Climate in Aerith | World Anvil
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The mountains of Denethen's Helm, at the northernmost tip of Starhelm, are cold, with snow-capped peaks and bitter winds. Giants and hardy beasts reside there, with Dwarves deep underground making the best of their environment. To the south, protected by the mountains of Denethen’s Helm is a small area of foothills and rocky outcroppings. The winds blow cold, but the mountains keep most of the storms or precipitation from being too drastic.   The swamps of Fenblight Swamp are much colder in the north with hard, wet ground to contend with. The further south one goes the warmer it gets but the best the Northwest will get is temperate. The eastern side of the region is a bit warmer with the proximity to the desert, but it is still quite cold.  


Avandar and Brightwave are the northernmost border of the Southwest and their climate is temperate and mild, with some wet winters and wet springtime. Mists from the sea shroud Avandar and Brightwave, with the latter being the sole guard against the Skurrush Swamp and Quicksilver Bog joining and taking over the land. Good farmland also exists between Brightwave and Petrie Mire to the east, which the Avandarians cultivate as much as possible.   The further south one goes the warmer the temperature becomes, and the swamps and forest of the south can get quite hot and humid.  


The southern tip of Brightbough Forest, just south of Stonebridge is the closest the continent gets to jungle. It is hot and steamy much of the year, and many animals and insects dwell in that section of the world; some are not seen anywhere else on Starhelm. The Jungles of Luvash, as they are known are not large, but they connect the forests with the Marsh of Menlos to the far southeast of the continent.   Stonebridge has pleasant warm winds from the jungle and ocean that blow north. The winds are cooled by the mountains and the forest trees of the Elves.   The Scar of Fire, the volcano in the southern heart of the The Barrier Guard of Denethen plays havoc with the normal weather patterns of the region. It blows hot winds, brings freak lightning storms, and produces ash from time to time. The hot winds extend as far east as the southern end of Denethen's Mantle.   The Marsh of Menlos is warmer than the western swamps, due to its proximity to the southern end of the continent and the Scar of Fire. The weather is mostly warm in the winter and hot and sticky in the summer months.  


The areas of the northeast contain the mountain chain known as the Barrier Guard of Denethen running north to south, the coastal mountain chain to the east named Denethen’s Mantle, the rolling hills between the two, the plains of the north, above Essillion , and Aspenshield Forest .   The hills of Meadowspring and beyond are mostly well protected from the elements, due to its position between the two mountain chains. Its climate is pleasant and temperate most of the year, with light snowfall in the winter months.   The areas of the foothills near the mountains, particularly at the east end suffer from lightning storms often, and heavy snowfalls near the top of the mountains. On the west side they suffer from heavy winds coming through the mountains. In the northern end of the region the winds and temperatures get colder in the winter months, temperate in the summer months, with Spring bringing rain, and Autumn bringing more winds and mixed temperatures throughout the day.   Hollow's Point and Aspenshield are on the same parallel but the trees of the forest protect Aspenshield from the harshest weather, while Hollow’s Point can get very cold winters, with winds coming off the tops of the mountain. The trees of Aspenshield Forest don’t allow much of the moisture to make it to Hollow’s Point so their cold weather is a dry cold. Summers are pleasant with warm weather and cool breezes.  


With the exception of the PuKtan Desert, the Interior of Starhelm was once a vibrant land, with excellent weather of varying degrees, very favourable for growing crops, and many variety of species lived there. After the Fractioning most of the land was either destroyed, salted, or made barren by the explosion, or the advance of the Witch Queen of Starhelm. The lands were contaminated, most of the water unfit to drink for Humans. It continues to creep outward, threatening to take more of the healthy land of Starhelm.   The PuKtan Desert, known as the Desert of Rage, is the chief home of the Goblins, though most of them dwell in the Undersands, below the surface. Two major Oases exist, one in the north, Hope's Oasis and one in the south, the Oasis of Pestilence. The one in the north is held by a combined group of Human barbarians, Dwarves of Denethen’s Helm, some Halflings of Burrowfast , and the inhabitants of the Steppes of Centos . Goblin raids are frequent, but that Oasis is extremely important to the north. It provides fresh water, some area to grow food, and some even say it is blessed by Tereale herself. The water taken from Hope’s Oasis is especially effective in driving away Undead and purifying land and food.   The Oasis of Pestilence is held chiefly by the Goblins who sometimes use it as a staging ground for attacks against the Humans and Grippli of the west.  


The Undersands and Underdark both have their own unique weather systems, but they are invariably cold and dank. The main difference between the Undersands and the Underdark is mostly moisture. The Undersands are dry, cold, and devoid of much life. The Goblins that live there can survive on little, but they raid often to supplement their stores of supplies, food, and labour.   The Underdark has a more complex ecosystem, with caves large enough to support lakes, large rivers, fungal growths of massive quantities, wildlife, and even distinct weather systems. Their location to the topside regions typically influences the weather systems but anomalies are known to happen so some Underdark systems in the north are warmer than the south.


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