
Race Information

Githzerai are a monastic and introspective race living primarily in the chaos of Limbo. They are known for their discipline, psionic abilities, and dedication to self-perfection and enlightenment.    


Githzerai society is centered around monastic enclaves led by powerful monks and psionic masters known as zerths. These enclaves are bastions of order within the chaotic realm of Limbo, maintained by the collective will and discipline of the githzerai. Their society values asceticism, meditation, and the pursuit of mental and physical perfection.   Githzerai live in communal harmony, with each member contributing to the stability and defense of their enclave. Their leaders are respected for their wisdom and psionic power, guiding the githzerai in their quest for enlightenment and defense against external threats, especially the githyanki.          


Githzerai generally keep to themselves, focusing on their internal development and defense of their enclaves. They harbor a deep-seated enmity towards the githyanki, with whom they share a common ancestry but vastly different philosophies. Githzerai interactions with other races are usually cautious and measured, based on mutual respect and the pursuit of knowledge.    

Physical Qualities

Githzerai have a similar appearance to their githyanki cousins, with lean, wiry builds and sharp features. Their skin tones range from greenish to yellow, and they often have a serene, contemplative expression. Unlike the githyanki, githzerai favor simple, practical clothing and minimal adornment.    

RP Guide

Disciplined and Ascetic
Emphasize your character's dedication to self-discipline and ascetic lifestyle.  
Pursuit of Enlightenment
Highlight a constant quest for mental and physical perfection.  
Defensive and Cautious
Reflect a cautious and measured approach to interactions and conflicts.  
Psionic Mastery
Utilize your character's psionic abilities in a controlled and precise manner.  
Chaos Navigators
Demonstrate your character's ability to maintain order and stability within the chaos of Limbo.

Civilization and Culture


The githyanki and githzerai were once a single race enslaved by mind flayers. They were freed by a legendary leader named Gith, who led them in a successful rebellion against their captors. However, after their liberation, the followers of Gith split into two factions due to philosophical differences.  
Led by Vlaakith, a powerful lich who became their eternal queen, the githyanki chose a path of martial conquest and continued their war against the mind flayers and other enemies.  
Led by Zerthimon, a wise and contemplative leader, the githzerai sought enlightenment and self-perfection, establishing monastic enclaves in Limbo.  
Gith was the legendary leader who united the gith race against their mind flayer oppressors. Her leadership and determination led to their successful rebellion and subsequent freedom. Gith's vision of continued warfare and conquest laid the foundation for the githyanki's militant culture.  
Vlaakith, the lich-queen of the githyanki, is a powerful and feared ruler who commands absolute loyalty from her people. Under her leadership, the githyanki have become a formidable force, known for their relentless pursuit of conquest and mastery of psionics. Vlaakith's reign is marked by her ruthless control and strategic brilliance.  
Zerthimon, the founder of the githzerai, was a wise and introspective leader who advocated for self-perfection and enlightenment. His teachings form the core of githzerai philosophy, emphasizing discipline, meditation, and the pursuit of inner peace. Zerthimon's legacy lives on in the monastic enclaves of the githzerai, guiding them in their quest for balance and harmony amidst chaos.  

Philosophical Differences

The primary philosophical difference between the githyanki and githzerai lies in their approach to their newfound freedom and the path they chose to follow. The githyanki embraced a life of martial conquest and domination, driven by their devotion to Vlaakith and their desire for vengeance against their enemies. In contrast, the githzerai pursued a path of enlightenment and self-perfection, seeking to maintain order and stability within the chaos of Limbo through discipline and introspection. These divergent philosophies have defined their respective cultures and fueled their ongoing rivalry.


Kit Items
Githyanki Ear A [R][ToT]
Githyanki Ear A [L][ToT]
Githyanki Ear B [R][ToT]
Githyanki Ear B [L][ToT]
Githyanki Ear A [R]
Githyanki Ear A [L]
Githyanki Ear B [R]
Githyanki Ear B [L]
(JCACC) Flared Ears 1 Left
(JCACC) Flared Ears 1 Right
(JCACC) Flared Ears 2 Left
(JCACC) Flared Ears 2 Right
(JCACC) Flared Ears 3 Left
(JCACC) Flared Ears 3 Right
(JCACC) Flared Ears 4 Left
(JCACC) Flared Ears 4 Right
Feral Nails (R)
Feral Nails (L)
Feral Toenails (L)
Feral Toenails (R)
150cm - 210cm   Lifespan:
72 - 120   Starting Language(s):
Common, Gith, Undercommon, Deep Speech   Suggested Alignment:
Lawful Neutral   Racial Tension(s):
Mind Flayers, Githyanki


Ability Scores:
+1 Wisdom

Saving Throws:
+1 Intelligence

Damage Resistance:

+2 Against Charm Effects


Githzerai Psionics
The remnants of the Astral Plane still cling to you. You can use the Shield spell once per long rest, and gain access to the Mage Hand fluff spell.
This creature can see in the dark.