

This continent is flat, with lots of good soil for farming. And the Duchy of Agria is marshlands. With only one major lake, water supply is always an issue.

Localized Phenomena

Kingdom of Lugdia was lush. It was made barren during The Schism: Third World War. Even six hundred years later, it's still recovering, though, some of its former lushness has begun to return.


Summer is nearly half a year here with some areas getting more rain than others. Winters tend to be mild around Sandao Lake and in the Commonwealth of Edria. Kingdom of Lacri can see some severe drops in temps especially in the interior.


The 8 countries of this continent have a history that has seen much. Many of these 8 countries particpated in all 4 of the world wars. But this isn't to say that everything was bad. The Vatican was established and it helped eliminate many threats, including Vampyres (excluding Albion Marrable).


Like all the the continents, tourism was abundent before the The Cinder War: A World Shattered: Fourth World War. Sandao Lake was a popular destination as well as the Commonwealth of Edria since it's the only small island not on the banned travel list.  
Foreigners... Visiting the Commonwealth of Edria? Such a srange concept, only because why would anyone want to come visit a place that raiins so much? Still to be able to visit these other places... oh the things I could learn.
If I'm understanding the concept correctly, to be a tourist, one needs to travel to a place that isn't their homeland. I got to thinking about this and all the places I'd like to go. I would have to forgo the Kingdom of Lugdia though. While the words I read take me into the past, I am unable to physically do so, and I don't want to die yet. But travelling outside of my homeland is merely a fantasy on my part.
In the name of Infinite Grace, why would anyone include an island as part of an entire continent? We're not even attached to any other land. Who's bright idea was this?

Articles under Septentria

Cover image: by Lady Wynter


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