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Tue 10th May 2022 01:57

Character Background

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

Lord Gideon Othalam originally hailed from Zadash in the Dwendalian Empire. He was a powerful noble in the area who always did what was “best” (by his standards or desires) for those in his lands or in his business pursuits. When his lands were prospering, he found himself bored with the day to day operations and desired to find a way to cement his legacy in the world. He began to seek out ancient knowledge, magical relics, whatever he could to set himself apart. He discovered the Librarians of the Mad Court through his searching and was invited to join. He left his lands under the care of his steward and joined the Library, bringing his daughter Amanita (who had similar goals and desires) with him.
After some time there, they learned of a ritual that could summon a demon to produce offspring with Amanita and create a force for ‘good’ in the world - resulting in the birth of Vespera and granting her a shadowy form and sorcerous powers. Vespera doesn’t know anything more about her father beyond this.
Vespera was raised within the cult, but split her time as a youngster between the Library and her Grandfather’s estate in Zadash where she spent time with Amos Daloes, the grandson of Sir Simon Daloes, another Lord her Grandfather was friends and business colleagues with. Amos and Vespera had shockingly similar origins and skills, so it made sense to be companions and to practice the arcane arts together. Vespera treasured the times she got to spend with Amos, mainly because he was fun and she didn’t get to see many other children, but also because she worried about him when she wasn’t around. She saw how he was treated differently than her by his family despite their similarities.
Her Grandfather and mother raised Vespera with their same morals and values - to always come out on top, to always work for the ‘greater good’, and to not shy from ruthlessness when needed. The values of the Mad Court, to seek knowledge to solve the problems of the world, were also instilled in her.
Eventually the family decided to dedicate more time to the cult again and the families lost touch.
As a teen, Vespera filled her time outside of being tutored by the Librarians by helping to care for the younglings - typically orphans who made their way to the Library by various means. As she got older, she became a scholar in her own right, with an affinity for studying the undead and how to use them for the betterment of the world.
In order to dissuade Vespera from leaving the Library and seeking out her friend, her family told her that he had died in an accident and so they were giving the family some space.
As a teen, Vespera spent her time being tutored by the Librarians and learning more about the arcane arts. She became interested in learning more about death and seeing if it was possible to bring back her friend from the beyond. She also occasionally helped to care for the younglings - typically orphans who made their way to the Library by various means. She met Avon, a rather shy person who came to the Library after tragic happenings. He reminded her of Amos in a way and she couldn’t help but take him under her wing. Others seemed to find him off-putting but Vespera thought nothing of it. She found him intriguing, especially the connection he had to the spirit world, which was very different than her own connection with death.
As she got older, she became a scholar in her own right, and her affinity for studying the undead shifted from more personal reasons to how to use them for the betterment of the world. Though her actions would be considered evil by folks in the wider world, Vespera genuinely believes that she is good, having never seen anyone behave any differently. She cares about those close to her and would do anything to protect them.
When Amos reached out for help via a tavern in Deastok after many years apart, Vespera was extremely surprised to find he had been alive this whole time, and invited him to join her at the Library.