

There's a small desert near the center of this continent that does spread north some. In the middle of the continent (in the Kingdom of Vepar) is a mesa. The southeast and southwest tips of the continent as well as two of the three are grasslands and plains that are fertile for farming. The third island is a rain forest, just like the southern tip of Vayu Sachana.

Localized Phenomena

There are high winds that come off the mesa and causing sandstorms directly around the base and for several kilometers around it. This is ongoing occurance that very rarely stops.


Climate is typical for the geography.


They've participated in all of the world wars and also contributed to the Ripper Star.


There are many adventurers who brave the sand and wind storms of the mesa to climb it. Unfortunately, very few have come back from it. Though these needless deaths have dropped off dramatically since the borders were closed at the end of The Cinder War: A World Shattered: Fourth World War. Most in the Kingdom of Vepar are wise enough to stay away from the mesa. Those who go there now are usually young men looking to prove themselves. Though, a few go there to die because they have a terminal illness and this lets them die quickly and with honor.
Location under
Included Organizations
Why? Seriously, why? I can understand wanting a quick death, I suppose. But there has to be a better option than going to a mesa that is surrounded by such harsh weather. As for the idiots who aren't at death's door when they go, that is to whom I ask why. Of course, they can't answer me now. And I highly doubt they could give me a satisfactory answer, if they could even form anything coherent to give me in the first place,

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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