
Rangers are another hybrid class, mixing elements of Fighters and Druids into a skilled fighter focused on the skills needed to survive in and protect the natural world.   Rangers give a lot of variety in gameplay: they are good in close-range battle, good at exploring, and good at ranged attacks. At the highest levels, they lack the world-breaking abilities of some classes, but retain a rare level of flexibility.   The entire class is probably derivative of Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings, but Robin Hood and Daryl Dixon of The Walking Dead were also Rangers, as were both Tarzan and Sheena.   Rangers should focus on DEX, followed by WIS. If you plan to focus on two-weapon fighting, STR may be more important than DEX.  

Ranger Archetypes

  Rangers select an Archetype to follow at 3rd Level, and gain features from it at 7th, 11th, and 15th Level. These Archetypes offer a range of specializations, without drifting too far from the original inspiration for the class. Each Archetype also adds specialized spells at 3rd, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level.  

Animal Focused Archetypes

These Archetypes aim at the relationship between a Ranger and an animal companion.  
Beast Friend
Another Archetype with a variant on a beast companion (2 variants).
Beast Lord
This Archetype focuses on a bond between the Ranger and a trained beast companion.
Beast Master
This Archetype develops a relationship between a Ranger and a beast of the wild or, alternatively, a primal beast per TGE 61 that results in both companionship and a fighting ally.
Another Archetype focused on animal allies.
Griffon Scout
This Archetype focuses on moving swiftly and stealthily, whether on winged mounts or not.
Horse Nomad
This Archetype focuses on riding skills, with entire cultures built around the relationship between the Ranger and her steed.
Monster Tamer
This Archetype focuses on bonding with creatures usually considered adversaries.
This Archetype bonds with a shadow beast.
Siege Beast Master
This Archetype bonds likes big beasts, and it cannot lie.
Snake Speaker
This Archetype takes on the powers of serpents.
This Archetype gains benefits from a swarm of insects that accompany it.
Wild Guardian
This Archetype focuses on a connection with wild beasts far from civilization.
Wild Warrior
This Archetype adopts the fighting styles of various beasts.
This Archetype focuses on the capture and taming of all manner of beasts.

Combat Focused Archetypes

These Archetypes enhance combat abilities, either directly or in support of allies.  
Deepwood Sniper
This Archetype specializes in using bows in wooded terrains.
Eagle Warrior
This Archetype specializes in guerrila warfare.
This Archetype serves as judge, jury, and sometimes executioner, upholding the law throughout the land.
This Archetype masters the interplay of light and shadow.
Mortal Reaper
This Archetype are the murderous assasins of the wild.
Star Bringers
This Archetype focuses on skills useful at night and in darkness, pulling magic from the stars above.
This Archetype harnesses the power of lightning and thunder in combat.
This Archetype takes dual-wielding to another level, emobodying the phrase storm of blades.
This Archetype focuses on the use and creation of arcane traps.
This Archetype focuses on tracking foes in urban environments, and striking with surprise.
This Archetype maintains vigilence on a defined boundary, whether political, natural, or otherwise.
--Winter Trapper::This Archetype, originating in frozen climates, has evolved into a set of skills aimed at controlling the movement of your foes
Wolf Pack
This Archetype focuses on advantages in combat when part of a group.
An archery focused Archetype.

Planar Focused Archetypes

These Archetypes focus on realms beyond the material plane, whether The Feywild or other.  
Conclave of Fey Paths
This Archetype accesses Fey powers to fuel their activities.
Fey Wanderer
This Archetype endeavors to protect both the human realms and The Feywild.
Another Fey focused Archetype.
Forsaken Hunter
This Archetype takes on the characteristics of beasts from other planes.
Gateway Sentinels
This Archetype guards the world against threats from other dimensions.
Horizon Walker
This Archetype works to protect the world against threats from other planes of existence.
Order of the Guardian
Ths Archetype focuses on hunting prey across planes.
Planar Explorer
This Archetypes focuses on, um, exploring the planes.
Rangers of the Gray
This Archetype wanders the borderlands between planes, eliminating threats to the material world.
Twilight Knight
This Archetype work to bring Fey magic into the world.

Foe Focused Archetypes

These Archetypes give additional bonuses when a Ranger is up against certain types of enemies.  
This Archetype uses the prey's blood to track them.
Bounty Hunter
This Archetype focuses on protecting humanoids from their own.
Enemy Killer
Another Archetype that refines the ability of a Ranger to specialize in a small number of types of foes.
Evil Slayer
This Archetype focuses on defeating evil in all forms.
Grim Warden
This Archetype becomes part monster itself to better hunt them.
This Archetype further refines the Ranger's skills that specialize in hunting and killing specifc types of enemies.
Imperial Hunter
Freelance killers roaming the Underdark.
Monster Slayer
This Archetype dedicates itself to hunting down supernatural creatures that use magic for nefarious purposes.
Mythic Monster Hunter
This Archetype dedicates itself to hunting the most massive and most powerful of the beasts threatening Alemi.
Swarm Hunter
Often found among Dwarves, this Archetype focuses on creatures that gather in subterranean groups.
This Archetype focuses on arcane traps to hunt their prey.
Trophy Hunter
This Archetype is another foe-specific set of skills, focused on gathering trophies--and power--from vanquished enemies.
Vampire Slayer
This Archetype specializes in hunting undead, lycanthropes, ghouls, and, yes, vampires.

