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Mon 27th Jun 2022 02:03

Setting Sail Without the Sails

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

We were so very lucky to find this capsized ship after we had to leave the coziness of the giant worm. Antwon was very handy in guiding us to right the boat, but I was a bit clumsy and almost drowned! The water was a lovely shade of blue. Thankfully, I didn't die just yet. The ship is wonderful, though a bit in state. I'm very keen to learn how to actually sail a ship as I haven't been on anything larger than those river boats my grandfather sometimes took me on when schmoozing with business partners.
After getting the ship "sea-worthy" (I think that's what they call it), there were suddenly 6 dwarves who had been clinging to life on a bit of wood! Apparently it was there ship, but Antwon says it's ours now. He staked his claim by tarring up one of the dead sheep we found below, and then wielding it's severed leg as a weapon (very strange custom, on might even say insane, I must ask him if that's normal wherever he's from originally).
Now this is where things got very strange Diary! Captain Gralmor of the dwarves said that the volcanic eruptions of the now destroyed island had been going on for SIX MONTHS! We were all certain it had been less than a day. After going to bed, I was woken up by Avon who had realized that the dwarves had all suddenly disappeared! It also appears that strange things have been going on with the ship. Here is a list:

  • 0/6 dwarves present

  • All rations accounted for, though we had given some to the dwarves

  • The big of the ship that Percy had fixed had the fixed bits on it, but underneath it wasn't broken

  • The tarred up sheep was gone, but there was a full barrel's worth of tar sloshed about the deck in approximately the location of said tarring.

  • The masts are in a better shape than they were

  • Some small details of the ship are different, like the railings

  • The ship is called The Parakeet (unclear if this is what it was called all along, as I didn't check)

  • We can't fully understand what's happening (oh how I wish I had all of the books at the library to do some research!), but I am personally under the belief that everything we believed was happening before we went to sleep had only happened in our minds - our bodies had carried out the actions, but the scenes and conversations we were having were outside of our physical being. So either this is some strange residual effect of whatever happened with The Library, or SOMEONE IS FUCKING WITH US.
    We have made it to the docks of Nicodranas, with the hopes of finding Usa Arenas, a high mage who may be able to help direct us on what may have happened with the Library. From there, we will head back to Diastok!