
Paladins are fighting characters who follow a strict code of behavior, inspired by either a sense of ethics or a deity. They are powerful warriors, but are also duty-bound in ways that often constrict their behavior.   The classic knight gallant is the archetype of the Paladin, but other models abound, from Darth Vader to Wonder Woman to Beric Dondarrion to The Mandalorian.   Paladins can be quite fascinating to play, as you try to balance the strict behavioral limits they operate under against what is needed in the moment.   The most important ability for Paladins is STR, follwed by CHA.  

Sacred Oaths

  Paladins are bound by Sacred Oaths which both grant them features and bind them to certain standards of conduct. Violating these standards carries consequences that range from repentance rituals to more serious acts of pentience to retribution by deities. Each Oath carries with it a corresponding set of Tenets to which the Paladin must adhere.   Each Oath grants access to a specific set of spells at 3rd, 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th Level. Additionally, each Oath grants features at 3rd, 7th, 15th, and 20th Level.   The tenets of each Oath are presented in italics, follosed by a summary of its focus.  

The Classical Oaths

The classical oaths include  
Oath of the Ancients
Kindle the Light, Shelter the Light, Preserver Your Own Light, Be the Light. This Oath focuses on the protection and conservation of living things.
Oath of Conquest
Douse the Flame of Hope, Rule with an Iron Fist, Strength Above All. This Oath sees the rule of the just as iron-clad, and its brutality as fully justified.
Oath of Devotion
Honesty, Courage, Compassion, Honor, Duty. This Oath is the traditional vow of the knight, with liberty and justice for all.
Oath of Glory
Actions over Words, Challenges are but Tests, Hone the Body, Discipline the Soul. This Oath demands constant preperation in advance of the eternal glory that is coming to the warriors of the just.
Oath of Radiance
Cleanse Corruption, Lead with Light, Preserve the Righteous. This Oath is a beacon in the night, burning away the corruption of shadow and undeath through direct confrontation.
Oath of Redemption
Peace, Innocence, Patience, Wisdom. This Oath believes all creatures may be redeemed, and sees violence as a last resort.
Oath of Vengeance
FIght the Greater Evil, No Mercy for the Wicked, By Any Means Necessary, Restitution. This Oath prizes the punishment of the wicked above all else.
Order of the Watchers
Vigilance, Loyalty, Discipline. This Oath protects the mortal realm from extraplanar threats.

Oaths Against Darkness & Evil

However, there are many other possibilities. Many Paladins fight against a perceived evil threat, with their different precepts often reflecting either the specific type of danger or the specific weapon they hope to become.  
Oath of the Abyss
Camaraderie, Fortitude, Salvation. You cannot fight the darkness without knowing it.
Oath of Awakening
Discovery, Prudence, Courage, Wonder. Fights against the darkness through the development of mental powers, bringing the realm of dreams closer to that of reality.
Never Disrespect the Blood, No Mercy for the Heretics. You commit to protect your blood and that of your companions.
Oath of Bones
Undying Duty, Embrace of Death, Fearlessness, Expedience. Recognizing that any tool in service of justice is worthwhile, develops their skills to command the undead in the fight for justice.
Oath of the Chosen
Seek Honor Through Battle; Uphold Your Position; Demand the River, Reward the Sea. You are unique in your skills in battle.
Oath of the Crystalline Guardian
Rampart against Chaos, Preserve the Order, Withstand the Pressure. A mountain and crystal/gem focused Order.
Oath of the Hammer
Punish the Enemies, Protect the Heritage, Hammer of Justice, Honor the Elders. Almost exclusively composed of Dwarves, this group strives to protect that society from any threat, but especially those of other dwellers of the underground or underdark.
Oath of Mercy
Preserve the Life, Bane of the Undead, Healing, Be the Anitdote. Sworn to life itself, fight against all things undead or poisonous.
Oath of the Plaguetouched
Bravery, Stop the Spread of Undeath, Relentless, Mercy. Having been saved from being turned into an undead fiend, you now defend the innocents from the scourge of undeath.
Oath of the Raging Flames
Overwhelming Force, Purge. Only the fires of the divine can cleanse the world.
Oath of the Renewing Embers
Hope Everlasting, Reignite the Flame. Hope is what carries the fight for good forward, it is your job to keep it alive.
Oath oF Resilience
Stand Unbroken, Shield the Weak, Rebuild and Renew, Defy Desolation. You are part of the rebuilding of the world.
Oath of Resolve
Remain Focused, Reject Vice, No Remorse, Fight Until Your Last Breath. A wandering and often solitary life dedicated to reduce the chaos and pain of the world.
Oath of Righteousness
Passion, Patience, Truth. Total devotion to a deity of honor, justice, or law.
Oath of the Sacred Hunt
Purge the Eldritch, Understand the Eldritch, Remain Lucid. You target the deep evil that brings chaos to the world.
Oath of Silence
Silence, Patience, Acceptance. Detachment is your power.
Faith, Loyalty, Unwavering. Educated at a temple, Templars serve a specific deity.
Oath of Thunder
Composure is My Shield, Crush the Abomination, Decisiveness in Battle, Duty Above All, Humility in Life, Voice Like Thunder. Calm and composed in everyday life, and sudden and decisive in battle.
Oath of the Tidebreaker
You Are the Rock, You are the Guiding Star, You are the Salt, You are the Wind. A life dedicate to fighting evil at sea.
Oath of the Warden
Preservers of Balance, Protect the Secret Knowledge, Unveil the Secrets of the Cosmos, Inculcate Balance. Beings from other planes must remain there for the safety of all.
Divine Might, God's Kingdom, True Path. Unwavering faith, battle prowess, and master oratory all in one.

