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Sun 2nd Oct 2022 10:37

The Final Countdown

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

The festival is starting to come to an end!
I competed in the comedy challenge - one I did not expect to win but it's only natural that I did! People love hearing me talk!
The next day Amos and Avon entered a very cute turtle riding contest. Unfortunately Amos, who the only one yet to gain entry into the finals, wasn't successful even though Antwon slashed the majority of the saddles, and he seemed very distraught about it.
The next day we all did well at the riddle contest, though Aeldred did jump the gun a bit and ended up growing gills from a strange poison! Amos FINALLY was able to get his own medal and into the finals.
Me, Amos and Avon all did well at the maze competition the next day, and the day after that, all of us did terribly at the harvesting challenge.
At the end of festival /pre-final challenge party, we learned we would need another person in our group to make a team of 7 for the final event. Conveniently, I have been 'befriending' Taryon Darrington over the course of the last few days, and ensured that he made it through to the final. He appears to be of Noble blood, which Grandfather always said made someone at least worth making a connection with. He is also a complete idiot, which makes him perfect. If I can convince him that our approach, whatever our desires may be, is the best approach (or better yet, make him think it was his idea), then we are set! He would make for a good figurehead to run the city in our stead should we decide we need to leave, as long as I can ensure he will be a good little soldier for us...