
Druids are a hybrid class, mixing solid combat skills with magical possibilities.   Druids gain specialized features by joining a Circle of like-minded individuals. Druidic Circles tend to provide you with a companion of some sort--whether made of fungi, starlight, wildfire, or flesh and blood--that gets stronger as you do.   Druids do have some healing possibilities and while the magical dimension of the class is a little complex at first (you have to "prepare" a list of specific spells each day, which can be a little overwhelming initially), it will pretty quickly become rote.   Druids come with easy and rich role-playing hooks, given the immediate connections to the natural world.   In addition to various portrayals of actual Druids, the class could also hold exemplars ranging from Swamp Thing to various "medicine man" and shamanic traditions.   Generally, WIS and CON are their most important abilities.  

Druidic Circles

  All Druids are connected with the natural world, but how they decide to serve nature varies greatly. Some focus on a particular manifestation--spores or starlight, for example--while others take on broader and more fiercly protective roles.   You join a Druidic Circle at 2nd Level and receive features from it at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th Level.  

Classic Druid Circles

  The classic Druidic Circles are  
Circle of Dreams
This Circle is closely associated with the fey, and focuses on accessing the power of that dreamlike land.
Circle of the Land
This Circle allows you to specialize in a single environment related to your Druidic practice.
Circle of the Moon
This Circle allows you to transform into a powerful beastly form.
Circle of the Shepherd
This Circle focuses on the protection of wild lands, aided by spiritual beasts. Many Druids of Elven or Half-Elven descent join the Circle of the Shepherd.
Circle of Spores
This Circle allows you to manipulate a cloud of spores, highlighting the process that connects life and death.
Circle of Stars
This Circle allows you to create celestial animals to assist you.
Circle of Wildfire
This Circle allows you to access the power of mystical wildfire, reflecting the dual destructive and creative nature of flame.

Circles of Nature

  But those aren't the only options. Even within those Druid Circles focused on nature, there are variants.  
Animism Druids
Less a Circle, and more a stance of unity with the spirits of the animals and plants that surround us.
Circle of the Beast
Another Circle that focuses on the relationship between a Druid and the beasts of the world. This one enables more powerful companions (two options, one a bit more savage).
Circle of the Beasts
Another Circle that focuses on the relationship between a Druid and the beasts of the world. This one enables more support and aid to come from the beasts of the wild.
Circle of Birds and Beasts
Another Circle that focuses on the relationship between ... you get the idea.
Circle of the Bloom
This Circle focuses on plants.
Circle of Bloodthorn
This Circle uses a blood-drinking plant as the source of its power.
Circle of Consuming Flames
Druids of this Circle believe in the purifying power of fire as a path to rebirth.
Circle of the Deep
This Circle focuses on the powers of the deep ocean.
Circle of the Desert
This Circle focuses on the power embedded in the harsh sands.
Circle of Dragons
This Circle was founded by dragongs themselves.
Circle of the Earthmother
This Circle, also called Earthtouched focus on a powerful connection with the land.
Circle of Earth Pilgrims
Druids of this Circle are wanderers with special connections to the plants, trees, and forests of the world.
Circle of the Eclipse
This Circle focuses on the power embodied by Alemi's two moons, Phobas and Lunas.
Circle of the Elements
Two Circles claim this name, one focuses on the power of the four elements in general, the other in using those elements to enhance their combat abilities.
Circle of the Elementals
This Circle focuses on the power of the four elemental planes.
Circle of Forms
This Circle focuses on radically expanding the diversity of wildshape forms available.
Circle of the Fountain
This Circle focuses on the power of water in the form of streams and rivers.
Circle of the Green
This Circle focuses on the power of The Green, the deep spirit of nature itself.
Circle of the Grove
This Circle gains power from the vegetation around them.
Circle of the Guardian
This Circle looks to maintain the balance between civilization and nature.
Circle of the Guardian II
This Circle focuses on elemental powers, tied to a specific location.
Circle of the Guardians
This Circle focuses on a solitary, wandering life devoted to protecting the natural world against threats.
Circle of Heaven
This Circle communes with creatures of other planes dedicated to good in the world--mostly celestials, good Fey, and other spirits.
Circle of the Hive
This Circle bonds with other practitioners, as well as various types of flying insects.
Circle of the Jungle
This Circle looks to expand the reach of the Green.
Circle of the Keeper
This Circle focuses on the bond between a Druid and their animal familiar.
Circle of Life
This Circle (one version almost exclusively female; the other mixed) focuses on the generation of life, and on healing.
Circle of the Old Oak
This Circle focuses on herbalism.
Circle of Oaks
This Circle allows you access to the power of the trees of the world.
Circle of Root and Stem
This Circle focuses on the power of trees specifically.
Circle of Sand
This Circle allows you access to the powers of the desert.
Circle of Scales
This Circle allows you access to the powers of dragons.
Circle of the Seasons
This Circle focuses on the power of the seasons, with its abilities changing as the year moves through its cycles.
These Druids make use of the spirits around us to enhance their abilities.
Circle of the Silver Wind
This Circle focuses on the power of cold and winter.
Circle of the Skinchangers
This Circle focuses on shapeshifting into beast forms.
Circle of the Sky
This Circle focuses on the powers and possibilities of air.
Circle of the Spirit
This Circle allows you access to the spirit world.
Circle of the Spirits
This Circle allows you to bond directly with the natural spirits of the world in the form of a spirit companion, and are the closest representation of shamanism within Druidic practice.
Circle of Stone
This Circle focuses on the land beneath the life, the rock itself (four versions).
Circle of the Subterranean
This Circle (like the Circles of Stone) focus on what is benath the land.
Circle of the Sun
This Circle focuses on solar power (2 options).
Circle of the Treespeaker
This Circle focuses on the use of flora.
Circle of the Wastelands
This Circle focuses on barren landscaped and deserts.
Circle of the Wind
This Circle focuses on the power of the Wind Lords.

