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Fri 1st Jul 2022 02:08

Live From Nicodranas, It Might Be Wednesday Night?

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

After arriving in Nicodranas and heading to shore with Avon and Antwon, we were greeted by Amos and Ignatius! I was starting to believe that seeing Amos again was a dream and he was really dead all along. But apparently, he is in fact real, and I am in fact still sane (for now).
Percy swam all the way to shore to let us know there were some officials attempting to do official things with the boat. Ignatius told us that "Jeoffjyyyy (pronounced Jeffrey) is written on Antwon's heart." Is this another clue, like Zolarg?? He also said to not let Yusa "do the thing". Ignatius went back to the ship with Percy to have a nap.
We made our way to Yusa's tower, it's the most unfathomably tall building I've ever seen! It has a very sassy door that didn't want to let us in. I left a note for Yusa, declaring us as denizens of the Library, and then we went in search of a healer to remove the rivet from Antwon's lung. Amos had the marvelous idea of trying to heal him with mending, which could have worked except it definitely didn't and in fact made it worse. Antwon's shirt was fused to the rivet and therefore his body, which meant we needed to go SHOPPING! I bought THE BEST dress, mother would love it.
We found Antwon a doctor and then went back to the tower to try to speak to Yusa again. He was there (at least I assume from the hoity toity air around him), with a goblin he called Wenceforth, and a bunch of town guards. We overheard the guards informing Yusa that they had recovered the missing ship and arrested the occupants, aka Percy, Ignatius and Aeldred! Quite a pickle.
We managed to stop Wenceforth before he went back inside, and he is quite the nervous little fellow! I tried to charm him but it didn't quite work, and he said we would have to wait until Tuesday to speak with him! (which may or may not be a week away, I think it might be Wednesday?).
We decided to split up in order to accomplish more. Avon kept vigil at the tower in case Yusa came out, Amos and Antwon went to find the prison so that we could see about getting the others out, and I went to go find us accommodations for the night as it appears we will be here for at least another day. I got us rooms at the Silk Grove from Derek (the youngish man at reception), and went to join Avon in waiting for the others to return.