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Mon 31st Oct 2022 12:08

The Bullywog

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

Upon rising this morning, Avon and I learned that Taryon hadn't returned to us. After some searching, we learned that he and Doty had been taken to Port Demali to be tried as witches! Apparently they said a few too many odd things. We decided that they were too far gone, having left over an hour ago.
We headed off to join the others and met Antwon on the way. We saw a troll that was trapped by some vines and dying over and over again! So fascinating! I tried to help it, but it just made him die slower.
We made it to the others and learned that Amos' magic has been acting up and he has stored Percy in "the cloud".
We opened the hatch to what we think is the temple and began exploring. We quickly learned that another group was approaching!
I slid down a water slide into the next room where I found a Bullywog. After screaming at each other, it tried to bite me and run. Thankfully Antwon came down and held it so I could kill it.
I then finally got to do something I've been waiting ages to do - raise it as a Graven Minion! I'm calling him Skully.