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Tue 26th Apr 2022 02:32

Session 37 - Bottom of the Prison

by Jack

After tying up their captured Ragesian soldier, the Protectors of the Pass continued through the undercroft of the Sunken Prison. The next room they arrived in seemed to be a chamber of experimentation, where more of the fish men the party fought previously floated in tanks, unmoving. Near the tanks, there was a book, in which the writer detailed "I have not been able to replicate the process that created many lives from one. I cannot help but assume that something outside of the realm of normal experimentation and scientific process occurred that night that I may never recapture." It continued "while the Aquiline Heart may be only myth, this could be a true method not only towards success, but eternal life."
Near the experimentation room, there was a bedroom, and on a shelf was placed a dark orb. After a quick look-over, it was determined that this was in fact the item that was causing the odd weather in Seaquen, not just the continuous rain, but the hurricane too. However, there was a missing item, a wand that controlled the orb. Collecting the device, the party moved on.
The next chamber was designated to be a room of torture. A number of cells lined the nearby wall, and within the Protectors found a young sorcerer from the Lyceum, bloodied and imprisoned. In another cell was an unusual stone pillar, that was revealed to be some sort of magical teleportation focus, which was designed to draw those attempting to teleport within its proximity to be drawn to the pillar instead of their destination.
In another room, the party found a young elf woman tied to a torture table, and applying his trade was a Ragesian Inquisitor named Damius. The Protectors attacked, and though Damius was alone in combat, he fought well. The party eventually felled him, but were very hurt from the fight. After hearing reports from the two captives, as well as tied-up soldier, that Lee had fled hours before the party arrived, the party believed that the druid was in the wind. Collecting the captives, the party began their trek out of the Sunken Prison.
Nearing the exit, the Protectors heard the raging hurricane outside, seemingly worsened after their time in the Prison. The party prepared to head back to the Lyceum and see what to do next. However, a shadow passed before the front door, and as the Protectors left the Prison's walls, they were greeted by an unwelcome sight - Lee Sidoneth, and his pet squid Lula. "Looking for this," Lee yelled through the storm, and held above his head, the missing wand that would stop the storm. Drawing on their small reserves of strength and determination, the Protectors drew their weapons, and dove into the battle to save Seaquen.

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  1. Session 2 - Deception in the Depository
    New Year's Day, 5754
  2. Session 1 - A Very Warm Greetings
  3. Session 3 - Mercy and Fireballs
  4. Session 4 - Rats, Badgers, and Imps
  5. Session 5 - Leaving Town
  6. Session 6 - Magic, Money, and Mages
  7. Session 7 - Pursuers
  8. Session 8 - Ceasefire before Forest Fire
  9. Session 9 - Snatch and Scourge
  10. Session 10 - Into the Inferno
  11. Session 11 - Devil in the Fire
  12. Session 12 - Indomitability
  13. Session 13 - Burning Questions
  14. Session 14 - A Hot Deal
  15. Session 15 - Games by Firelight
  16. Session 16 - A Little Illumination
  17. Session 17 - Sacrifice of the Seela
  18. Session 18 - The Hag and the Dryad
  19. Session 19 - Protectors of the Seela
  20. Session 20 - Cold After Warm
  21. Session 21 - Springs, Sorcerers, and Sphinxes
  22. Session 22 - Bar Games and Warships
  23. Session 23 - Arrival at Seaquen
  24. Session 24 - Deception at South Harbor
  25. Session 25 - The Headmaster
  26. Session 26 - Truth and Fire Rats
  27. Session 27 - The Wayfarers
  28. Session 28 - Gators in the Mist
  29. Episode 29 - Swamps and Mires
  30. Session 30 - Denizens of South Harbor
  31. Session 31 - Politics and Pilfering
  32. Session 32 - Badgers and a Dragon
  33. Session 33 - The Storm Breaks
  34. Session 34 - The Sunken Prison
  35. Session 35 - Tide of Bone
  36. Session 36 - The Red Room
  37. Session 37 - Bottom of the Prison
  38. Session 38 - He Who Controls The Storm
  39. Session 39 - After the Storm
  40. Session 40 - Leaving Seaquen
  41. Session 41 - Frozen Dassen
  42. Session 42 - Many Threads
  43. Session 43 - The King of Dassen
  44. Session 44 - Enemies of the State
  45. Session 45 - Keep to the Shadows
  46. Session 46 - Gallo's Fend
  47. Session 47 - Escape or Die
  48. Session 48 - The Alydi Gap
  49. Session 49 - Fighting Uphill
  50. Session 50 - King of the Hill
  51. Session 51 - Reunited
  52. Session 52 - Lord, Lady, and Mother
  53. Session 52 - The Battle Approaches
  54. Session 53 - Thravanvost
  55. Session 54 - The Battle of Otharil Vale, Part 1
  56. Session 55 - The Battle of Otharil Vale, Part 2
  57. Episode 56 - Return to Bresk
  58. Episode 57 - The King's Festival
  59. Episode 59 - Familiar Faces
  60. Session 60 - Madness Revealed
  61. Session 61 - Many From One
  62. Session 62 - Fiery Arrival
  63. Session 63 - They Have the High Ground
  64. Session 64 - The Quiet Town of Eresh
  65. Session 65 - Balance