Location Focused Archetypes

These Archetypes focus on skills related to specific types of terrain or environments.  
This Archetype gains additional abilities related to specific terrains.
This Archetype focuses on sailing and life on the open seas.
This Archetype focuses on surviving in the harshest of conditions.
Dungeon Strider
This Archetype focuses on delving into the ruins of the past.
Gloom Stalker
This Archetype pursues their prey deep beneath the Earth, venturing into places in the Underdark and beyond where others fear to go.
Jungle Warden
This Archetype learns the ways of the jungle and protects it.
This Archetype builds a deep connection with the spiritual forces in parts of the wilderness.
Mirage Seeker
This Archetype that specializes in survival in desert environments.
Peregrine Runner
This Archetype specializes in mountainous regions (and, yeah, gets a peregrine companion).
Ruin Wanderer
This Archetype has adopted to the harsh realities that follow the apocalypse.
Ruins Seeker
This Archetype focuses on delving into things long forgotten or abandoned.
Sand Dancer
This Archetype thrives in deserts and other desolated, hot regions.
This Archetype specializes in polar regions.
Sky Lord
This Archetype specialize in mountains and skills useful at high altitudes.
Stone Singer
This Archetype gains benefits from its knowledge and use of rock and stone, and is often favored by Dwarven Rangers.
Urban Tracker
This Archetype focuses on incorporating Ranger skills into urban environments.
Winter Stalker
This Archetype also specializes in polar survival and combat.

Nature Focused Archetypes

These Archetypes focus on skills related to nature in general, usually aimed at its preservation and protection.  
Ashbound Avengers
This Archetype protects the natural world at all cost, often rejecting contemporary technologies.
Border Warden
This Archetype patrols the borders between the civilized and the wild, aiming to ensure the safety of each.
Druidic Guardian
This Archetype dedicates its life to the protection of the deep forest and its denizens.
Fringe Warden
This Archetype patrols distant frontiers, usually alone.
This Archetype turns to the celestial objects for guidance and power.
Storm Chaser
This Archetype is both able to find shelter from and harness the power of natural phenomena.
This Archetype harnesses the magic power of raw nature.

Other Archetypes

Agent of Winter
This Archetype works to prevent an imminent frozen apocalypse.
Bloodhound Warden
This Archetype has an arcane (and bloody) companion.
Body Snatcher Conclave
This Archetype refuses the notion of a stable identity, opting for discuise and body enhancements.
This Archetype folkses on the pirate life.
Court Enforcer
This Archetype works on behalf of one of The Courts of Summer & Winter.
This Archetype guards the material plane against the incursion of dark shadows.
This Archetype brings holy light to the darkest places.
Holy Messenger
This Archetype serve a divine manifestation.
Keeper of Light
This Archetype fights against any manifestation of the darkness.
Lantern Bearer
This Archetype is a light in the darkness to all that accompany it.
Nightstalker II
This Archetype uses darkness (and dark magic) to its advantage.
This Archetype access as hive mind of other Rangers for its combat and arcane advantages.
Red Hound
This Archetype mixes traditional Ranger skills with blood magic.
Relic Keeper Conclave
This Archetype focuses on the location, preservation, and use of arcane objects.
This Archetype represents a rare level of freindship between Ranger and Elves.
Scourge of the Seas
This Archtype contains scoundrels and pirates.
This Archetype is the ultimate choice to discover what is happening ahead in natural terrain.
This Archetype is focused on battle, both offensively and in support of its allies.
This Archetype swears fealty to a Fey Titan, inheritan some of their power in exchange for their service.
Treasure Hunter
This Archetype focuses on the pursuit of treasure through adventure.
This Archetype accesses unpredictable--and slightly dark--powers.
This Archtype focuses on additional arcane skills.


These are meant as a summary of the class. The official rules should be consulted, either directly or through the DM with any questions or clarifications.
Scroll down for full class details.