Oaths to Specific Deities

Other Paladins swear fealty to specific deities, vowing to uphold their traditions and their mission in the material world. There are, for example, Paladins devoted to Freya, Hel, Odin, Thor, and Tyr. Others serve as the weapon of their deity on the material plane.  
Oath of the Ascendant
Overcome All Limits; Grow Your Legend; Walk the Divine Path. You plan to become the embodiment of a deity and, perhaps, even one yourself.
Oath of the Chosen
Defend the Land; Defend the People; Defend Your Faith; Be the People's Beacon. You serve as the embodiment of a local deity, dedicated to defending the land and the people.
Oath of the Elements
Defend the Natural World; Lead the Line; Act Wisely, Act Decisively; Integrity. You serve the powers embodied in the four elements.
Oath of the Enduring Stone
Endure, The Sacred Earth. You are the manifestation of deity of the earth itself, sworn to protect rock and stone, boulder and pebble.
Oath of the Holy Champion
Lead by Example, Life in Service, Quick of Mind, Strong of Body. You are a manifestation of a specific deity.
Oath of Penance
Judge the Sinners, Decree Penance, Bear Witness, Be the Hand. You are the jury, judge, and executioner for your deity.
Oath of the Spear Maiden
Courage, Duty, Fidelity, Honesty, Honor. This Oath transforms the Paladin into a living weapon of their God, joining a tradition of female warriors extending back for millenia.
Oath of the Storm
Gale, Thunder, Lightning, Downpour. You are the manifestation of a deity of storms, lightning, thunder.
Oath of the Zealous Storms
The Power, The Storm. Your mission is to manifest the dominant strength and power of your deity.

Dark Oaths

Still other Paladins serve darker ends.  
Dark Templars
Exemplars of Evil, Fanatic Resolution, Dark Compassion. Dark Templars are the evil champions of dark deities.
Oath Of Blood
Independence, Resolve, Sacrifice. Serving gods of violence, blood, and war to gain power over the life force itself.
Oath of Consumption
Devour, Debase, Demoralize, Despoil. Known as the all-eaters, you live to consume.
Oath of Insurrection
Remove the Chosen, Segregate and Isolate, Fosake Tradition. Power and might will rule all.
Oath of the Nightbringer
Quench the Light, Serve the Dark, Bring the Night. You serve a deity of darkness and shadow.
Oath of Tyranny
Crush the Rebillious, Never Kneel, I Am the Law. You rule all you see with certainty.
Oath of Undoing
Chaotic Order, Embrace Madness, Never Give In. Your goal is to undo all you see around you.

