Mind Flayers

Race Information

Mind Flayers, also known as Illithids, are a fearsome and enigmatic race in the realms of Faerûn. Renowned for their powerful psychic abilities and insidious nature, Mind Flayers are masters of manipulation and control.    


Underdark Dwellers:
Mind Flayers typically inhabit the Underdark, establishing hidden and heavily fortified settlements.  
Elder Brain Dominance:
Their societies are built around an Elder Brain, a massive, central brain that controls and connects the collective minds of the Mind Flayers.  
Slavery and Expansion:
Mind Flayers are known for enslaving other races and constantly seek to expand their influence and control. They are often engaged in plots to undermine surface societies and other Underdark communities.    


Underdark Strongholds:
Mind Flayers can be found in hidden enclaves throughout the Underdark, such as the infamous Thaymount or the deep caverns beneath the Sword Coast.  
Isolated Enclaves:
They might also establish isolated colonies in remote regions of Faerûn, always hidden from the prying eyes of surface dwellers.   In Faerûn, Mind Flayers represent a hidden threat, lurking in the shadows with plans and machinations that span centuries. Their psychic abilities and insidious nature make them one of the most feared races in the realms.   Mind flayers, also known as illithids, are typically found in the dark recesses of the Underdark. However, there are several reasons why they might venture into the Savage Frontier:  
Expanding Territory:
Mind flayers might be exploring new areas to expand their dominion, seeking fresh territories to conquer and control.  
Hunting for Thralls:
The Savage Frontier could be a hunting ground for mind flayers in search of new thralls. The diverse populations of the region offer a variety of minds for them to dominate and utilize for their purposes.  
Escaping Internal Conflicts:
If a mind flayer colony faces internal strife or challenges to its leadership, some members might flee to the surface to escape these conflicts, finding refuge in the Savage Frontier.  
Seeking Artifacts or Knowledge:
Mind flayers are driven by a thirst for knowledge and arcane power. The Savage Frontier, with its ancient ruins and untapped secrets, could attract them in search of lost artifacts or forgotten lore.  
Conducting Experiments:
The diverse ecosystem and variety of creatures in the Savage Frontier provide a rich environment for mind flayers to conduct their biological and psionic experiments.  
Forming Alliances:
Mind flayers might seek to form strategic alliances with powerful entities or factions within the Savage Frontier to further their goals or gain access to resources.  
Evading Enemies:
Pursued by enemies like the Gith or adventurers, mind flayers might find the relative obscurity of the Savage Frontier a safer haven than the increasingly dangerous Underdark.  
Gathering Intelligence:
The Savage Frontier offers a different perspective and new information for the mind flayers’ ever-expanding knowledge. They might be there to study surface dwellers' behavior, societies, and strengths.  
Cult Activities:
Some mind flayers form cults among surface dwellers, using them as pawns or for feeding purposes. The Savage Frontier’s remote areas are ideal for such clandestine activities.  
Fulfilling a Greater Scheme:
Mind flayers could be operating in the Savage Frontier as part of a larger, more intricate plan that involves multiple regions and objectives, possibly even interplanar endeavors.      


Feared and Loathed:
Due to their predatory nature and penchant for enslaving other races, Mind Flayers are universally feared and loathed.  
Conflicts with Other Races:
They often come into conflict with dwarves, drow, and other denizens of the Underdark.  
Manipulative Diplomacy:
Mind Flayers may engage in deceptive diplomacy when it serves their interests, using their psychic powers to manipulate and control.   Mind Flayers, also known as Illithids, are a highly intelligent and psionically powerful race known for their manipulative and often malevolent nature. Their view of other races in Faerûn is largely influenced by their perception of superiority and their need to control or exploit others for their own ends. Here's an overview of how Mind Flayers typically view various races:  
Mind Flayers see humans primarily as resources. Due to their abundance and relatively weaker minds, humans are often viewed as ideal candidates for enslavement or as hosts for ceremorphosis, the process of transforming a humanoid into a new Mind Flayer.  
Elves and Dwarves:
These long-lived races are seen by Mind Flayers as more challenging but rewarding targets. Elves, with their strong minds, are particularly valued for their psychic energy. Dwarves, being more resilient, are often seen as durable laborers.  
Halflings and Gnomes:
Mind Flayers view these smaller races as lesser threats and potential sources of labor. Their communities can be targets for subjugation or experimentation.  
Orcs and Goblinoids:
Generally considered as crude and less intellectually stimulating, orcs and goblinoids are often disregarded by Mind Flayers unless they can be used as muscle or pawns in the Illithids' schemes.  
Tieflings and Aasimar:
These planetouched races might intrigue Mind Flayers due to their unique abilities and heritage. However, they are still seen as tools to be manipulated or studied.  
Drow and Other Underdark Races:
While Mind Flayers maintain a level of respect for the drow due to their intelligence and magical prowess, they still view them as potential rivals or subjects for manipulation. Other Underdark races are also seen through a lens of utility and control.  
Beholders and Other Aberrations:
Mind Flayers have a complex relationship with other aberrations. While they may collaborate with creatures like beholders, there's often a mutual distrust and power struggle.  
Viewed with caution and respect for their power, Mind Flayers may seek to avoid direct confrontation with dragons while also recognizing the potential benefits of manipulating or controlling such powerful beings.  
The Gith, former slaves of the Mind Flayers, are seen as mortal enemies. Mind Flayers hold a particular animosity towards them and are always wary of their rebellions and attacks.      