Magical Circles

  There are Druids that focus on magic.  
Circle of Arcana
This Circle focuses on the use of magic, straddling the border between Druidic practice and Wizardry.
Circle of the Crescent
This Circle uses the subtlety of magic to create wildly adaptive possibilities for shapeshifting.
Circle of the Elements
This Circle works with the raw energy of the four elements.
Circle of Midsummer
This Circle inherits special magic, familiar to any fan of a certain play about a Night's Dream.
This Circle focuses on balance in all things.
Circle of the Planes
This Circle focuses on the magics necessary to access the powers of the planes.
The Primal Circle
This Circle searches for the deep magic beneath other Druidic traditions.
Circle of Timbers
Another Circle focused on the trees, this one is more combat focused than others.
Circle of Verdant
This Circle is another that focuses on the plants and trees of the natural world.
Circle of Vermin
This Circle focuses on the small beasts of the world--insects and rats and spiders and the like.
Circle of Worlds
This Circle focuses on movement between the planes.

Dark Circles

  There are Druids that focus on the darkness of the world. Most of these Circles are in active conflict with other Druids.  
Circle of the Blood Court
This Circle uses the blood of its enemies to strengthen itself.
Circle of Bones
This Circle harness the power of the undead.
Circle of the Deep Herds
This Circle is bound to the dark places of the Cthulhu mythos.
Circle of Defilement
This Circle embraces acts of transgression against the usual Druidic norms.
Circle of Defilers
This Circle drains energy from nature to use for their own ends, and are often hunted by other Druids.
Circle of Desolation
This Circle follows life to its logical conclusion, exploring the powers of death and decay.
Circle of Devouring
This Circle focuses on darker creatures for its partnerships.
Circle of Dread
This Circle looks to the exceptions and aberrations of nature for inspiration.
Circle of Evil
This Circle is dedicated to the dark side of nature.
Circle of the Feydark
This Circle is dedicated to the service of the The Courts of Winter and the darker sides of The Fey.
Circle of the Groveling
This Circle serves the creatures of the Underdark.
Inheritor of the Unbegotten
This Circle focuses on the powers of aberrations across planes.
Circle of Pestilence
This Circle focuses on decay, rot, vermin, and disease.
Circle of Redcaps
This Circle focuses on the power embodied in blood itself, embodied by the Fey creatures that serves as their namesake.
Circle of the Stoneclad
A more brutal, and often somewhat evil, version of the rock focused Circles.
Circle of the Thousand Young
This Circle focuses on the boundary between the natural and unnatural contours of the Cthulhu mythos.
Circle of Twilight
This Circle (which may indeed belong elsewhere) focuses on the power of sacrifice.
Circle of the Unseely
This Circle focuses on aiding the darker forces of The Fey.

Support Circles

  Others focus on creating supportive bonds with their fellow travelers.  
Circle of the Branch
This Circle focuses on ways to boost their and their companions martial prowess.
Circle of Drums
This Circle uses drum patterns as a way to communicate and empower.
Circle of the Grove
This Cricle focuses on community and emotional connection.
Circle of the Herd
This Cricle understands and exploits power in numbers.
Circle of Nazar
This Circle protects against evil.
Circle of Rhythm
This Circle uses magic that works in rhythmic ways (patterns of behavior, of night and day, etc.).
Circle of Unicorns
This Circle focuses on healing and the protection of living things.

