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Wed 25th May 2022 02:20

Snake Guts and Glory

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

I think all my training has paid off - I solved my first puzzle in a temple! I'm basically a bonafide relic hunter now, if only Grandfather could see! We descended deeper into the temple with the Yuan-ti, finding a strange underground orchard! Some of us ate the fruit and it made us see strange glowing markings and words on the plinths there. Apparently it made me speak an ancient language, which was very frustrating as none of the others could understand me!
We determined that a sacrifice was necessary to open the next path, so when the Yuan-ti went back up top, presumably to scheme against us, we schemed as well! After they accidentally revealed their poisonous intentions, we attacked! I managed to turn one snake into a withered husk, and melted the brain of another. It was so fun that I felt faint and Aeldred had to revive me. I'm sad that Amos wasn't there to see how much my powers have grown, but it was exciting to all have to fight as a team! We drained the snake people on the altars and a staircase opened up within the big tree in the middle.
After a short rest where we learned more about Aeldred and his people (for future reference, krakow is the word for male minotaur, and Aeldred does NOT like being called Beefy or Surly), we went down to the next room. There were 3 portraits of a bird, a snake, and a worm. I ate some more fruit and saw more pretty words in a language I don't speak but could understand (we should take some samples of this fruit back to the library if we can, maybe we dry some out on the beach for easier transport?). We determined that these portraits symbolized the Wardens of Uko'toa. We shoved a bunch of fruit into some holes, and then Aeldred spoke a command to 2 of them. I have no idea what he said, but he seemed very bewildered after talking to the first one and spoke to the second one VERY quickly.
Thetzotheill then returned, and now it looks like we have another fight on our hands. I wonder how many bones a snake/person has?