Physical Qualities

Alien Appearance:
Mind Flayers have a humanoid form with an octopus-like head, featuring tentacles around their mouths. They use these tentacles to feed on the brains of sentient creatures.  
Slender Build:
They possess a slender, almost frail physical build, relying more on their psychic prowess than physical strength.  
Chitinous Skin:
Their skin is often a purplish-blue hue, smooth, and exuding an alien and intimidating aura.    

RP Guide

Intellectual Superiority:
Portray their belief in their intellectual superiority over other races, which drives their actions and interactions.  

Psychic Prowess:

Emphasize their powerful psychic abilities, using mind control, telepathy, and other mental powers in interactions and combat.  
Mysterious and Calculating:
Mind Flayers are secretive and strategic, always planning several steps ahead. They rarely reveal their true intentions.

Civilization and Culture


Ancient Origins:
Mind Flayers claim an ancient and mysterious origin, believed to have once ruled vast empires across multiple dimensions.  
Fall and Secrecy:
After the fall of their empires, they retreated into the depths of the Underdark, shrouding their activities in secrecy.  


Worship of the Elder Brain:
The closest thing to a deity in a mind flayer community is the elder brain, a collective consciousness formed from the brains of deceased illithids. It serves as the leader and guiding force of a mind flayer colony. While not a deity per se, the elder brain commands a god-like reverence and obedience from the mind flayers.  
Cults and Other Entities:
Some Mind Flayers might secretly worship ancient and forbidden entities or engage in dark cults that align with their insidious goals.   Mind flayers, or illithids, are known for their disdain of gods and their reliance on their own psionic abilities and elder brain for guidance. In the Dungeons & Dragons universe, particularly in Faerûn, mind flayers typically do not worship deities in the traditional sense. However, there are a few exceptions and related entities that might be revered or acknowledged by them in certain contexts:  
Ilithor, the Shadowed Mind:
In some lore, Ilithor is a mind flayer deity representing the pursuit of arcane knowledge and the expansion of illithid influence. Ilithor is not widely recognized or worshipped but might be revered by a subset of illithids who are more inclined towards religious belief.  
Ghaunadaur (That Which Lurks):
Ghaunadaur is a deity of oozes, slimes, and aberrations. While not specifically a mind flayer god, some illithids might revere or make pacts with Ghaunadaur, given their shared affinity for the strange and aberrant.  
Tharizdun, the Chained God:
Known for his madness and destructive potential, Tharizdun is sometimes associated with aberrations and madness. A few mind flayers might be drawn to Tharizdun’s chaotic and destructive aspects, although this would be rare.  
Great Old Ones and Outer Gods:
In settings where Lovecraftian entities are included, mind flayers might acknowledge or seek to commune with these cosmic beings, drawn by their alien nature and vast psionic powers.  
Secular Worship:
In rare cases, a mind flayer might venerate a deity for strategic or arcane reasons, particularly if that god’s portfolio aligns with the illithid’s personal goals or the colony’s interests.


Kit Items
Eyes of Ymir White (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Teal (Attached)
Eyes of Ymir Dodger Blue (Attached)
Unequip Attached Eyes
Octabrain Helmet
[C] Tentacle I
[C] Tentacle II
Octopus Hat (Attached)
[C] Spider Part
Demon Head
Demon Legs
Demon Arms
Demon Torso
Demon Hands
Demon Feet
(HA) Bird Feet
[C] Fin
Shark Arm Fins I [A]
Left Eye (Animated)
Right Eye (Animated)
Left Eye
Right Eye
Demon Bottom
170 - 200 cm   Lifespan:
125 Years   Starting Language(s):
Common, Deep Speech, Undercommon   Suggested Alignment:
Lawful, Evil   Racial Tension(s):


Ability Scores:
+1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma

Saving Throws:
+1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +1 Charisma, -1 Strength, -1 Constitution

Damage Resistance:

+2 to all Intelligence skills, +2 to all Charisma skills


Dark Vision
This creature can see in the dark.
Magic of the Mind
This creature gains access to the following spells and rituals:
  • Dominate Creature
  • Charm Creature
  • Telekinesis
  • Dimension Door
  • Mage Hand
  • Disguise Self
  • Mind Blast
    Once per long rest, as a full action, this creature can select up to 1 target within 12 tiles of them. This target must succeed a saving throw against the caster's highest casting modifier. On a failed save, the target takes 3d10+Mastery Psychic damage and are paralyzed for 1 turn. On a successful save, the targets take half damage and are not paralyzed.
    This creature is able to move up and down walls without movement penalties and has access to Boots of Icarus to simulate easier travel. This creature may NOT escape combat by flight.
    Keen Strategist Feat
    This feat adds half of the creature's intelligence to their initiative and a +1 to their intelligence saves.
    Fluff Spells
    This creature has access to the fluff spells Minor Illusion, Prestidigitation, & Mage Hand.