
Fighters are simply a hoot. They look a little boring at first, but the very wide range of specializations unlock truly powerful melee skills, and the archetypes support individually great artists with blade and bow (Champion), tactical masters (Battle Master), and magical fighters (Eldritch Knight).   The range here is well demonstrated in Nine Princes in Amber, where both Gerard (a massive, close-range brawler) and Benedict (a master tactician and duelist) were Fighters. In more popular media, think of everything from Conan to every character Bruce Willis has ever played to Napoleon.   They lack some of the lore and clear roll-playing hooks, but they are often one of the most important members of a group as they are key to being able to dispatch any foe.   STR is the most important ability for Fighters, unless you want to focus on archery or finesse weapons, in which case it is DEX. CON is next, unless you plan on being an Eldritch Knight, in which case it is INT.  

Martial Archetypes

  Fighters develop specializations by adopting Martial Archetypes at 3rd Level. You gain features from your Martial Archetype at 3rd, 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th Level.  
The Admiral
This Archetype specializes in leading vessels at sea.
Aerial Knight
This Archetype specializes in airborne combat manouvers.
Arcane Archer
This Archeytpe is true to its name, featuring ranged weapons with magical enhancements.
Arcane Dabbler
This Archetype gains a smattering of arcane abilities to complement their martial skills.
Arcane Knight
This Archetype embeds arcane power into a weapon of their choice (2 variants).
Anointed Warrior
This Archetype employs alchemical enhancements to their martial prowess.
Battle Master
This Archetpye uses special Superiority Dice to enable them to support their allies in battle throug a very wide range of tactics.
Blood Knight
This Archetype uses their own blood to gain advantage in combat. (2 variants, one arcane focused)
Bulette Knight
Often found as Dwarves, this Archetype partners with a burrowing mount.
This Archetype focuses on direct, immediate combat.
This Archetype specializes at combat while mounted.
This Archetype focuses on weapons made of chains, posing great danger to others and not a little to themselves (2 variants).
The most straightforward of the Archetypes, Champions just get better and better at individual combat.
Cinderwood Knight
A battlefield tactics focused Archetype.
Commanders are able to impact their allies while in the midst of battle.
This Archetype focuses on 1-v-1 combat.
Dwarven Defender
Usually found among, yes, Dwarves, this Archetype focuses on providing a firm line of defense for their communities.
Eldritch Knight
This Archetype mixes magical abilities with melee combat, making them more of a hybrid class.
Elemental Blade
This Archetype infuses their weapons with arcane, elemental energies.
This Archetype focuses on tactics and the use of special bloodwork weapons.
Fey Knight
Containing multiple specializations, this Archetype focuses on harnessing the shifting nature of The Feywild.
The Fist
An Archetype focusing on bare-knuckle combat.
Flying Fighter
This Archetype learns to glide and soar in combat.
This Archetype learns the secrets of smithing their own blades.
An Archetype that mixes fighting with Artificer talents.
You are first into battle, breaching even arcane wards.
This Archetype focuses on skill in arenas, battle pits, and the like (5 variants).
Glorious Combatant
This Archetype focuses on the skills needed to conquer all with a minimum of damage or impact being suffered in return.
Havoc Runner
Often Gnolls, this Archetype specializes in swift, hit and run tactics.
Holy Knight
Often aligned with angelic entities, this Archetype is devoted to the protection of holy sites and/or the advancement of divine goals.
Holy Trampler
This Archetype embodies the strength of the massive herd beasts.
This Archetype is trained to withstand any challenge and persevere.
Iron Bulwark
Usually in service of a deity, this is a defensive focused Archetype.
This Archetype focuses on the mastery of a dizzying array of weoponry.
Chivalry, armor, lances, all that.
Living Weapons
This Archetype has mastered converting their body itself into a weapon.
Masked Warrior
This Archetype--their visage hidden at all times--focuses on mounted abilities.
This Archetype focuses on the versatility and will needed to survive as a sword-for-hire.
Pact Foger
This Archetype focuses on the art of the deal--often with deadly forces.
Phalanx Warrior
This Archetype focuses on mastery of the uses of a shield, as both an offensive and defensive weapon.
Planar Champion
This Archetype focuses on the skills necessary for combat beyond the material plane.
This Archetype are boxers, wrestlers, and pit fighters.
Royal Guard
This Archetype remains alert at all times, coordinating its actions with its allies.
Rune Knight
This Archetype mixes brute strength with the ability to add runic enchantments to weapons and armor.
This Archetype focuses on precision and elegance in their melee actions (note that a Paladin subclass may be closer to the Eastern Samurai traditions; also, katanas are cool).
This Archetype focuses on ranged weapons.
Siege General
This Archetype specializes in commanding in times of warfare.
This Archetype focuses on a blade made from mental energy.
This Archetype appears to be a faithful sidekick of another fighter. Appears to be.
This Archetype focuses on skills needed to survive in an apocolyptic hellscape.
This Archetype knows that subtlety will always overwhelm pure aggression.
Talon of Horus
This Archetype embodies the power of the hawk, and the deity behind it.
Tunnel Commando
Preferred by Dwarves and Gnomes, this Archetype specializes in battle beneath the surface.
Tunnel Watcher
Often Dwarves, this Archetype specializes in underground defense.
Undying Knight
Fueled by the powers of nature, this Archetype gains regenerative abilities.
This Archetype focuses on defense and support, especially in the use of a weapon and shield combination.
  Some types of fighters are explicitly dark, and or not bound by particular martial etiquette:  
Corpse Knight
This Archetype blends fighting with necromancy.
Dark Arts Militant
This Archetype includes the ability to create arcane oils and poisons to coat their weapons.
Dirty Fighter and Wicked Fighter
These Archetypes specialize in the tricks of fighting without regards for the silliness of etiquette.


