

This continent consists of hot deserts, savannahs, and wetlands. There are a few rolling hills especially around Jumah and a few low riding mountains toward the center of the continent. These mountains aren't visited by anyone outside of the Kingdom of Al Qurdaha.   There is one island that is part of this continent that is a seasonal rainforest. There’s a huge tree at the center of this island that the people of the Kingdom of Al Qurdaha worship.

Localized Phenomena

The desert gets twice yearly sandstorms that have been known to strip flesh from bone. These storms also demolish buildings within the first 2 or 3 storms. A few have been bad enough to take a town out and not leave any trace of it. There’s a small area that has become a no man’s land because of these storms.   The wetlands are on the southeastern coast and are prone to flooding every year. While for the most part this is a good thing as it brings fertile soil for planting crops every year. Though, there is always a danger with floods, especially if there's a flash flood. Architecture here has been adapted to withstand the floods. Loss of life in these situations is always a concern but the numbers have gone down since this region was first established.


Desert and the savannah tend to be hot and dry. The savannah does get more rain than the desert, though sometimes not by much. The wetlands tend to be slightly cooler but a lot more humid, especially during flooding season.


There's a lot of history for this continent from the first settlers of the Asqah Caliphate and the Kingdom of Al Qurdaha to the events of the Legend of the Sayahafat Beast and everything in between.   Wars have happened on its soil or they participated in outside wars. Kingdom of Al Qurdaha is a closed off nation due the effects of slavery.


Most of the tourism comes to the Asqah Caliphate. There's the Jasam Salt Lake, the Sayahafat Hills, and the Mashaykh Purifying Well.   Then there's the various cities and markets to explore.
Sandstorms that rip flesh from bone??? Why would anyone choose to live there? Though they do have the Mashaykh Purifying Well. Still, no rain, at least not any worth mention, or anything that comes close to what we get here in the Commonwealth of Edria. Then there's the flooding in the wetlands. I mean... seriously, what are these people thinking?
I know I shouldn't be so judgemental. I am a historian and I'm here to learn. Just because this sounds like a place I would choose not to live in doesn't meant that this isn't a place worth living in. Perhaps... Well, no point in going down that line of thinking. I'll never get to go there myself. In person would help out. (internally laughs at self). I say that but would find myself holed up in their libraries. I know me all to well.

Articles under Aisha

Cover image: by Lady Wynter done on Azgaar and Inkarnate


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