BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Wellsy's SC24 Reading Challenge

Hello one and all and welcome to this reading challenge, blog post thingy. Glad to see so many people take part in summercamp this year. I had a lot of fun going through the prompts and pushing myself with categories I wouldn't usually try and I ended up with 16 articles total! Absolutely smashing my goal of 8 which was a great feeling!   But now is the time to look at new worlds, read what everyone else has been upto and get inspiration for what I can be doing with my world in the future.

The Learning:

Visual Openers.
I found that a lot of the articles I am drawn to have some sort of visual or written opener that is appealing and grabs my attention. Like the Zeppelin Class Transport MK II, the opening paragraph gives questions that I personally wanted to find out accompanied with awesome artwork.
Writing Style.
Not everything has to be written like a Wikipedia article. Dame Louise is a fun page to read because its an in world report on the character. So I'd like to find news ways to write my own articles in unique styles in the future.
Right Amount of Detail.
I found articles that give just enough detail about a topic felt more interesting to read. They were concise, easy to digest and didn't feel bloated with useless information. A good example of this was the Selkie Skin Trade.

My Goals:

Looking back at the goals I gave myself at the start of the year, I feel like I achieved or made progress working towards them. The main one being, updating old articles with better ideas, improving layouts and making my world more cohesive overall.   I still think my goals of improving/updating old articles, try to play once a month and focus on writing stories are good. So I think I'll keep my goals the same, but give a little more attention to story writing as that is something I haven't given as much attention to this year. My hope is that I can write more stories in world so that Violem can feel more alive.
Good job to everyone who took part in the summercamp challenge this year! It's been great reading what people come up with and I am certainly going to 'creatively borrow' ideas I have seen throughout the community. Go check out some of my favourite articles in the right hand column and if you want to checkout any of the articles I have written over the summercamp challenge, I'll link them down below. Stay safe and catch you all in the next competition :)  


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Aug 10, 2024 01:01

Thanks for including Selkie Skin Trade in your collection! I’m glad you enjoyed reading it.

Aug 31, 2024 15:18 by Chris L

Thanks for including me!

Learn about the World of Wizard's Peak and check out my award winning article about the Ghost Boy of Kirinal!