Warriors of the wilderness, rangers specialize in hunting the monsters that threaten the edges of civilization—humanoid raiders, rampaging beasts and monstrosities, terrible giants, and deadly dragons. They learn to track their quarry as a predator does, moving stealthily through the wilds and hiding themselves in brush and rubble. Rangers focus their combat training on techniques that are particularly useful against their specific favored foes.   Thanks to their familiarity with the wilds, rangers acquire the ability to cast spells that harness nature’s power, much as a druid does. Their spells, like their combat abilities, emphasize speed, stealth, and the hunt. A ranger’s talents and abilities are honed with deadly focus on the grim task of protecting the borderlands.
hit dice: 1d10
hit points at 1st level: 10 + CON modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d10 or 6 + CON Modifier
armor proficiencies: Light Armor; Medium Armor; Shields
weapon proficiencies: Simple Weapons; Martial Weapons
saving throws: STR; DEX
skills: 3 from Animal Handling, Athletics, Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.
starting equipment:
Scale mail or leather armor; 2 shortswords or 2 simple melee weapons; a dungeoneer's pack or an explorer's pack; a longbow and a quiver of 20 arrows.
WIS is your spellcasting ability.
Spell Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + WIS modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = Proficiency Bonus + WIS modifier  

Spell Slots

The Ranger Table below details how many spell slots you have available. When you gain additional spells, you may also replace 1 spell you already know.

class features:
Favored Foe
At 1st Level, when you hit a creature with an attack roll, you can mark the target as a favored foe for 1 minute or until you lose concentration. The 1st time on each turn you hit a favored foe and deal damage, you can add 1d4. You can use this a number of times = your proficiency bonus, and you regain uses after a long rest. At 6th Level, the extra damage increases to 1d6; at 14th Level, 1d8.
--Natural Explorer or Deft Explorer--At 1st Level, choose between Natural Explorer, which grants benefits based on specific types of terrain (see PHB 91) or Deft Explorer, whigh grants benefits related more generally to exploration (see TGE 56).--
Fighting Style
At 2nd Level, you choose a Fighting Style from Archery (+2 on attack rolls with ranged weapons); Defense (+1 AC bonus if wearing armor); Dueling (+2 to damage if attacking with a weapon in one hand and nothing in the other); Two-Handed Fighting (you add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack); Blind Fighting (you have blindsight for 10ft and you can see invisible creatures that don't successfully hide from you); Druidic Warrior (you learn 2 cantrips from the Druid spell list); or Thrown Weapon Fighting (you can draw a thrown weapon as part of the action when you attack, and you gain +2 on thrown weapon damage rolls).
At the 2nd Level, you are able to cast spells. Additionally, you can use a Druidic focus as a spellcasting focus.
Ranger Archetype
At 3rd Level, you select a Ranger Archetype, which grants you features at 3rd, 7th, 11th, and 15th Level.
Primal Awareness
At 3rd Level, you learn additional spells that can be cast once without using a spell slot and don't count aginst the number of spells you know. At 3rd Level, you learn Speak With Animals; at 5th Level, Beast Sense; 9th Level, Speak with Plants; 13th Level, Locate Creature; and 17th Level, Commune with Nature.
Ability Score Improvement
At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th Level, you can increase 1 ability score +2 or 2 ability scores +1 (20 max).
Martial Versatility
At 4th Level, whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement, you may also replace a fighting style or, if you know a maneuver, you may repalce it.
Extra Attack
At 5th Level, you gain an attack when taking an attack action on your turn.
Land's Stride
At 8th Level, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs no extra movement. You can pass through nonmagical plants without being slowed or taken damage and you have advantage on saving throws against magically created or manipulated plants.
Nature's Veil
At 10th Level, as a bonus action, you can become invisible (along with any equipment) until the start of your next turn. You can use this a number of times = your proficiency bonus, and regain it after a long rest.
At 14th Level, you can hide as a bonus action. Additionally, you can't be tracked by nomagical means, unless you choose to leave a trail.
Feral Senses
At 18th Level, when you attack a creature you cannot see, you don't suffer disadvantage on your attacks. You are also aware of the location of an invisible creature within 30ft, provided the creature isn't hidden from you and you aren't blinded or deafened.
Foe Slayer
At 20th Level, on each of your turns, you can add your WIS modifier to your attack roll or the damage roll of an attack against a Favored Enemy.
subclass options:
Rangers gain spells and features through their choice of Archetype.  
1+2Favored Foe
Natural Explorer or Deft Explorer
2+2Fighting Style
22 1st Level
3+2Ranger Archetype
Primal Awareness
31 1st Level
4+2Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility3
5+3Extra Attack
Primal Awareness Spell
41 1st Level
2 2nd Level
6+3Favored Foe damage increase
Additional Natural Explorer
7+3Ranger Archetype Feature51 2nd level
8+3Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility
Land's Stride
9+4Primal Awareness Spell62 3rd Level
10+4Additional Natural Explorer with Martial Versatility
Nature's Veil
11+4Ranger Archetype Feature71 3rd Level
12+4Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility7
13+5Primal Awareness Spell81 4th Level
14+5Favored Foe damage increase
15+5Ranger Archetype Feature91 4th Level
16+5Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility9
17+6Primal Awareness Spell101 4th Level
1 5th Level
18+6Feral Senses10
19+6Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility111 5th Level
20+6Foe Slayer11


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