F14 Thee Armorium Building / Landmark in Verbobonc Campaign Guide 576cy | World Anvil
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F14 Thee Armorium

The two-story wooden house that stands before you is painted red, with white railings along the wide front porch and upper balcony. Broad wooden steps lead up to the spacious porch. Two suits of armor, one plate mail and the other scale mail, stand guard next to the steps. There are two doors leading into the structure, one at the top of the stairs on which is hung a fine shield (in heraldic terms, gules dragon passant argent) with the addition of the words “Thee Armorium” in neat black lettering, and another smaller door at the extreme right of the porch. A wooden sign depicting two shields and a suit of armor also painted in black hangs out over the porch to attract the attention of passersby.

Gnome Artisan's Forge in the Foreign Quarter

Craftsmanship in Every Plate and Buckle
The Armorium, owned by the cheerful gnome Norville Gaxonn, stands out with its distinctive red two-story wooden structure in the heart of the cobblestone streets of Verbobonc's Foreign Quarter. The shop is marked by suits of armor flanking its entrance, and a quaint gnome-style oval window adds a touch of Norville's heritage. Specializing in both common and magical armor, The Armorium serves adventurers and warriors with a mix of traditional craftsmanship and gnome ingenuity.


From Gnomecraft to Foreign Quarter Fixture
  • Beginnings: Norville, longing for a connection to his gnome roots, established The Armorium to bring high-quality armor crafting to Verbobonc.
  • Evolution: The shop quickly became known for its unique blend of functionality and gnome-engineered enhancements.
Gnome Heritage and Design
  • Architectural Style: Incorporates elements of traditional gnome architecture, making it a distinctive feature in the Foreign Quarter.
  • Armor Innovations: Norville’s designs reflect a blend of traditional craftsmanship enhanced by gnome ingenuity, particularly in protective gear.


A Red Haven of Gnome Engineering
Exterior Features
  • Distinctive Red and White Theme: The building's red paint and white railings make it visually striking.
  • Guardian Armors: Suits of armor that guard the steps during the day, symbolizing the shop's focus on protection.
Interior Layout
  • Display Room: Features a variety of armor on wire mesh mannequins and shields lining the walls.
  • Workshop Alcove: A hidden alcove where Norville makes minor repairs and innovations.
  • Magical Collection Hallway: A secure area housing magical shields and armors, showcasing the shop's premium offerings.


Linking Gnome Craftsmanship with Verbobonc’s Defense
Local Guilds and Artisans
  • Collaborations: Works closely with local smiths and magical guilds to source materials and share techniques.
  • Guild Membership: An active member of the local artisans' guild, contributing to community events and trade fairs.
Adventurers and Mercenaries
  • Preferred Supplier: Many local adventurers prefer The Armorium for their armor needs, trusting in Norville's craftsmanship.
  • Loyal Clientele: Builds strong relationships with customers through personalized service and after-sales support.
Store Description
Inside the central door is a large display room that showcases Norville’s latest creations. Four square wooden posts support the ceiling and various suits of armor are mounted on wire mesh mannequins around the room. Shields of all types and sizes ring the walls and lay stacked in piles on the floor. A wooden door stands closed on the wall to your left.   A small gnome wearing strange looking leather armor over common clothing walks out from an alcove at the back of the room and greets you.

Norville’s Quarters (Front Room)

A Nook of Comfort and Memory
The front room of Norville's quarters serves as a cozy retreat filled with personal touches that reflect his interests and past. Furnished comfortably, the room features a well-stuffed red chair, a side table with a pipe and metal puzzles, and vibrant rugs that add warmth to the wooden floors. Intriguing items like a glass bowl with exotic fish and a sentimental but poorly drawn portrait of Norville's dwarven mentor adorn the room, providing insights into his personal life and relationships.
Comfort and Personal Space
Relaxation Spot: The red chair and side table setup for reading and smoking. Sentimental Items: A hidden piece of embroidered silk from a secret admirer under the chair cushion, and a cherished portrait that he keeps out of loyalty to his mentor.

Norville’s Quarters (Bedroom)

The Inventor’s Sanctuary
Norville’s bedroom, although windowless, is cluttered yet fascinating, filled with components of his craft. The only furniture is a bed with unique 'moss pillows' and a bookshelf stocked with technical tomes and folk tales. The floor is a testament to Norville’s busy mind, scattered with metal bits and tools essential for his tinkering.
Creative Clutter
  • Treasure Trove of Tools: The floor covered with metal parts and tools necessary for his work.
  • Centerpiece: A wire mesh mannequin displaying a gnome-sized steel shield, a showcase of Norville's craftsmanship.

Norville’s Quarters (Common Room)

Chaos of Creativity
The common room might seem like just a junkpile to the untrained eye, but for Norville, it’s an indispensable part of his creative process. Here, half-finished armors and peculiar gadgets illustrate the chaotic yet productive nature of his work.
Innovative Designs
  • Experimental Armor: Pieces of armor modified in innovative but impractical ways.
  • Creative Overflow: The room serves as a physical manifestation of Norville's bustling and inventive mind.

