After their exhausting battle, the party tied up their surviving captive, and found some orders from Ragesian commanders, ordering an invasion of Dassen. The orders also mentioned "Madness", and that they waited to learn of their success or failure. Along with Deception and Indomitability, Madness may be another Trillith.
With evidence and prisoner in tow, the party made their way back through the Alydi Gap, returning to Gallo's Fend. Once there, Gallo urged the party to make haste with his new proxy Makhesson, and get to Dashgoban to present the evidence to him. On their way out of the Fend, the three friends were greeted with a welcomed sight - Rayland and Winry, majestically soaring on their bird mount. After a reunion, the once again complete Protectors of the Pass began their trek to Dashgoban.