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Fri 31st Mar 2023 10:31

New Friends

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

As we began to explore Rexxentrum, a messenger approached us. He had a letter for me from Amos! It turned out to be his will, leaving me all of his possessions back in Deastok. I do hope I won't need to keep them forever.
Shortly after, we had the strangest meeting: Tomas, one of the researchers from The Library, is here! He seems to be a bit different than we remember, but is still Tomas (except now he goes by Decumon because he's an angel or something?). He says he was in The Library when it disappeared, but he ended up somewhere different from the rest - in the realm of Selune.
Decumon/Tomas brought us to his inn, The Cloistered Retreat, so that we could talk about what each of us know about what has happened to the Library. He is keen to come with us and help us figure out how to get The Library back.
While we were talking, Zephyr and Klaus met a little pixie named Mel and her mouse mount Samuel L. Whiskers. She seems nice enough, though she has a strange interest in teeth, and said she knows where to find The Myriad!
Mel took us to what turned out to be the 20-years-ago-destroyed former headquarters of The Myriad. While looking around for any possible modern leads, an old man approached us and gave us directions to a meeting point - the fountain in Vigil's Circle.
Late at night, we approached the fountain and were approached by the old man, who we learned is named Waldorf. He informed us that The Myriad is fractured, and that they contacted us in an effort to support the Zadash base with a distraction. He took us to meet the remaining members of The Myriad in a cellar, the guild leader Iris Thesalas and another one who's name I forgot. The 3 of them are the only members left! We showed them the sigil we had taken from the mage in Zadash, and learned that he was a member of the Cerberus Assembly! What a kill!
Iris gave Antwon maps of all 5 of the former Myriad strongholds in various parts of Wildemount. These strongholds should contain lots of info, contracts, and contacts within cities. We could probably sell the information we receive to the right buyer.
It became clear very quickly that any promise of money was unlikely to be followed through on, unless we put in a lot of effort to attain the information. Zephyr is clearly not a patient person, and I think really likes money?, and so attacked them! Antwon and Klaus helped while the rest of us just watched.
Right as Dr. Waldorf went down, I cast cure wounds on him to save him! I asked him if he wanted to come and work for me, because his previous employers were now dead, and he demonstrated some neat abilities in the fight! He sadly refused, and so I had no choice but to slit his throat. I then raised him as a new Minion to join me and Skully. I figure if I had to lose Amos, I could make a new friend to keep me company until he comes back.
Just like when I made Skully, this transformation seemed to effect me physically. I felt stronger, but my tongue now appears to be forked!