Oaths to Companions & Friends

Others make pledges to their close companions, many of which sound similar, but contain some important distinctions.  
Oath of Brotherhood
Solidarity, Reciprocity, Integrity, Support. Fights for their communities and friends above lofty and often irrational ideals.
Oath of Flowering
Loyalty, Respect, Trust, Courage, Mercy. You are trained in all social arts, and embody the ideals of your tribe.
Oath of Just Brotherhood
Friendship Above All, Second Chance, Fair Friends, Help the Loved Ones. Only associates with the good and the just, and strives to be worth of their association.
Oath of the Hearth
Shield the Embers, Feed the Fire, Share the Warmth, Burn Away Evil. Your vow is to a particular homeland, to whose preservation you are dedicated.
Oath of the Hunt
Respect, Dedication, Responsibility. You provide for your tribe in the wilds of the world.
Oath of Protection
Protect those who protect us, Protect your allies, Protect those who stand behind you, Protect yourself if there is nothing left to protect. Yeah, protection.
Oath of the Sherriff
Protect the People, Respect the Badge, Consider your Allies. You have been selected to lead, now you must live up to it.
Oath of the Still Grassess
Patience, Peace. All creatures--no matter how irredeemable they seem--deserve redemption.
Oath of the Trailblazer
Face the Unknown, Be the Beacon, Reach New Heights, Make the Road Safe. You will blaze the way, leading from the front.

Political Oaths

Still others pursue more political ends.  
Oath of the Citadel
Loyalty, The King's Justice, Precision, Deduction, The Greater Good. You are the instrument of a ruler, enacting their orders with exact and unrelenting precision.
Oath of the Common Man
Equality, Community, Respect, Change, Labor. You strive on behalf of laborers everywhere, whether farmer, peasant, miner, or other.
A Dragon's Terror is its Power; A Dragon's Hoard is its Weakness; A Dragon Coils Within Our Souls; Each Must Slay Their Own Dragon. A tool of justice to counteract political evil.
Oath of Freedom
Free the Innocent, Expunge the Tyranny, No Jail, Travel Is Necessary. Forever on the move and fighting against oppression wherever it is found.
Oath of the Inquisitor
Have Faith, Loyalty Above All, Question Everyone, Without Mercy. In service to a holy or political end, you seek out heresay wherever it may lie.
Oath of Liberty
Life, Liberty, Justice, Happiness. Fights against social and political oppression wherever it is found.
Oath of Ordination
Loyalty to Authorities, Subdue the Lawbreakers, Fulfill the Law, Disprove the Tyranny. Be the arm of justice in the world, the absolutely obedient instrument of civil justice.
Oath of Personal Freedom
None Shall Bind Me, I Will Fell Tyrants, If Others Are Not Free I Am Not Free. Fights for individual liberty, rejecting all laws that do not originate from their sacred source itself.

Oaths of Alternative Justice

  Others pursue what might be called different notions of justice.  
Oath of Anarchy
Bound only to Justice, Mercy for Pawns, Help to Simple People, There is No Lesser Evil. Order may never obstruct justice.
Oath of Balance
Seek for Balance, Avoid Extermination, Hold Expansion, Spread Wealth. Fights for the preservation of balance, recognizing that the struggle between good and evil guarantees the continued survival of the multiverse.
Oath of Cleansing
Cleanse the domain, Cleanse the body, Cleanse the mind, Cleanse the soul. Purification is the only end.
Oath Of Conflict
Strength Makes Right, No Mercy, Never Retreat, Mano-A-Mano. Dedicates their life to battle: the strong prevail, and only the strong deserve to rule.
Oath of the Crimson Order
Supremacy, Order, Blood/Angst. You swear to preserve the order of your city (2 slight variants).
Oath of Damnation
Virtue of the Innocent, Dread to the Unfair, Death to the Vile, Face the Fear. Turns their own trauma and fear into potent weapons against evil.
Oath of Equilibrium
Keep the Balance, Teach Responsibility, Avoid Extremes, Harness Your Own Magic. Magic is tricky, and a balance must be maintained--if The Weave is pulled out of balance, it must be corrected.
Oath of the Frozen Heart
Show No Mercy, Maintain Focus. Emotion is the enemy of justice, and justice is all that matters.
Oath of Grief
Expect the Worst, Beware of Everyone, Let Go of Your Mind, Reject False Hope, It's all Meaningless. Only by rejecting fanciful notions like hope and love can you see the world as it really is.
Oath of the Headhunter
My Promise is my Contract, Ask Not Why, Take No Sides, Read the Fine Print. The quarry will be delivered, no matter what.
Draw out the truth, Facts only, Oppose heresay, Live by the law. You pursue the confession of truth.
Oath of Karma
Reason, Responsibility, Consequences. You step in when social law fails to deliver appropriately.
Oath of Purity
No Contact with the Impure, Annihilate the Impure, Vow of Sobriety, Avoid the Taint. Emulates their sense of Celestial beings through a path of asceticism.
Oath of the Scorching Sands
Survive at All Costs, Serve After Death. You can't do much after you die, but you may enlist the aid of others who have.
Oath of the Stars
See the Signs, Endure Doubt, Embrace Fate. Your fate is in the stars, you must strive to fulfill your divine plan.
Oath of the Turbulent Tides
Order Amongst Chaos, Inevitable Return. Chaos must be conquered in all of its forms.

