Air Genasi

Race Information

"Like the winds that dance across the skies, we air genasi are ever-changing, boundless, and free. Our hearts sing the songs of the tempest, and our souls soar with the currents of the world. Embrace the freedom of the air, for it is in the boundless sky that we truly find ourselves." - Zephyra Windwalker, Air Genasi Storm Sorceress
Air Genasi, born from the union of humans and air elementals or as offspring of genasi parents, are embodiments of the elemental air, exhibiting traits that distinguish them from other beings in Faerûn.    


Nomadic as the Wind:
Air Genasi societies tend to be mobile, often moving with the wind and weather. They prefer living in open spaces like high plateaus, mountain peaks, or coastal cliffs.  
Loose Hierarchies:
Their social structures are usually fluid, reflecting the ever-changing nature of the air. Leadership might rotate or be situational rather than fixed.  
Valuing Freedom:
Individuality and personal freedom are highly prized in Air Genasi culture. They might resist rigid rules or constraints.  
Communal and Cooperative:
Despite valuing freedom, they often form tight-knit communities, working together especially when facing external threats or during migrations.    


The Sword Coast:
With its long coastline and varied terrain, the Sword Coast offers diverse environments where the air element is pronounced, from sea breezes to mountain gusts.  
The High Forest:
The tall trees and open skies of the High Forest provide a suitable environment for Air Genasi who feel connected to both the earth and the sky.  
The Spine of the World:
The high altitudes and crisp mountain air of this northern mountain range make it an attractive location for Air Genasi.  
The vast desert of Anauroch, with its open skies and powerful windstorms, can be appealing to Air Genasi who thrive in open, airy landscapes.  
The Elemental Plane of Air:
Some Air Genasi may be drawn to explore or even reside in this plane, which embodies the essence of air in its purest form.  
The Storm Horns:
This mountain range is known for its turbulent weather and frequent storms, offering an environment that resonates with the dynamic nature of Air Genasi.  
The Dalelands:
The open valleys and rolling hills, coupled with the ever-changing weather patterns, make the Dalelands a suitable home for Air Genasi who enjoy temperate climates and open spaces.  
The desert landscapes and ancient magical heritage, especially relating to djinn and air elementals, can attract Air Genasi to this southern region.  
Known for its fog and mists, the Evermoors offer a unique environment where air and water elements mingle, which might intrigue some Air Genasi.  
The Moonshae Isles:
The strong sea winds and open skies of these islands provide a natural habitat for Air Genasi who are drawn to maritime climates.   It is important to note that air genasi can be found throughout Faerun, often as a result of their nomadic tendencies or their roles as adventurers. The regions mentioned above are just a few examples of places where air genasi may be more likely to be encountered. They can also be found living among other races in various communities or exploring the world on their own terms, driven by their innate curiosity and desire for freedom.    


Air Genasi tend to be adaptable and open-minded in their interactions with other races. They value freedom and individual expression, which can make them both good allies and somewhat unpredictable.   Overall, Air Genasi tend to appreciate diversity and individuality in others, viewing different races through the lens of curiosity and a desire for freedom. Their perspective is often shaped by their own experiences as beings who embody the ever-changing and free nature of air.  
Air Genasi often find common ground with humans due to their adaptable and diverse nature. They might admire human drive and ambition but could be frustrated by their sometimes short-sighted or rigid thinking.  
Elves, with their affinity for nature and the arcane, might share a mutual respect with Air Genasi. Both races appreciate the arts and the natural world, though Air Genasi might find elves a bit too grounded or serious.  
Dwarves, being earthy and sturdy, often have contrasting lifestyles and values compared to the airy and changeable Air Genasi. There might be mutual respect, but also a lack of deep understanding.  
Halflings’ light-hearted and adaptable nature can resonate well with Air Genasi. Their shared love for freedom and travel can forge strong friendships.  
Gnomes and Air Genasi often bond over their shared curiosity and love for invention. Gnomes' inventive nature and Air Genasi's innovative thinking can lead to fruitful collaborations.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Air Genasi might approach orcs and goblinoids with caution due to their typically aggressive and warlike nature. However, individual relationships can vary greatly.  
Tieflings and Aasimar:
The shared experience of being different from mainstream society can create a bond between Air Genasi and Tieflings or Aasimar. However, the inherent differences in their natures (elemental vs. infernal/celestial) might lead to complex dynamics.  
The elemental aspect of Dragonborn, especially those with an affinity for air or storm, can create a natural affinity with Air Genasi. Their strong personalities might either clash or lead to strong respect.  
Other Exotic Races:
Air Genasi, with their natural curiosity and openness to new experiences, are often intrigued by other exotic races and are usually willing to learn about and from them.    