The Forge: "Heart of the Craft"

Located behind his home and shop, Norville’s forge is where the magic happens. Equipped with a sophisticated forge, saws, hammers, and a plethora of other tools, this area is essential for both crafting new pieces and making repairs. The forge is also a community spot, where Norville employs a local orphan to help manage the influx of customers.
Workshop Dynamics
Crafting and Repairs: A fully equipped forge for armor crafting and repairs. Community Involvement: Employment of a local orphan, adding a social element to his business operations.
Security Measures
  • Lock and Key: Sturdy locks secure the workshop at night, though Norville’s habit of leaving tools out occasionally leads to minor troubles.


The Armorium stands as a beacon of craftsmanship and gnome ingenuity in Verbobonc's Foreign Quarter. Owned by the inventive gnome Norville Gaxonn, this shop not only offers a range of protective gear but also serves as a testament to the integration of traditional craftsmanship with magical enhancements. Whether a warrior seeks basic armor or magical protection, The Armorium is a destination where art meets utility in the heart of Verbobonc.
Dungeon Master Only: Secrets of Norville Gaxonn
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Pugnacious Beginnings
Norville's early years were marked by a combative spirit and boundless curiosity, often leading him into unintended mischief. His father, desperate to channel Norville's energy into more constructive pursuits, sent him to train with local engineers. This decision marked the beginning of Norville's journey from unruly youth to a budding genius in mechanical innovations, albeit one with a tendency to cause chaos in the pursuit of novel solutions.
Engineering Exile
Norville's innovative mind, while brilliant, sometimes bypassed traditional approaches and led to disastrous outcomes. His most significant misadventure occurred during an attempt to assist a professor with a complex mechanical problem, resulting in the destruction of valuable equipment and sabotaging a crucial presentation. Humiliated and alienated from the academic community, Norville departed to forge a new path in the city of Verbobonc.
Transition to Armorsmith
In Verbobonc, Norville initially found work as a claspmaker before apprenticing under a dwarven armorsmith. His knack for adding "improvements" to traditional designs was tempered by the dwarf's guidance, leading Norville to inherit the shop upon the dwarf's retirement. He has since managed Thee Armorium with a blend of traditional craftsmanship and his unique innovations, making it a respected establishment in the community.
Community Perception
To the townsfolk and travelers, Norville is known for his eccentric yet effective armor designs. While his reputation for creating superior shields is debatable, his friendly demeanor and inventive creations make his shop a notable destination in Verbobonc. Norville is seen as a dependable and engaging individual, always eager to discuss his latest projects or to propose inventive solutions to any problem presented to him. Personal Struggles and Longings Despite his success, Norville harbors a deep longing for his homeland in the Greenway Valley the gnome township of Tulvar and the family clan he left behind. The shame of his expulsion from the engineering academy weighs heavily on him, and he yearns for reconciliation with his past. Conversations about gnomes or his home village unlock a more personal side of Norville, often leading to generous discounts in his shop as a token of his gratitude for the connection.
Secret Dealings
Unbeknownst to most, Norville maintains discreet contacts within the engineering and magical communities, constantly seeking advancements that could restore his standing or innovate further in armor crafting. His workshop is filled with experimental designs that could revolutionize armor-making or catastrophically fail, much like his early engineering endeavors.
Norville Gaxonn's story is one of redemption and continuous innovation. Dungeon Masters can use Norville's background to enrich interactions with him, providing depth to his character and integrating personal stakes that may align or conflict with the adventurers' goals. His shop, Thee Armorium, is not only a place for procuring armor but also a hub for stories and secrets that span the breadth of his tumultuous yet vibrant life.

Norville Gaxonn, the Heart of The Armorium

Norville Gaxonn (Owner and Master Craftsman)
  • Personality: Enthusiastic and inventive, Norville is known for his welcoming nature and passion for armor crafting.
  • Appearance: Often seen in his own creation, the tiled leather armor, and sporting a distinctive red cap with a white ball.
  • Motivation: Driven by a desire to blend traditional craftsmanship with gnome ingenuity, aiming to provide the best protective gear in Verbobonc.
Norville Gaxonn by 3orcs
Norville is a cheerful gnome, always busy fiddling with small contraptions and “defensive improvements.” He enthusiastically greets all that enter his shop and insists on showing them his latest creations. Even when potential customers show more interest in his shields than in his good selection of modified armor, he keeps a smile on his face and a bounce in his step. He will quickly lose interest in customers who refuse to at least examine his latest invention, though, and move on to more “interesting” clients.
Norville loves to wear a suit of his tiled leather armor while showing customers the shop. This odd looking armor is made in a checkerboard pattern and pieces can flip to other sections of the suit. He also wears a red cap topped by a shaggy white ball and off white tunic and trousers.
Craftsman, Blacksmith / Smithy
Parent Location

Services and Costs

From Basic Protection to Enchanted Defense
Armor Offerings
  • Common Armor: Available in all types, with custom fittings offered.
  • Magical Items: Sells enchanted armor and shields, made from special materials.
Customization and Repair
  • Personalized Fitting: Norville personally fits armor for customers, ensuring optimal protection.
  • Innovative Designs: Offers 'tiled' leather armor and other unique modifications.
  • Standard Armor: Competitively priced with the local market.
  • Magical and Special Materials: Premium items carry higher costs due to their rare nature and magical enhancements.

Cover image: by 3orcs


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