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Fri 31st Mar 2023 10:53

Cleansed by Sunlight

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

After leaving the very dank and now full of dead bodies cellar, we found a very drunk Percival! He somehow managed to kill a dragon and has been carrying its skull around and telling everyone about it.
Percy told us that when they left for the wedding, they went into a portal that brought them not to Draconia, but to a hideout run by a white dragon! They killed the "princess", killed the dragon with the help of some ghosts, and then the others went to Hell in the same fashion as Haanson. Somewhere in there, Aeldred "went poof" and that's what started this apparent holy war with Asmodeus.
I asked Decumon what he thinks about this horrible smell that's been stuck to me, the tentacle arm, and the forked tongue. He thinks at least the smell might be a punishment from the 6th level of hell to punish either me or those around me. He thinks my tongue is a punishment from Corellon (the dude who shot Gruumsh's eye out). He offered to help me research it more!
Klaus thinks the tongue is a gift (or a curse) from Gruumsh, and Mel thinks its connected to my demonic parenthood.
We returned to The Cloistered Retreat and got some additional rooms for the rest of us. I refuse to ever share a room with Zephyr ever again, so I got one for just Dr. Waldorf and I. We spent the night in full sleepover mode, and I learned he's a doctor of medicine and a very good listener. Think of the things he could do for the people of Deastok when we get back!
The next morning, we had a big conversation about our goals. Any good team needs to be on the same page about these kinds of things, especially since we have so many new people who have decided to follow us around (who knew I had so much power and influence?!).
Klaus wants to help get Gruumsh from beyond the Divine Gate, with the Library's help
Decumon wants to return to the Library and is interested in looking at the lens we recovered.
Zephyr wants to get home to the Air Plane
Mel wants to be a dentist and make friends
Antwon wants to get the Library back, change the name of the town, and build an empire
Percy wants to get the Library back and find Ignatius
I want to get the Library back and get rid of my stank.
Klaus then regaled us with the tale of Doya the Exploya, a woman who lives in a bog and teaches kids that size doesn't matter and looks like Yoda and teaches them Orcish. She is also a goblin and she saved a horse named Artax from her bog. She says that size matters not and smell also matters not.
We decided to spend the day researching some things before heading back to Deastok, with Klaus heading to a bookshop, Decumon & Zephyr heading to the Cobalt Soul Reserve, and myself and Mel looking for a temple.
There were 2 temples to Sarenrae in town, which means she must be the best god so we headed there. I asked a priest for help and they got all afraid of me! They went and got a lot of friends and then sprayed sunlight at me while strapped to a chair! It was very unnecessarily aggressive. While in the sunlight chair, I saw different versions of myself with my various afflictions leaving my body and then getting ZAPPED! It felt very weird and I decided after that happening twice that I was no longer interested in this type of help. I started to fight back, and Mel came to bamf us both out before things could get too messy. It appears that my arm has returned to normal, and the stank has left me! I also have a very bad feeling that Skully was killed at the same time, likely from some sort of connection being severed. I hope Dr. Waldorf is okay!
There seems to be something else that has changed within me aside from these curses leaving, but since Mel and I are focused on fleeing a temple right now, I don't have much time to think about it!