
Race Information

Avariel are a rare and enigmatic subrace of elves in the Forgotten Realms, distinguished by their magnificent feathered wings that grant them the gift of flight. With feathers ranging from the hues of birds of prey to more vibrant colors, Avariel embody the grace and elegance associated with elvenkind. Though secluded in their mountainous aeries, Avariel are known for their curiosity about the world below and are skilled aerial warriors, adept in both archery and the tactics of airborne combat.    


Skybound Communities:
Perched high in remote mountain ranges, Avariel aeries are breathtaking havens that blend seamlessly with their natural surroundings. Built from sturdy materials and magically enchanted, these elevated dwellings provide Avariel with a secluded sanctuary where they cultivate their unique aerial abilities and maintain a vigilant watch over the realms below.  
Artistic and Spiritual:
Avariel express their artistic prowess through ethereal tapestries and intricate carvings that depict the beauty of flight and the celestial realms. Spiritually attuned to the skies, Avariel engage in communal rituals involving graceful aerial dances and soaring performances, connecting with the winds and stars as they celebrate their winged heritage.  
Guardians of the Skies:
They consider themselves protectors of their aerial territories and often keep to themselves, avoiding interference in ground-based conflicts unless their homes or allies are threatened.    


Mountainous and Forested Areas:
Avariel are most commonly found in remote mountain ranges or dense, high-canopy forests where they can live undisturbed.  
Faerûn’s Peaks:
Specific locations in Faerûn where Avariel might be found include the Star Mounts in the High Forest or the peaks of the Storm Horns.   In the realms of Faerûn, Avariel are a symbol of grace and freedom, soaring through the skies with a perspective and culture uniquely their own. Their rarity and seclusion have shrouded them in mystery, making encounters with them a rare and memorable experience.   Avariel elves, with their distinct traits and culture, may find themselves in the Savage Frontier for various reasons:  
Exploration and Adventure:
Avariel elves have a natural inclination towards exploration, owing to their ability to fly. The vast, untamed lands of the Savage Frontier present a myriad of opportunities for discovery and adventure, appealing to their curiosity and desire to chart unknown territories.  
Seeking New Homelands:
The Avariel, often few in number and seeking seclusion from ground-bound races, might be drawn to the remote and less populated areas of the Savage Frontier to establish new settlements away from crowded civilizations.  
Environmental and Nature Protection:
The Savage Frontier, rich in natural resources and diverse ecosystems, might attract Avariel who are dedicated to protecting the environment and maintaining the balance of nature.  
Cultural and Historical Research:
Interested in the lore and history of the world, Avariel scholars might travel to the Savage Frontier to study ancient ruins, forgotten civilizations, or to learn about the cultures and customs of the frontier's inhabitants.  
Escape from Persecution:
Avariel, due to their rarity and unique appearance, may sometimes face distrust or persecution. The remoteness of the Savage Frontier offers a refuge where they can live relatively undisturbed.  
Trade and Diplomatic Missions:
Avariel might engage in trade or diplomatic missions in the Savage Frontier, either representing their own communities or as intermediaries for other elven societies.  
Military or Defensive Campaigns:
If threats arise that could impact their homes or allies, Avariel warriors might venture into the Savage Frontier to participate in military campaigns or to form defensive alliances with other races or communities.  
Pursuit of Artistic Inspiration:
Avariel, known for their appreciation of beauty and art, may be drawn to the Savage Frontier for inspiration. The region's landscapes, wildlife, and cultures provide a rich tapestry for artistic endeavors.  
Spiritual or Religious Quests:
Some Avariel, especially those devoted to deities associated with nature, travel, or the sky, might embark on spiritual journeys or pilgrimages to the Savage Frontier, seeking enlightenment or fulfilling religious duties.  
Personal Quests:
Individual Avariel may have personal reasons for traveling to the Savage Frontier, such as seeking a lost artifact, fulfilling a personal vow, or searching for a missing kin or friend.      


Elusive and Mysterious:
Avariel are deemed elusive and mysterious in Faerun due to their reclusive mountain aeries hidden amidst rugged peaks, often shrouded in mist and clouds. Their infrequent interactions with outsiders, coupled with their ability to swiftly vanish into the skies, contribute to an air of enigma, making the Avariel an elusive and seldom-encountered presence in the wider realms.  
Allies of the Good:
Avariels, by nature, tend to embrace a good-aligned ethos, their wings lifting them towards ideals of freedom, benevolence, and the protection of the natural world. Inspired by the boundless skies they call home, Avariels often find kinship with benevolent deities and hold a deep reverence for life, guiding them toward paths of compassion and altruism.  
Detached Observers:
Avariels, with their unique vantage point from the skies, are often perceived as detached observers, watching the world unfold below with a sense of distance. Their aerial perspective fosters a contemplative nature, and the ability to soar above the mundane concerns of the land reinforces the notion that Avariels view events with a certain detachment, appreciating the grand tapestry of life from afar.

