North Chrysalis


The geography of this continent is a varied one. It holds the most mountainous area in the world, which the Triumvirate of Ashya claims, with only a small portion of these moutains spilling into the northern part of the Principality of Seres.   There are foot hills on the southern tip of the continent in the Dominion of Scial Gria. But the rest of is the flat land of plains, with the Principality of Kopolchia being more desert like than rest of the continent (but now where near anything like the Asqah Caliphate).   Then there's the tundra that comprise the Triumvirate of Ashya and most of the Grand Duchy of Temia.   There are a couple of forests. One is in the Grand Duchy of Temia, but not much is known about it. The second (and most well known) one is the Old Willow Woods in the Shogunate of Cheria.

Localized Phenomena

Weather is normal for the geography and climate associated with this area.   Though the expansion of the Old Willow Woods by Scarlett Forge was a standout moment.   Then there was Ezra Hope's twin sister's spirit wrecked havoc from the Star Copse in Starwood Ranch.   Yearly the Kru'val attack Safe Harbor in the Grand Duchy of Temia, bringing (or coming on) the massive yearly winter storm that happens every year.


Most of the continent has relatively warm weather during the summer with mild (only somewhat cold) winters (both of which are roughly the same length). Spring and fall in these areas are on the short side with spring brings warmer weather and fall brings colder weather.


With 11 countries on this continent, there is a lot of history here. War, border conflicts, supernatural events and even the mundane have happened here.


Before the borders were closed at the end of the The Cinder War: A World Shattered: Fourth World War, tourism was good among the countries. The obvious places to visit being Starwood Ranch, Old Willow Woods, and Harjanta. But there are plenty of out of the way to visit as well.   These places are still visited even with the borders closed but only by those who have access to them and they are more as a quick vacation than to see something new.
I would live to be able to visit these places. As much as I love reading and learning, there's something to be said about hands on learning. I'd especially love to visit the Old Willow Woods, see what they look like, see if I could determine how they were expanded. The Lost Dragon Tribe's fate is an interesting one that shocked the world.

Articles under North Chrysalis


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