
Barbarians can be a lot of fun. At early levels, your teammates wil cheer each time you rage, as you will often be the most effective melee fighter in the group. Barbarians continue to gain perks at almost every level as well.   There are two things to consider about being a Barbarian:   First, is your instinct when facing danger to bash the crap out of it? Second, is it really fun to bash the crap out of things?   While it is referred to as "rage," Barbarians are not necessarily wildly angry characters: think of it more as a a battle frenzy or possession scenario. Or, yeah, just be really pissed off, whatever works for you.   In media, Drax of Guardians of the Galaxy, The Hulk, The Bride from Kill Bil, and Wolverine are all Barbarians.   STR and CON are the most important abilities for Barbarians.  

Barbarian Paths

  Barbarians follow different Paths, guiding them through the world. You select a path at 3rd Level, and gain features related to that path at 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th Level.  
Path of the Ancestral Guardian
This path focuses on your relationship to your tribal ancestors, accessing their spiritual power as you progress.
Path of the Ankole
This path channels the might of the sacred cattle.
Path of the Arcanagoth
This path is profoundly anti-magic, raging against the arcane at all times.
Path of the Arcane Blood
This path uses temporary and permanent tattoos to infuse their rage with arcane possibilities.
Path of Ballistics
Barbarians, but from a distance.
Path of the Bearserker
This path focuses on the wilderness rage held within.
Path of the Beast
This path allows you to access truly bestial powers, blurring the line between your human and your beast forms.
Path of the Beastlord
You and your animal companion, causing havoc.
Path of the Beastslayer
This path focuses on absorbing the powers of vanquished foes.
Beast Whisperer
You lead a small pack of beasts.
Path of the Berserker
This path focuses on battle-frenzy, extending your melee abilities and terrifying your enemies.
Path of Blood
This path works blood magic into the barbarian's rage.
Path of the Bone Wielder
This path can manipulate their own skeleton.
Path of Celestial Fury
This path channels radiant glory in its rage.
Path of Community Outrage
This path channels the anger of a group of like-minded creatures.
The Crimson Path
Your blood connects you to those who came before.
Path of the Demonslayer
Ooooh, demons! Let's slay them.
Path of the Destroyer
Barbarian luddites: civilization BAD.
Path of Destruction
This path focuses on ways to deal additional damage, to objects as well as foes.
Path of the Deviator
This path focuses on connections with the primal forces of chaos.
Path of Discipline
Barbarians with a monkish flair.
Path of the Djinnbound
Your abilities are enhanced by a Djinn.
The rare Barbarian in armor, these are largely defensive bulwarks.
Path of the Ebon Star
This path focuses on the destruction of vampires and other undead.
Path of the Fear Rager
This path strikes fear in the hearts of your foes.
Path of Fiendish Rage
This path focuses on devilish gifts tied to your rage.
Frenzied Mutant
You are a mutant. And full of frenzy.
Forest Guardian
These Barbarians take on aspects of the natural world in their rages.
Path of the Fractured Charger
You have been the subject of magical experiments gone wrong (or very, very right), fusing your biology with something decidedly unhuman.
Path of the Gore Gladiator
This path focuses on one-on-one competitions.
Path of the Green Man
This path transforms you into a trollish, treeish monstrosity. Fun!
Path of the Griefstricken
You have lost so much, and so many ...
Path of the Hateblade
This path focuses on increasing your awareness in battle.
Path of the Hopebringer
This path focuses on providing hope in times of darkness.
Hound Master
You and a canine companion rage together.
Path of the Inner Eye
This path allows brief glimpses of the future.
Path of Legacy
This path allows ongoing customization of the character, focusing on gifts from the ancestors.
Path of the Loadestar
Unarmed combat, with a radiant bonus.
Path of the Monster Slayer
This path focuses on battle against the massive beasts of the world.
Path of the Mountain
This path focuses on the power buried in the peaks of the world.
Path of the Plains Runner
This path is built around hunting and pursuit of their quarry.
Path of Primal Fury
Simple weapons, simple rage.
Path of Primal Transcendence
This path bonds you with a spirit force.
Path of Primeval
This path helps you unleash your inner beast.
Path of the Queen Bee
This path focuses on your ability to tap into the combined power of a hive mind.
Your basic possessed death-dealer.
Raptor Knight
You bond with a ... yep ... a velociraptor.
Path of the Rider
Another path focused on mounted combat.
Scorpion Warrior
You are a desert warrior with a variety of styles of rage at your disposal.
Path of Self-Sacrifice
This path focuses on protection and healing.
Shadow Gnawer
You access powers of shadow in your rage.
Path of the Slumbering Beast
This path walks a line between the material plane and the dreamworld.
Path of the Souleater
This path consumes souls to enhance their own powers.
This path focuses on resisting and fighting against the arcane.
Path of the Spirit Warrior
Rage, but with access to the arcane.
Path of the Splatter
This path maximizes the impact of its attacks, both with and without weapons.
Path of the Storm Herald
This path ties your power to that of the desert, tundra, or sea.
Path of the Storm Wielder
You use storm charges in your rage, granting supernatural abilities.
A Barbarian of the storms.
Path of the Tentacle
Your connection to the void allows you to modify your body with, yep, tentacles.
Titan Master
You ride big beasts. REALLY BIG beasts.
Path of the Totem Warrior
This path focuses on your relationshi with a small set of totem animals, granting you powers along their lines (as a wolf, for example, you gain skills that increase the power of the pack).
Path of the Trollslayer
Usually followed by Dwarves, focuses on wrecking havoc against trolls and other giantkein.
Path of Ulfhander
This path focuses on a connection with wolves.
Urban Vagabond
These are the bruisers of the city.
Path of the Virtuous
Having survived a traumatic near-death experience, you are now committed to protecting the weak, with reckless abandon.
Path of the Warlord
Someone has to command all those ravaging hordes.
Wasteland Warlord
This path focuses on survival after the apocalypse.
Path of the Wild
You were raised by beasts, and have learned their ways.
Path of Wild Magic
This path lets you access a wild, chaotic magical choice with often powerful, unpredictable results. Elven and Tiefling Barbarians often follow the Path of Wild Magic.
Path of the Witch Hunter
This path specializes in combat against arcane foes.
Path of the Zealot
This path draws on divine power to enhance your abilities, reflecting your undying devotion to a single deity.