Humans and Dwarves  
Fascination and Sympathy:
Avariels harbor a nuanced view of humans, balancing fascination with their ambitious nature and innovative spirit, while also feeling sympathy for their grounded existence. The brevity of human lives is acknowledged, creating a mix of appreciation and detachment in Avariels' perception.
Resilience and Cultural Divide:
In their perspective on dwarves, Avariels admire their industriousness and resilience, particularly valuing dwarven craftsmanship and commitment to tradition. However, a subtle cultural divide arises due to Avariels' winged nature and free-spiritedness, creating a contrast with dwarves' grounded and earthbound perspectives.

Intrigued Kinship:
Avariels share a sense of kinship with other elves, appreciating their elven ancestry, but their ability to soar above the treetops creates a subtle air of superiority. The grounded nature of non-winged elves is viewed with both curiosity and a touch of sympathy by the Avariel, who recognize their own unique aerial perspective.
Cultural Divergence:
While Avariels acknowledge the magical prowess and connection to nature of other elves, there exists a cultural divergence, with the Avariels' free-spirited nature contrasting the more earthbound worldview of their land-bound kin. This dichotomy fosters a complex relationship, marked by a blend of admiration and a recognition of distinct perspectives.

Curious Caution towards Tieflings and Aasimar:
Avariels approach tieflings and aasimar with a curious caution, finding intrigue in their infernal or celestial lineage and unique abilities. The Avariels' cautious stance stems from a consideration of potential threats or advantages in these interactions, recognizing the distinct qualities inherent in the planetouched.
Elemental Fascination with Genasi:
Avariel harbor a fascination for genasi, appreciating their elemental heritage and abilities. The Avariels may view genasi as embodiments of the natural world's raw forces, and their interactions might be marked by a respectful curiosity towards these planetouched beings.

Monstrous Races  
Curiosity tinged with Caution:
Avariels approach monstrous races with a blend of curiosity and caution, intrigued by the diversity of creatures populating the realms. However, their watchful nature also stems from a keen awareness of potential threats, emphasizing the need for vigilance when encountering beings with vastly different appearances and motivations.
Respect for Unconventional Strengths:
Avariel may develop a respectful admiration for certain monstrous races, recognizing their unconventional strengths and abilities. Whether it's the physical prowess of giants or the cunning nature of goblinoids, Avariels appreciate the diversity in the monstrous races, fostering an understanding that goes beyond initial appearances.
Distant Observers of Tribal Dynamics:
Avariels often observe the tribal dynamics of monstrous races from a distance, studying the social structures and hierarchies that define these communities. This detached observation allows Avariels to comprehend the intricacies of monstrous societies without necessarily becoming directly involved.    

Physical Qualities

Winged Splendor:
Avariel are easily identifiable by their large, feathered wings, which allow them to soar through the skies. Their wings' colors can vary, often reflecting the hues of birds native to their homeland.  
Elven Grace:
Like other elves, Avariel possess a natural grace and beauty. They are typically tall and slender with sharp, delicate features.  
Adapted to the Skies:
Their bodies are adapted for flight, with strong, muscular shoulders and light bone structures.    

RP Guide

Humans and Dwarves  
Fascination and Sympathy:
Avariels harbor a nuanced view of humans, balancing fascination with their ambitious nature and innovative spirit, while also feeling sympathy for their grounded existence. The brevity of human lives is acknowledged, creating a mix of appreciation and detachment in Avariels' perception.
Emphasize their love for freedom and the sky. An Avariel character might feel confined and restless in enclosed spaces or when grounded for too long.
Aerial Perspective:
Portray their unique perspective of viewing the world from above, which might make them seem detached or philosophical.
Cultural Isolation:
Reflect their isolation in their interactions. They might be unfamiliar with ground-based customs or wary of those who are not from their community.

Civilization and Culture


Ancient Lineage:
The Avariel are one of the oldest elven races, with a history that stretches back to the earliest days of elfdom.  
Skirmishes and Retreats:
Throughout history, they have faced numerous threats that have pushed them to retreat further into their secluded homes, becoming even more reclusive.  


