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Tue 20th Dec 2022 01:04

Together and Apart Again

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

Amos, Percy & Haansen have finally returned from the cloud! It was very exciting to get to welcome them to my new home and inform them of their new roles!
During another week of working on the town, Haansen received a mysterious note that I helped him read (because surprisingly, Diary, Haansen cannot read!), but he chose not to share it with anyone else.
I spent my time soliciting sponsorship through a connection of Grandfather's from the before time - Hugo Godricson of Godric's Farming Co. They agreed to sponsor my new sexual health wagon which will come to town weekly from Zadash to take care of the sexual health needs of primarily the Courtesans, but also the general public as needed.
With the whole group together again, we were properly able to vote on the Myriad situation - I voted yes but there were enough no's that it was rejected.
Shortly after a mysterious Dragonborn Princess arrived! She claimed that she had been promised to the "King of Deastok" to wed when she turned 19! We determined that this was truthful, and that they could be a useful ally against the rest of the world if needed. We voted yes to move ahead with the marriage, and then had to vote on who would take the role of "King" and actually marry her. Antwon, Amos, and Ignatius (who we haven't seen in weeks) were all nominated. We voted for Amos. I felt strangely jealous...
From there we decided that we needed to split into two groups. One group will go with the Princess (who's name we never asked) back to Draconia to hold the wedding (because we definitely can't afford it), and another to head to Rexxentrum to meet with the Myriad and discuss working together in time.
I have left Skully behind to get the house in working order and figure out the automatons.
Aeldred has asked us to find history books especially covering the last 30+ years to help us fill in some blanks.