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Wed 1st Mar 2023 02:26

Let Chaos Reign!

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

It is time to set chaos upon Zadash!
On our approach to the school, with every intention of getting inside and starting the chaos there, we stopped inside a random building in the hopes that we could find some robes inside to better blend in. We were successful, as it was a laundromat, but we were seen on the way out! In our exit, Haansen decided to toss a torch in after us, setting the place ablaze! {chaos begun}
Once back on the street, we started hearing alarms and a fire wagon came to put out the fire. Antwon decided to try and sabotage the wagon, but was seen by two women. He tried to silence them with threats with minimal success. A wizard approached and the women told them what they'd seen and he started fighting with us! He shot some flares into the air before teleporting away with the women. {chaos continues}
The fire was spreading quickly, and the wizard soon returned with 3 other mages! The fight was quite harrowing, with me almost being killed, Antwon not fairing as well as he'd hoped, and Zephyr needing to split off to track one of them down as they fled (possibly to get further back up). The only reason we survived was because Haansen did...something? All of a sudden he was filled with power, absolutely WRECKING the remaining mages! We killed them all, and took a crest one of them held as evidence. {chaos acquired}
We got out of town as fast as possible while fires raged around us. It was easy to exit with people fleeing around us! When Haansen finally reverted back from his wolf form, he had changed! Instead of regular Haansen, he now looked like an Asmodeus Red version of Haansen! We learned that during the fight, he had called upon Asmodeus for help, pledging himself to him.
As we camped outside of town, we noticed that the night sky looked darker, with the stars we could see appearing to move around and even explode! Shortly after, a spectral door opened in the camp! A skeleton (named Deef) and a shadowy, red-eyed dude (Simon) came through the door holding a contract between Haansen and Asmodeus. Asmodeus was calling him to hell to fight in some war between Asmodeus and The Entity (yes, Aeldred's entity!!). They said he would be trained in preparation for the coming battle. Haansen went willingly, but none of us chose to follow. His parting words to us were to "get the bags", meaning heaps of money.
Hopefully he doesn't die in Hell!