Other Oaths

Others look for power in perhaps unexpected places.  
Oath of Alteration
Change is what protects us.
Oath of the Ancestors
The Void is Ruin; The City is Our Heart; The Soul and Body are One; The Magic is a Tool. You protect the ancestors and battle the void.
Oath of Avarice
Seek Fortune Wherever It May Be Found; Never Sate Your Hunger; Protect Wealth From Evil. Pursue treasure for yourself and others.
Oath of Blood
Fidelity, Preservation, Sacrifice, Service. Your life force is your power.
Oath of the Cantor
Freedom, Creative Expression, Inspiration, Music. Your standard singing knight.
Oath of the Champion
Challenge, Respect your Foe, Learn from Failure, Never Give Up. You are devoted to your own self-improvement.
Oath of the Dragon
You bear fealty to a specific draconic liege.
The Eternal Oath
While the specific oath varies, this allows undead creatures to follow its rules.
Oath of Ever After
Happy Endings, Necessary Evils, Appearance is Everything, Follow the Story. Life is black and white, and the stories tell us what is true: it's all very simple, really.
Oath of the Grave
Annihilate the Unholy; Preserve the Righteous; Let Souls Pass On; Accept Death. You fight to preserve a proper death for all, especially against the undead.
Oath of the Green Knight
Defend Nature, Embody Strength, Ensure the Cycle, Walk the World. You are a defender of nature.
Oath of Knowledge
Hearing, Understanding, Learning, Teaching. Aims to become a source of arcane power and knowledge.
Oath of the Moon
Your power comes from lunar sources.
Oath of Mystery
Curiosity, Patience, Restraint. The world is full of puzzle and msytery, it is your burden to purse them to the end.
Oath of Preservation
You are dedicated to the preservation of an ancient order or tradition.
Oath of Profits
In the end, it's money that makes the world go round.
Oath of Reason
Seek Lore, Spread Knowledge, Reject the Deities, Reject Superstition. Magic is real, but the deities are not god; they are merely advanced magical frauds who must be unmasked.
Oath of Secrecy
Keep Secrets, Preserve Knowledge, Deceive Sparingly, Stay Vigilant. Dedicated to pursuing and preserving the secret knowledge that holds reality together.
Oath of Sohei
Loyal to the clan, Protect the clan's lands, Inspire others. You are a weapon in service to your clan.
Oath of the Summer Court
You serve the Summer Court of The Courts of Summer & Winter.
Oath of the Swift Winds
Where We Are Needed, With Speed & Certainty. Always on the move, and striking with the swift ferocity of the gale.
Oath of the Titanic Elements
Honor the Titans, Elemental Empowerment. True power lies in the primal elements.
Order of the Weave
Learning and Lore, Diligence, Guardianship, Unbound Arcana. By mixing the Arcane and the martial, everything is possible.
Oath of the Winter Court
You serve the Winter Court of The Courts of Summer & Winter.


These are meant as a summary of the class. The official rules should be consulted, either directly or through the DM with any questions or clarifications.
Scroll down for full class details.


A paladin swears to uphold justice and righteousness, to stand with the good things of the world against the encroaching darkness, and to hunt the forces of evil wherever they lurk. Different paladins focus on various aspects of the cause of righteousness, but all are bound by the oaths that grant them power to do their sacred work. Although many paladins are devoted to gods of good, a paladin’s power comes as much from a commitment to justice itself as it does from a god.   Paladins train for years to learn the skills of combat, mastering a variety of weapons and armor. Even so, their martial skills are secondary to the magical power they wield: power to heal the sick and injured, to smite the wicked and the undead, and to protect the innocent and those who join them in the fight for justice.
hit dice: 1d10
hit points at 1st level: 10 + CON modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d10 or 6 + CON Modifier
armor proficiencies: All Armor; Shields
weapon proficiencies: Simple Weapons; Martial Weapons
saving throws: WIS; CHA
skills: 2 from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion.
starting equipment:
A martial weapon and a shield or 2 martial weapons; 5 javelins or any simple melee weapon; a priest's pack or an explorer's pack; chain mail and a holy symbol.
CHA is your spellcasting ability.
Spell Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + CHA modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = Proficiency Bonus + CHA modifier  

Preparing and Casting Spells

Paladins prepare a list of spells after each long rest through meditation (at least 10 minutes; 1 minute per spell level for each spell). You may prepare a number of spells equal to your CHA modifier + your Paladin level.  