These are meant as a summary of the class. The official rules should be consulted, either directly or through the DM with any questions or clarifications.
Scroll down for full class details.


People of towns and cities take pride in how their civilized ways set them apart from animals, as if denying one’s own nature was a mark of superiority. To a barbarian, though, civilization is no virtue, but a sign of weakness. The strong embrace their animal nature—keen instincts, primal physicality, and ferocious rage. Barbarians are uncomfortable when hedged in by walls and crowds. They thrive in the wilds of their homelands: the tundra, jungle, or grasslands where their tribes live and hunt.   Barbarians come alive in the chaos of combat. They can enter a berserk state where rage takes over, giving them superhuman strength and resilience. A barbarian can draw on this reservoir of fury only a few times without resting, but those few rages are usually sufficient to defeat whatever threats arise.
hit dice: 1d12
hit points at 1st level: 12 + CON Modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d12 (or 7) + CON Modifier
armor proficiencies: Light; Medium; Shields
weapon proficiencies: Simple Weapons; Martial Weapons
saving throws: STR; CON
skills: 2 from Animal Handling; Athletics; Intimidation; Nature; Perception; Survival.
starting equipment:
A Greataxe or any martial melee weapon; 2 handaxes or any simple weapon; an explorer's pack, and 4 javelins.
Barbarians cannot cast spells per se but they can Rage.  


  You can rage as a bonus action. When raging, as long as you are not wearing heavy armor, you
  • have advantage on STR checks and saving throws;
  • when attacking with a melee weapon using STR, you gain bonus damage per the Barbarian Table below. This damage starts at 9th Level and increases at 13th and 17th Level; and
  • you have resistance against bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • Rage lasts 1 minute (10 combat rounds), and ends if you are knocked unconscious, or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage. You can also end rage as a bonus action. Once your rages are expended (see Barbarian Table below), you must finish a long rest before raging again.

    class features:
    Unarmord Defense
    If wearing no armor, your AC = 10 + DEX modifier + CON modifer.
    Reckless Attack
    At 2nd Level, you may choose to attack recklessly, giving you advantage on STR melee weapon attacks for that turn. Attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.
    Danger Sense
    At 2nd Level, you gain advantage on DEX saving throws against effects you cannot see.
    --Primal Knowledge: At 3rd Level, you gain proficiency in 1 of the skills listed above. You gain another at 10th Level.
    Primal Path
    At 3rd Level, you choose a path that shapes the nature of your rage and grants features at 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th Level.
    Ability Score Improvement
    At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th Level, you can increase 1 ability score +2 or 2 ability scores +1 (20 max).
    Extra Attack
    At 5th Level, you can attack twice per turn on a single attack action.
    Fast Movement
    At 5th Level, your speed increases by 10 ft when not wearing heavy armor.
    Feral Instinct
    At 7th Level, you have advantage on initiative rolls. If surprised, you can act normally on your first turn if you start that turn by raging. Additionally, you gain Instinctive Pounce, allowing you take, as part of the bonus action when you enter rage, move up to half your speed.
    Brutal Critical
    At 9th Level, Critical hits gain an additional damage die; at 13th Level, 2 dice; at 17th Level, 3 dice.
    Relentless Rage
    At 11th Level, if you are reduced to 0 HP but not killed outright, you can make a DC 10 CON saving throw. If successful, you drop to 1 HP instead. Each time you use this feature, the DC increases by 5, and resets after a short or long rest.
    Persistent Rage
    At 15th Level, your rage only ends if you choose, or if you are knocked unconscious.
    Indomitable Might
    At 18th Level, if your total for a STR check is less than your STR, you can use your STR.
    Primal Champion
    At 20th Level, your STR and CON +4, to a maximum of 24.
    subclass options:
    The Path of the Berserker is pure battle-frenzy while the Path of the Totem Warrior builds a bond between a Barbarian and a totem animal that enhances their melee capabilities. The Path of the Beast takes a slightly different angle on the relationship between Barbarians and beasts and the Path of Wild Magic adds chaotic and sometimes unpredictable magical effects to the Class, while the Path of the Storm Herald has a more elemental approach to magic. The Path of the Ancestral Guardian pays homage to those who have come before and The Path of the Zealot ties your Barbarian rage to a single source of divine power.
    Unarmored Defense
    2+2Reckless Attack
    Danger Sense
    3+2Primal Path
    Primal Knowledge
    4+2Ability Score Improvement3+2
    5+3Extra Attack
    Fast Movement
    6+3Path Feature4+2
    7+3Feral Instinct[Instinctive Pounce]4+2
    8+3Ability Score Improvement4+2
    9+3Brutal Critical (1 die)4+3
    10+3Path Feature4+3
    11+3Relentless Rage4+3
    12+3Ability Score Improvement5+3
    13+3Brutal Critical (2 dice)5+3
    14+3Path Feature5+3
    15+3Persistent Rage5+3
    16+3Ability Score Improvement5+4
    17+3Brutal Critical (3 dice)6+4
    18+3Indomitable Might6+4
    19+3Ability Score Improvement6+4
    20+3Primal ChampionUnlimited+4


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