Circles of Life and Death

  Others focus on the patterns of life and death.  
Circle of the Ancestors
This Circle allows you to call forth the powers of your Ancestors to your aid.
Circle of the Deathbloom
This Circle focuses on the power of decomposition and regrowth.
Circle of the Harvest
This Circle focuses on the natural cycles of sowing and reaping.
Circle of Life and Death
This Circle focuses on how to transform death into the seeds of life.
Circle of the Reapers
This Circle focuses on destroying the undead.
Circle of Renewal
This Circle focuses on bringing life back after the apocalypse.
Circle of Shadow
This Circle looks to the Shadow Plane for its power.
Circle of Shadows
This Circle understands that all eventually returns to darkness.
Circle of Sprits
This Fey Circle access the powers of the veil between life and death.
Circle of Twilight
This Circle allows you access to the border between life and death and the intermediate states it contains.

Other Circles

  And there are a handful of others as well.  
Circle of the Ancient Secrets
This circle focuses on the powers of the ancient triple goddess.
Axis Slayers
These Druids focus on melee skills.
Circle of Blood and Iron
This Circle hearkens to an ancient tradition of metalcraft and Druidry.
Circle of Bloodlines
This Circle focuses on the various abilities afforded by the variety of humanoid races.
Circle of the City
This Circle adapts traditional Druidic practice to urban environments.
Circle of Creation
This Circle strives to maintain the balance between the material plane and the elemental planes.
Circle of the Eternal Sky
This Circle focuses on ancestral spirits for guidance.
Circle of Eyes
This Circle focuses on sight and perception.
Circle of the Fey
This Circle serves The Fey, with a stress on the The Summer Court, The Court of Iron, and The Court of the Green.
Circle of the Fist
This Circle straddles the worlds of Druids and Monks.
Circle of the Outsider
This Circle focuses on planes other than the material.
Circle of Owls
This Circle allows you to move swiftly and silently, spying and gathering knowledge.
Circle of Passage
This Circle focuses on movement bewteen planes and realms.
Circle of Phoenix
This Circle focuses on the powers of the Phoenix: fire and healing and regeneration.
Circle of Roses
This Circle allows you access to the powers embedded in natural and magically enhanced scents.
Circle of the Savage Blood
This Circle focuses on manipulating and exploiting monstrosities.
Circle of the Sovereign Blade
This Circle focuses on the skills necessary to root out the forces of evil from the world.
The Unbroken Circle
Druids of this Circle are the wild warriors of nature, chaotic and deadly.
Circle of Yggdrasill
This Circle uses the power of the World Tree to navigate between worlds and planes of existence.


These are meant as a summary of the class. The official rules should be consulted, either directly or through the DM with any questions or clarifications.
Scroll down for full class details.


Druids revere nature above all, gaining their spells and other magical powers either from the force of nature itself or from a nature deity. Many druids pursue a mystic spirituality of transcendent union with nature rather than devotion to a divine entity, while others serve gods of wild nature, animals, or elemental forces. The ancient druidic traditions are sometimes called the Old Faith, in contrast to the worship of gods in temples and shrines.   Druid spells are oriented toward nature and animals—the power of tooth and claw, of sun and moon, of fire and storm. Druids also gain the ability to take on animal forms, and some druids make a particular study of this practice, even to the point where they prefer animal form to their natural form.
hit dice: 1d8
hit points at 1st level: 8 + CON modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d8 (or 5) + CON modifier
armor proficiencies: Light Armor; Medium Armor; Shields. Druids will not wear armor or use shields made of metal.
weapon proficiencies: Clubs; Daggers; Darts; Javelins; Maces; Quarterstaffs; Scimitars; Sickles; Slings; Spears.
tools: Herbalism kit
saving throws: INT; WIS
skills: 2 from Arcana, Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, Survival.
starting equipment:
A wooden shield or any simple weapon; a scimitar or any simple melee weapon; leather armor, an explorer's pack, and a druidic focus.
WIS is your spellcasting ability.
Spell Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + WIS modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = Proficiency Bonus + WIS modifier  


At 1st Level, you know 2 [i cantrips from the Druid spell list. You learn additional cantrips at higher levels, as shown in the CANTRIPS column of the Druid Table below.  

Preparing and Casting Spells

Druids prepare a list of spells after each long rest through meditation (at least 10 minutes; 1 minute per spell level for each spell). You may prepare a number of spells equal to your WIS modifier + your Druid Level.  

