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Mon 7th Nov 2022 12:28

Demon Man's Best Friend

by Vespera Achlys Othalam

Amos made a new friend!
Well...maybe. He at least wouldn't let us kill this strange new firbolg who was apparently following Amos' scent. It seems they are of the same kind! Though it's very strange that this new fellow - Haanson Petalfoot - would have even known about him being a werewolf since *I* didn't even know until a day ago! Regardless of how he found out, Haanson has decided to stick with us through this temple, as we were clearly not in the mood to stop our mission and just talk, and I think Amos wanted the opportunity to feel him out a bit more before deciding how to handle him.
As we delved deeper into the temple, we found a nest of VERY cute baby Skully's! I mean baby bullywugs. I grappled with whether or not to take one with me, and eventually decided against it. Percy then came in swiftly afterwards and snatched one up! He has given it a weapon and named it Jed.
We found a trophy room with loads of lizardfolk skulls. I took what was clearly the best one. I think I can make a very interesting scrying device out of it!
After passing a large pit with two trolls in it, we entered what appeared to be a throne room. I tried to greet the Bullywug King with the dignity any nobel should be afforded, and he immediately sicked his goons on us!
During the fight, Amos knocked Haanson over into the troll pit (but followed shortly after to help him - see, real friendship is forming!). I killed the big boss, and then a walking brain came out of his throat! There was also a spooky tongue monster in a hatch in the floor, which Antwon eventually sacrificed Skully to.
I mourned the short time I had with dear Skully. He was a very cute graven minion, and my first. He did minimal damage, but put his heart (or where his heart would be) into it!
After a moment of silence, I then raised a new graven minion out of a Bullywug Priest I felled! Say hello to Big Skully!