquiring Rare Metals and Crafting Masterpieces
  • Iron and Bronze: Basic metals available in small quantities (<5 ft cubed volume).
  • Mithral and Adamantine: Full plate armor and lesser armors with one week's notice.
  • Cold Iron: Effective against fey and undead creatures.
  • Custom Metal Crafting: Custom designs for weapons and armor.
  • Architectural Metalwork: Metal columns, archways, and facades.
  • Metal Restoration: Restores old or damaged metal artifacts.
  • Mithral and Adamantine: Average prices for custom armor and weapons.
  • Cold Iron: Additional x20 the fee due to difficulty.
Masterwork Items
  • Standard Masterwork Prices: x50 cost factor for superior craftsmanship.
  • Mithral: +5 to hit/damage, +5 AC, half weight, starting at 1,000 gp.
  • Adamantine: +4 to hit/damage, +4 AC, starting at 750 gp.
  • Cold Iron: +1d6 damage to fey/undead, starting at 500 gp.


Maynard's Metal Emporium is a hidden forge in Verbobonc, where rare metals and intricate designs come to life. With the help of Nerath Flamewhisper, his family pet fire mephit, Maynard Sunshield has built a thriving business that supplies high-quality mithral and adamantine products to nobles and merchants alike. The shop remains a beacon of Pholtus' light and craftsmanship in the Foreign Quarter, with a reputation for excellence that continues to attract clients from across the Viscounty.
Verbobonc Locations Referenced by Type
"From mithral to adamantine, our metals are as strong as your will!"

Notable People

Maynard and His Trusted Associates
Maynard Sunshield (Aeridian-Baklunish Mix, Owner and Master Metalworker)
Maynard by 3orcs
  • Role: Owner and master metalworker at the Emporium.
  • Background: Oeridian Oerid and Baklunish Bakluni  descent, carries a family tradition of metalworking.
  • Personality: Charismatic and strategic, always seeking the finest metals.
  • Motivation: Aspires to craft the most intricate and unique metal artifacts in Verbobonc.
Nerath Flamewhisper (Fire Mephit, Family Pet and Metal Shaper)
  • Role: Family pet and uses fiery breath to shape precious metals.
  • Personality: Mischievous yet loyal, often seen floating around the shop.
  • Special Abilities: Fire breath and shape-shifting into smoke.
Haldor Ironfist (Dwarven Trader and Associate)
  • Role: Rock Dwarves trader who imports rare metals from the Lortmil Mountains.
  • Personality: Stern but fair, always ensures quality imports.
  • Motivation: Seeks to maintain a steady supply of mithral and adamantine to the Emporium.
Refinery / Industrial complex
Parent Location

Cover image: by 3orcs


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