Nature Deities:
Avariel often worship deities associated with the sky, wind, and freedom. Aerdrie Faenya, the elven goddess of air and birds, is a common deity among them.  
Ancestral Worship:
They might also have a deep respect for their ancestors and the ancient traditions of their people, celebrating them through rituals and festivals.   Avariel elves, also known as winged elves, with their unique traits and culture, might be inclined towards deities that resonate with their love of the sky, freedom, and nature. In the Faerûnian pantheon, several deities could be particularly relevant to the Avariel:  
Aerdrie Faenya:
Known as the Winged Mother, Aerdrie Faenya is the elven goddess of the air, weather, and birds. She is an obvious choice for the Avariel, as she embodies the freedom of the skies and the joy of flight.  
Corellon Larethian:
As the chief deity in the elven pantheon, Corellon Larethian, the creator of all elves, is revered by many Avariel. He represents the ideals of beauty, magic, and the arts, all of which are highly valued by the Avariel.  
Fenmarel Mestarine:
The Lone Wolf, Fenmarel Mestarine, is the elven deity of outcasts and solitude. Avariel, who are often isolated from other elves and races due to their unique nature, might find solace in his teachings.  
Hanali Celanil:
The goddess of love and beauty, Hanali Celanil, could be worshipped by Avariel who cherish the aesthetic aspects of nature and the arts.  
Rillifane Rallathil:
Known as the Leaflord, Rillifane Rallathil is the elven god of nature, woodlands, and protection. Avariel who live in harmony with the natural world might hold Rillifane in high regard.  
The Triune Goddess, composed of Aerdrie Faenya, Hanali Celanil, and Sehanine Moonbow, represents the unity and strength of the elven community. Avariel who seek a balance between individuality and community might be drawn to her.  
Sehanine Moonbow:
The elven goddess of the moon, dreams, and journeys, Sehanine Moonbow, is also a deity that Avariel might feel a connection with, especially those who are introspective and seek to understand the mysteries of life and the universe.  
Solonor Thelandira:
The Great Archer, Solonor Thelandira, is the elven god of hunting, archery, and survival. Avariel hunters or warriors might revere him for his guidance in these pursuits.  
The Rider of the Winds, Shaundakul is a deity of travel and exploration. His domains of wind, portals, and travel align well with the Avariel’s love of flight and exploration.  
The Morninglord, Lathander, a deity of renewal, creativity, youth, and vitality, might appeal to some Avariel, especially those who are optimistic and seek new beginnings.


Kit Items
elfears smallmk1
elfears smallmk2
Elvish Ear A [R]
Elvish Ear A [L]
Elvish Ear B [R]
Elvish Ear B [L]
Elvish Ear A [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear A [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear B [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear D [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [R][ToT]
Elvish Ear E [L][ToT]
Elvish Ear C [R]
Elvish Ear C [L]
Elvish Ear D [R]
Elvish Ear D [L]
Elvish Ear E [R]
Elvish Ear E [L]
Elven Ears (Small) [A]
Elven Ears II (Small) [A]
(T) Small Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Small Elf Ear (Right)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Left)
(T) Medium Elf Ear (Right)
(JCACC) Elf Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Elf Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Left
(JCACC) Elf Ears 3 Right
(JCACC) Large Elf Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Large Elf Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Pointed Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Stretched Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Stretched ears 1 Right
Elf Right
Elf Left
Archangel Wings (Attached)
Archangel Wings Black (Attached)
Angel Wings Folded (Attached)
Angel Wings Folded Brown (Attached)
Angel Wings Folded Black (Attached)
Angel Wings Black (Attached)
Angel Wings (Attached)
Boots of Icarus [Low Gravity]
150 - 180 cm   Lifespan:
700   Starting Language(s):
Common, Elvish   Suggested Alignment:
Any Neutral, Chaotic Good   Racial Tension(s):



  Ability Scores
+1 Dexterity, +1 stat of your choice (other than DEX), -6 Hit Points   Saving Throws
+2 Charisma, +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom   Damage Resistance
None   Skills
+1 on all Intelligence Skills  


  Ability Scores
+1 Dexterity, +1 stat of your choice (other than DEX), -6 Hit Points   Saving Throws
+1 Charisma, +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution   Damage Resistance
None   Skills


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
Fey Ancestry
This creature is immune to sleep effects.
This creature gains access to the Trance ability, replacing their short rest with a long rest.
This creature is able to fly. When retreating they are considered flying and are given access to Boots of Icarus to simulate easier travel through the skies. True flight is unlocked at Master.
Peaceful: Spell Points
This creature gets +4 Spell Points.
Warlike: Damage Threshold
This creature gets +2 DT.
Warlike: Additional Fighting Style
This creature gets an additional fighting style at creation.
Fluff Spells
This creature has access to the fluff spells Gust & Light.