These are meant as a summary of the class. The official rules should be consulted, either directly or through the DM with any questions or clarifications.
Scroll down for full class details.


Fighters learn the basics of all combat styles. Every fighter can swing an axe, fence with a rapier, wield a longsword or a greatsword, use a bow, and even trap foes in a net with some degree of skill. Likewise, a fighter is adept with shields and every form of armor. Beyond that basic degree of familiarity, each fighter specializes in a certain style of combat. Some concentrate on archery, some on fighting with two weapons at once, and some on augmenting their martial skills with magic. This combination of broad general ability and extensive specialization makes fighters superior combatants on battlefields and in dungeons alike.
hit dice: 1d10
hit points at 1st level: 10 + CON modifier
hit points at higher levels: 1d10 or 6 + CON Modifier
armor proficiencies: All Armor; Shields
weapon proficiencies: Simple Weapons; Martial Weapons
saving throws: STR; CON
skills: 2 from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and Survival.
starting equipment:
Chain mail or leather armor; longbow and 20 arrows; a martial weapon and shield or 2 martial weapons; a light crossbow and 20 bolts or 2 handaxes; a dungeoneer's pack or an explorer's pack.
For the Eldritch Knight, which is a Martial Archetype that combines skills of a Fighter with those of a Wizard.
INT is your spellcasting ability.
Spell Save DC = 8 + Proficiency Bonus + INT modifier
Spell Attack Modifier = Proficiency Bonus + INT modifier  


At 3rd Level, you know 2 cantrips from the wizard spell list. You learn an additional cantrip at Level 10.  

Spell Slots

The Fighter Table below details how many spell slots you have available. Most of your spells mut be from abjuration or evocation schools. Specifically, 1 of the spells you gain at 3rd Level and the spells you learn at 8th, 14th, and 20th Level can be from any school of magic.

class features:
Fighting Style
At 1st Level, you adopt 1 of 11 fighting styles: Archery; Defense; Dueling; Great Weapon Fighting; Protection; Two-Weapon Fighting, Blind Fighting, Interception; Superior Technique; Thrown Weapon Fighting; or Unarmed Fighting. See PHB 72 and TGE 41-42 for details on each.
Second Wind
At 1st Level, you may use a bonus action to regain HP = 1d10 + your Fighter Level. You regain this after a short or long rest.
Action Surge
At 2nd Level, you can take an additional action. You regain this ability after a short or long rest. At 17th Level, you can use it twice, but only once per turn.
Martial Versatility
At 4th Level, whenever you reach a level that grants the Ability Score Improvement, you may also replace a fighting style or, if you know a maneuver, you may repalce it.
Extra Attack
At 5th Level, you gain an attack whenever you take an attack action. At 11th and 20th Level, you gain additional attacks, giving you 4 at Level 20.
At 9th Level, you can reroll a saving throw if you fail. You regain this ability after a long rest. At 13th Level, you can do this twice between long rests; at 17th Level, you can do this thrice.
subclass options:
FIghters specialize through Martial Archetypes.  
1+2Fighting Style
Second Wind
2+2Action Surge (one use)
3+2Martial Archetype2 1st Level
4+2Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility1 1st Level
5+3Extra Attack
6+3Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility
7+3Martial Archetype Feature1 1st Level
2 2nd Level
8+3Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility
9+4Indomitable (one use)
10+4Martial Archetype Feature1 2nd Level
11+4Extra Attack (2)
12+4Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility
13+5Indomitable (2 uses)2 3rd Level
14+5Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility
15+5Martial Archetype Feature
16+5Ability Score Improvement with Martial Versatility1 3rd Level
17+6Action Surge (2 uses)
Indomitable (3 uses)
18+6Martial Archetype Feature
19+6Ability Score Improvement1 4th Level
20+6Extra Attack (3)


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