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Tue 30th Aug 2022 02:53

The Queen of Deastok (Pending)

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

We headed into Deastok after the chaos at the lake to hopefully figure out our next steps or get some information. It is both just as I remember it, and also very different! Many different types were about, including Drow and Duergar. Hopefully this means our group (tentatively the PPPPPP Party, but probably not) won't stick out too much. Amos and I were wondering if the church had fully burned down or if it was rebuilt, but before we could look we got distracted by something called the Festival of Merit! We learned from a pub patron named Sadrok that the Festival happens every 5 years and is used to determine the next leaders of the town. We immediately decided that we should make me the Queen of Deastok! (I'm so glad the others have acknowledged my natural born leadership). The Festival includes 7 events that take place over a week. The top 5 of each event enter a final challenge, the winners of which become the leaders! We have all decided to sign up for at least a few of them so we can hopefully win! Maybe being in charge of the town could help us learn more or open up other options of returning the Library to this plane that we haven't even thought of.
We also met a quite posh man named Taryon Darrington who apparently enters every contest in every Festival and never wins. Everyone hated him immediately, but I found him intriguing!
The night before the first event I schmoozed with the outgoing leaders, include Lord McTavish, and learned that the former leaders must immediately leave town when the events start. They didn't give me anything else useful despite my (close to) best efforts.
The first event was the eating competition! A number of us entered it, but I immediately failed on the first round. Thankfully Percy with his bottomless stomach and Avon with his lack of taste were able to win!
Next up will be the swimming competition!
Additional things of note: Percy is very passionate about the dangers posed by Minotaur Sex Orgies. Did you know they kill 3000 people a year?! Percy is the President of MAMSO (Mom's Against Minotaur Sex Orgies)