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Tue 12th Jul 2022 11:04

Little Lighthouse of Horrors

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

Percival and Ignatius might be killed in the morning! At least that is the information we have received when Aeldred, Amos and Antwon, finally returned from what appears to be a ruckus time with some " ladies of the late afternoon".
We can also now confirm that we have gone 34 years into the future. Could it be that future us somehow managed to go back in time to steal a boat that we could have it? unknown.
After a lovely sleep at the Silk Grove we tried to determine what to do about Percival and Ignatius. We also learned that the lighthouse near the docks was covered in mysterious vines. We finally decided to start with a jailbreak, or at least that's what I thought. I decided to try talking to the guards and using whatever means necessary to draw their attention away while Avon rescued or at least spoke to Percival and Ignatius. Apparently they did not want to leave, and they were not at immediate risk of being hung. I mean hanged.
Their trial is set for 6:30pm, so we thought that we may as well go and try to deal with the vines on the lighthouse. maybe that will help give us some clout I could sway the trial in our favor.
Upon arriving at the lighthouse there was a slew of guards and townspeople, very very upset about it. We learned the vines are fresh only having appeared within the last 24 hours. We also learned that Yusa had gone inside - a perfect opportunity to finally meet him and get some information. Avon declared us to the guards to be the Librarians of Nature and they let us through. We've learned upon entering these vines are unnatural and poisonous, definitely necromantic in nature. I am intrigued. There are various withered bodies trapped under the vines with lots more inside of the building itself. They don't like fire but they will regrow. It turns out there's also a bunch of zombies hiding in the plants!!!! Very exciting!!!!