Spell Slots

The Paladin Table below details how many spell slots you have available.  

Spellcasting Focus

You can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus.

class features:
Divine Sense
At 1st Level, you can use an action to detect evil and good forces. Until the end of your next turn, you know the location of any Celestial, Fiend, or Undead within 60ft that is not in total cover. You know the type, but not the identity. You can also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or deconsecrated. You can do this a number of times = 1 + your CHA modifier, regained through long rests.
Lay on Hands
At 1st Level, you have a pool of HP = 5 * your Paladin Level. As an action, you can touch a creature and restore HP up to what is remaining in your pool. You can also spend 5 points from the pool to cure one disease or neutralize one poison.
Fighting Style
At 2nd Level, you select a fighting style from Defense (+1 AC if wearing armor); Dueling (If you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand only, you gain +2 to damage roles with that weapon); Great Weapon Fighting (When you roll a 1 or 2 for damage on an attack with a two-handed or versatile weapon, you can reroll); Protection (when wielding a shield, if a creature within 5ft of you is attacked, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll); Blessed Warrior (you learn 2 cantrips of your choice from the Cleric spell list, each time you gain a Paladin Level, you can replace 1 of these cantrips); Blind Fighting (you have blindsight for 10ft, allowing you to see anyting in that rangd not under full cover, you can also see invisible creatures in that range who don't successfully hide from you); or Interception (when a creature you can see hits a target other than you within 5ft, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage taken by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus if you are wielding a shield or simple or martial weapon).
At 2nd Level, you gain the ability to cast spells.
Divine Smite
At 2nd Level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon, you can expend 1 spell slot to deal (1d8 per spell slot level) additional radiant damage. Damage increases by 1d8 if target is undead or a fiend.
Divine Health
At 3rd Level, you are immune to disease.
Harness Divine Power
At 3rd Level, as a bonus action you can regain 1 spell slot with a Level <= your proficiency bonus. You gain additional uses of this at 7th Level (twice) and 15th Level (thrice). You regain these uses after a long rest.
Sacred Oath
At 3rd Level, you make an oath that binds you forever. You gain features at 3rd, 7th, 15th, and 20th Level.
Ability Score Improvement
At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th Level, you can increase 1 ability score +2 or 2 ability scores +1 (20 max).
Martial Versatility
At each Ability Score Improvement, you can replaace a Fighting Style you know with another.
Extra Attack
At 5th Level, you can attack twice on your attack action.
Aura of Protection
At 6th Level, whenever you or a friendly creature within 10ft must make a saving throw, they gain a bonus = your CHA modifier. At 18th Level, your range increases to 30ft.
Aura of Courage
At 10th Level, you and friendly creatures within 10ft cannot by frightened while you are conscioius. At 18th Level, your range increases to 30ft.
Improved Divine Smite
At 11th Level, when you hit a creature with a melee weapon, they take an extra 1d8 radiant damage.
Cleansing Touch
At 14th Level, you can end one spell on yourself or a willing creature with your touch. You can do this a number of times = your CHA modifier, and regain it with a long rest.
subclass options:
Paladin's Oaths allows access to Oath Spells, which do not need to be prepared and do not count against your daily limit. Each Oath also brings special abilities related to a Paladin's channeling of divine power.    
1+2Divine Sense
Lay on Hands
2+2Fighting Style
Divine Smite
2 1st Level
3+2Divine Health
Sacred Oath
Harness Divine Power
1 1st Level
4+2Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility
5+3Extra Attack1 1st Level
2 2nd Level
6+3Aura of Protection
7+3Sacred Oath Feature1 2nd Level
8+3Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility
9+42 3rd Level
10+4Aura of Courage
11+4Improved Divine Smite1 3rd Level
12+4Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility
13+51 4th Level
14+5Cleansing Touch
15+5Sacred Oath Feature1 4th Level
16+5Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility
17+61 5th Level
18+6Aura Improvements1 5th Level
19+6Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility1 5th Level
20+6Sacred Oath Feature


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