Ritual Casting

You can cast a druid spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell prepared.
class features:
At 1st Level, you learn the secret language of Druids. You can speak it and use it to leave hidden messages. You and others who know this language automatically spot such a message. Others spot the message's presence with a successful DC 15 WIS (Perception) check but can't decipher it without magic.
Wild Shape
At 2nd Level, as an action, you can magically assume the shape of a beast that you have seen before. You can use this feature twice. You regain expended uses when you finish a short or long rest. See PHB 66-67 for detail on Wild Shape.
Wild Companion
At 2nd Level, you can summon a spirit that assumes an animal form. As an action, you can cast Find Familiar without material components, summoning a fey familiar who disappears after a number of hours = your Druid Level * 1/2.
Druid Circle
At 2nd level, you choose to identify with a circle of druids. Your choice grants you features at 2nd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level. See Subclasses below for details on Druid Circles.
Ability Score Improvement
At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th Level, you can increase 1 ability score +2 or 2 ability scores +1 (20 max).
Cantrip Versatility
At each Ability Score Improvement, you may also replace 1 cantrip with another.
Timeless Body
At 18th Level, for every 10 years that pass, you only age 1 year.
Beast Spells
At 18th Level, you can cast spells while in Wild Shape as long as they only have verbal and/or somatic requirements.
At 20th Level, you can use Wild Shape an unlimited number of times.
subclass options:
Druid Circles shape your specific connection to the natural world, and the creatures therein.   Circle of the Land
Bonus Cantrip
At 2nd Level, you learn 1 additional Druid cantrip.
Natural Recovery
At 3rd Level, you can recover spell slots during short rests.
Circle Spells
At 3rd Level, you select a type of land to protect. At 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th Level, you gain access to spells specific to that type of land. These spells are always prepared, and don't count against the limit to the number you can prepare each day. See PHB 68 for details.
Land's Stride
At 6th Level, Nonmagical difficult terrain costs no extra movement. Also, nonmagical plants don't effect you, and you have advantage against magically created or manipulated plants.
Nature's Ward
At 10th Level, you can't be charmed or frightened by elementals or fey and you are immune to poison or disease.
Nature's Sanctuary
At 14th Level, when a plant or creature attacks you, that creature must make a WIS saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must choose a different target or abandon the attack; on success, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Circle of the Moon
Combat Wild Shape
At 2nd Level, you can use Wild Shape as a bonus action; additionally, you can use a bonus action to expend one spell slot to recover 1d8 HP per level of the spell slot.
Circle Forms
At 2nd Level, you can transform to a beast with max CR of 1; at 6th Level, you can transform to a beast with max CR = your Druid Level / 3.
Primal Strike
At 6th Level, your attacks in Wild Shape count as magical.
Elemental Wild Shape
At 10th Level, you can expend 2 uses of Wild Shape and transform into a fire, earth, air, or water elemental.
Thousand Forms
At 14th Level, you can cast Alter Self at will.

Circle of Spores
Circle Spells
At 2nd Level, you learn the Chill Touch cantrip. Additionally, at 3rd Level, you learn Blindness/Deafness and Gentle Repose; at 5th Level, Animate Dead and Gaseous Form; at 7th Level, Blight and Confusion; and at 9th Level, Cloudkill and Contagion. Thes spells are always prepared and don't count against any of your daily limits.
Halo of Spores
At 2nd Level, you are surrounded by invisible, necrotic spores. When a creature you can see moves into a space 10ft from you or starts its turn there, you can use a reaction to deal 1d4 necrotic damage unless that creature succeeds on a CON saving throw. At 6th Level, damage is 1d6; at 10th Level, 1d8; and at 14th Level, 1d10.
Symbiotic Entity
At 2nd Level, you can use Wild Shape to awaken the spores and gain 4 temporary HP for each of your Druid Levels. While Symbiotic Entity is active, you roll 2 die for Halo of Spores damage, and your melee weapons deal an extra 1d6 necrotic damage to any target. These benefits last for 10 minutes, or until you lose all of your temporary HP, or until you use Wild Shape again.
Fungal Infestation
At 6th Level, if a beast or humanoid that is medium or small dies within 10ft of you, you can use a reaction to animate it with your spores. The animation has statistics equivalent to a Zombie, and remains animated for 1 hour, after which time it collapses and dies (again). See TGE 37 for details. You can use this a number of times = your WIS modifier and you regain uses after a long rest.
Spreading Spores
At 10th Level, as a bonus action, while Symbiotic Entity is active, you can hurl spores up to 30ft away, where they swirl in a 10ft cube for 1 minute. The effect disappears if you use this feature again, if you use a bonus action to dismiss them, or if your Symbiotic Entity is no longer active. Whenever a creature enters the cube or starts its turn there, they must make a CON saving throw or take your Halo of Spores damage once per turn. While the cube persists, you cannot use Halo of Spores.
Fungal Body
At 14th Level, you can't be blinded, deafened, frightened, or poisoned and a critical hit counts as a normal hit unless you are incapacitated.

