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Sun 4th Dec 2022 04:25

Tentacles & Tragedies

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

Tragedy has struck this day. My dear Avon has left this world. this time I think for good. I shall tell you how we got to this point.
We resume after reuniting with Amos and Haansen and some charred body. I tried to learn something from it, but it was too ruined. It seemed presumable that the person who used the bedroom we found earlier could have made the stitch monster?
We continued exploring the rest of this level and found a room filled with HUNDREDS of dolls! When you entered the room, the trap on the doors activated and they made you blind & deaf. If you were brave enough to keep going, however, you would find a secret room through the wall at the back - an alchemy lab!
As we explored this room, I got an overwhelming sense that an innocent had died due to my inaction. I can only assume that this sense is related to Taryon Darrington likely being burned as a witch. This feeling was enough to make me MAD with guilt! A wracking headache came over me and my eyes burned. When I opened them, I found a second eyelid had grown that can detect transmutation magic. As that started to sink in, my left arm fell off.
YES! IT JUST FELL OFF! CLEANLY! In it's place grew a black to red ombre tentacle (at least it matches my hair). This is absolutely the strangest thing to ever happen to me. I wonder if there's some sort of strange magic happening in this temple that's effecting me?
Now that we had finished exploring this floor, we needed to figure out where the lens was. We assumed it was downstairs near the trolls, and so wanted to craft some additional fire power. I offered to stay in the alchemy lab with Big Skully to make some bombs (and come to terms with whatever the heck just happened to my body), while the others went to investigate the jungle we found earlier. When they were done, we would consider resting and then attacking the trolls head on.
I was making Menagerie Cocktails when suddenly Echo flew into the room and alerted me to trouble! I ran out and down the hall to find that the boys had said "fuck it" to the jungle exploring and just went to attack the trolls. The fight had just ended, and they found that there was something like a portcullis where we had thought was just a wall. We turned the wheel to lift it, which allowed a stream of water through and down the hole in the floor. The water in the hole seemed to turn some sort of waterwheel which then caused the floor to lower and a dias to raise up. THE LENS WAS ON THE DIAS!
Also with the dias, unfortunately, was a meek scientist and a MIND FLAYER! Combat ensued. Through the fight, most of us ended up stuck on the far side of the room behind the scientist's wind wall, while Avon faced the Mind Flayer. We watched as the Mind Flayer restrained Avon, and eventually sucked out his brains. He almost got Antwon next, but we were able to destroy both enemies.
We took the lens and Avon's body back to the alchemy lab to rest. Disconnecting the lens appears to have caused the jungle to vanish! I refused to let go of Avon's body. I considered finding a way to raise him, but I know he would appreciate finally being able to be at peace. I would never hear the end of it if I brought him back.
I asked the party what had changed between waiting for the morning and attacking without me, and I heard Aeldred say it was his idea. I didn't even listen to the rest of what he had to say before I was slashing at him with Sailor Johnny.
Alas, I am in pain that cannot be mended. I've lost my home, my mother and grandfather, and now my best friend. I have Amos back now, of course, but it feels like he is hiding things from me. We have been apart for so long and immediately got thrown into this chaos, I just don't know what's going on with him.
For now, I will bury my friend.