Physical Qualities

Air genasi inherit the traits of their elemental ancestors, the air elementals, which manifest in a variety of ways. Their skin tones can range from pale blue to light gray, sometimes exhibiting faint patterns or swirling markings that resemble clouds or mist. Their hair is often a similar color and tends to be light and wispy, sometimes appearing to float or move as if blown by a gentle breeze.   Air genasi have lithe and graceful builds, often standing slightly taller than the average human. Their eyes can be a variety of colors, but they frequently exhibit a shimmering, iridescent quality that evokes the sky or a clear day. Some air genasi may possess additional features that further reflect their elemental heritage, such as elongated ears or a faint aura of wind surrounding them.    

RP Guide

Free-Spirited and Independent:
Emphasize your love for freedom and independence. Avoid being bound by conventions or traditions.  
Adaptable and Unpredictable:
Show a capacity to adapt to new situations easily, akin to the changing wind. Your actions might often be unpredictable or whimsical.  
Curious and Inquisitive:
Express a natural curiosity about the world, always seeking to learn more and experience new things.  
Light-Hearted but Detached:
Display a generally light-hearted demeanor, but sometimes seem detached or aloof, as if your mind is drifting on the breeze.  
Connection to the Sky:
Show a deep connection to the sky and open spaces. You might feel claustrophobic or restless in enclosed spaces.

Civilization and Culture


The history of air genasi in Faerun is tied to the history of genasi as a whole. Genasi are the offspring of humans and elemental creatures, or they can be born to genasi parents. In the case of air genasi, their ancestry can be traced back to djinn, invisible stalkers, or other air elementals.   Throughout history, air genasi have been relatively rare compared to other races, often appearing in regions where the influence of air elementals is strong or in areas where elemental portals exist. As a result, their impact on the broader course of Faerun's history has been relatively limited, but they have played significant roles in the areas where they are found.   Air genasi have long been associated with the elemental planes, particularly the Elemental Plane of Air. Some air genasi have ventured to this plane to explore their heritage or forge alliances with their elemental kin, while others have remained in Faerun, embracing their human side and integrating into the diverse societies that populate the continent.  


Air Genasi, like all genasi, do not have a unified religious belief system. As they are often born into different societies and cultures throughout Faerûn, their religious beliefs can vary greatly. They may follow the faith of their parents or the dominant faith of the culture in which they were raised.   However, due to their elemental nature, Air Genasi might feel drawn to deities associated with air, freedom, travel, and the sky. Here are a few deities from the Faerûnian pantheon that an Air Genasi might choose to revere:  
As the goddess of elemental air, Akadi is likely to resonate with Air Genasi. She embodies the ever-changing, dynamic, and unpredictable nature of the air and the sky, values that align with the typical Air Genasi personality.  
Known as the Rider of the Winds, Shaundakul is the god of travel and exploration. His tenets align well with the freedom-loving and curious nature of many Air Genasi.  
Aerdrie Faenya:
Elven goddess of Air, Weather, and Birds, she might appeal to any Air Genasi that values freedom, nature, and the sky.  
Known as the Frostmaiden, she is the goddess of cold and winter. An Air Genasi might find some affinity here, particularly if they're more inclined towards the harsher, colder aspects of the air.  
The Stormlord, god of storms and destruction, could be revered by Air Genasi who embrace the more tempestuous and chaotic aspects of air and weather.


Kit Items
Eyes of lightning (Attached)
Eyes Of The Universe (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Green (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir White (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Teal (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Dodger Blue (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Tattoo - Lightning
Sloughing Fluid
Boots of Icarus (Low Gravity)
elfears smallmk1
Elven Ears (Small) [A]
Elven Ears II (Small) [A]
(T) Small Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Small Elf Ear (Right)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Right)
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Stretched Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Stretched ears 1 Right
Elvish Ear A [R]
Elvish Ear A [L]
Elvish Ear B [R]
Elvish Ear B [L]
Elvish Ear A [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear A [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [L][ToT]
Elf Right
Elf Left
150 - 190cm   Lifespan:
120 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Primordial   Suggested Alignment:
Any Neutral   Racial Tension(s):
Nothing Specific


Ability Scores:
+1 Constitution

Saving Throws:
+1 Dexterity

Damage Resistance:



Delayed Fall Damage
This creature gets two additional tiles before taking fall damage.
Mingle with the Wind
This creature is lighter in the air than most, able to jump upwards a high distance or float down from tall heights without taking falling damage. (This is not flight. You will be given the Boots of Icarus item in your kit).   This does NOT use flight rules for PVP flee purposes and means you can jump high vertically without climbing using your tile movement (dash does not stack).
Fluff Spell
This creature has access to the fluff spell Gust.