Circle of Stars
Star Map
At 2nd Level, after creating your Star Chart (see TCE 38), you know the Guidance cantrip; you have Guiding Bolt prepared, not counting against your daily limits; and you can cast Guiding Bolt a number of times = your proficiency bonus, regained after a long rest.
Starry Form
At 2nd Level, as a bonus action you can use Wild Shape to take a starry form, shedding bright light for 10ft and dim light an additional 10ft. The form lasts 10 minutes, ending if you dismiss it, are incapacitated, die, or use this feature again. Each time you take Starry Form, select a benefit: Archer (when you activate and as a bonus action thereafter, you can make a ranged spell attack at one creature within 60ft, causing 1d8 + your WIS modifier radiant damage Chalice (whenever you cast a spall using a spell slot that restores HP, you or another creature within 30ft can regain HP = 1d8 + your WIS modifier or Dragon (when you make an INT or WIS check or a CON saving throw to maintain concetration on a spell, you can trat a roll lower than 10 as a 10).
Cosmic Omen
At 6th Level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can consult your Star Map. Roll any die. Whenever a creature you can see within 30ft is about to make an attack, a saving throw, or an ability check, if the roll was even, roll 1d6 and add the number to the toal (Weal if it was odd, roll 1d6 and subtract that number from the total (Woe). You can use this reaction a number of times = your proficiency bonus, regained after a long rest.
Twinkling Constellations
At 10th Level, Starry Form becomes stronger, with the Archer and Chalice now utilizing 2d8 and the Dragon granting you a flying speed of 20ft plus the ability to hover. At the start of each turn in Starry Form, you can select which constellation.
Full of Stars
At 14th Level, while in Starry Form you become partially incorporeal, granting resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Circle of Wildfire
Circle Spells
At 2nd Level, you learn the Burning Hands and Cure Wounds. Additionally, at 3rd Level, you learn Flaming Sphere and Scorching Ray; at 5th Level, Plant Growth and Revivify; at 7th Level, Aura of Life and Fire Shield; and at 9th Level, Flame Strike and Mass Cure Wounds. Thes spells are always prepared and don't count against any of your daily limits.
Summon Wildfire Spirit
At 2nd Level, you can summon a spirit companion made of wildfire. See TCE 40 for details.
Enhanced Bond
At 6th Level, when your Wildfire Spirit is active, if you cast a spell that deals fire damage or restores HP, you gain 1d8 bonus to 1 damage or healing roll of the spell. When you cast a spell with a range other than yourself, it can originate from either you or your Wildfire Spirit.
Cauterizing Flames
At 10th Level, when a small or larger creature dies within 30ft of you or your Wildfire Spirit, a spectral flame appears in the space where they died for 1 minute. When a creature you can see enters that space, you can use your reaction to either heal or damage the creature 2d10 + your WIS modifier. You can do this a number of times = your proficiency bonus, with uses regained after a long rest.
Blazing Revival
At 14th Level, if your Wildfire Spirit is within 120ft of you when you are reduced to 0 HP, you can have the Wildfire Spirit drop to 0 HP, regain half your HP, and immediately rise to your feet. You regain this after a long rest.

22 1st Level
2+2Wild Shape
Wild Companion
Druid Circle
21 1st Level
3+221 1st Level
2 2nd Level
4+2Wild Shape Improvement
Ability Score Improvement with Cantrip Versatility
31 2nd Level
5+332 3rd Level
6+3Druid Circle Features31 3rd Level
7+331 4th level
8+3Wild Shape Improvement
Ability Score Improvement with Cantrip Versatility
31 4th Level
9+431 4th Level
1 5th Level
10+4Druid Circle Features41 5th Level
11+441 6th Level
12+4Ability Score Improvement with Cantrip Versatility4
13+541 7th Level
14+5Druid Circle Features4
15+541 8th Level
16+5Ability Score Improvement with Cantrip Versatility4
17+641 9th Level
18+6Timeless Body
Beast Spells
41 5th Level
19+6Ability Score Improvement with Cantrip Versatility41 6th Level
20+6Archdruid41 7th Level


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